Scientifically proven, it is the influence of reading Qur'aanScientific research of influence of readings of the Qur'an on the nerves, brain and other organs. There are no more readings that can improve against the memory and gives tranquility to someone except reading Qur'aan.Dr. Al Qaadi, through a long and serious research in a large Clinic Florida United States, prove successful only by listening to the reading of the verses of the Glorious Qur'an, a Muslim, either those who speak Arabic or not, can feel a very great physiological changes.Decreased depression, grief, gain peace of soul, ward off various diseases is General perceived influence of people who become the object of his research. The discovery of the soul surgeons is not haphazard.His research is supported with the help of the latest electronic equipment to detect blood pressure, heart rate, muscle endurance, and the resilience of the skin against the flow of electricity.From the test results concluded that he tried it, reading the Koran great influential to 97% in birth to peace of mind and healing disease.Research Dr. Al Qaadi is bolstered by other research performed by different doctors. In the report of a study presented at the Conference of Islamic Medical North America in 1984, mentioned, the Quran is proven capable of bringing tranquillity to 97% for those who listen to it.The conclusion of the trial results are reinforced by research Muhammad Salim published Boston University. The object of his research towards a 5 person volunteers consisting of 3 men and 2 women. The fifth person is absolutely not understand Arabic and they were not informed that that would be diperdengarkannya is the Qur'an. Research conducted as many as 210 this time divided into two sessions, namely, reciting the Qur'an with tartil and recited the Arabic language that are not from the Quran.In conclusion, the respondents get a peace of up to 65% when listening to readings of the Qur'an and obtain peace of only 35% when listening to the Arabic language instead of the Qur'an.The Qur'an gives great influence if it is played to the baby. It revealed Dr. Nurhayati of Malaysia in Islamic Counselling and psychotherapy Seminar in Malaysia in 1997.According to his research, a 48-hour-old baby whom played verses from the Qur'aan from the tape recorder shows response to smile and be more quiet.It is indeed a pleasure and happiness is great, we have a Qur'an. Besides being a worship in reading it, his reading gave great influence to our physical and spiritual life.If listening to classical music can affect the intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) someone, reading Qur'aan over it. In addition to affecting IQ and EQ, reading Qur'aan affect spiritual intelligence (SQ).
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