Kriteria dari 2 proyeksi yang digunakan menghasilkan radiograf yang da terjemahan - Kriteria dari 2 proyeksi yang digunakan menghasilkan radiograf yang da Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kriteria dari 2 proyeksi yang digun

Kriteria dari 2 proyeksi yang digunakan menghasilkan radiograf yang dapat menunjukkan :
 Tampak kontras mengisi lumen ileum terminal, cecum, colon ascendens, dan colon tranversum samapi ke rectum.
 Tampak bahan kontras tidak mengisi lumen appendiks.

3.2.3.b Processing Film :
1) Image receptor yang sudah terekspose dimasukkan ke reader CR untuk di baca oleh komputer.
2) Gambar radiograf ditampilkan pada layar monitor komputer.
3) Selanjutnya gambar radiograf diolah sesuai dengan kondisi yang diinginkan.
4) Gambar radiograf dicetak dengan printer DryPixplus.
5) Satu film ukuran 17 x 14 cm dibagi tiga untuk 1 untuk Antero Posterior (AP), dan 2 untuk Right Posterior Oblique (RPO).

3.2.3.c Proteksi Radiasi
Proteksi radiasi “Pemeriksaan Appendicogram dengan Indikasi Appendicitis di Instalasi Radiologi RSUD Tidar Kota Magelang” adalah sebagai berikut :
 Untuk Pasien :
 Penggunaan waktu eksposi yang sekecil mungkin.
 Lapangan radiasi (kolimator) dibuka seoptimal mungkin.
 Untuk Pekerja Radiasi :
 Petugas berlindung dibelakang tabir pengaman saat pemeriksaan berlangsung.
 Untuk Masyarakat Umum :
 Pada saat pemotretan berlangsung diharuskan pintu kamar pemeriksaan dalam keadaan tertutup

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Criteria of 2 projection used produce a radiograph may show: Looks contrast filling the lumen of terminal ileum, cecum, colon ascendens, and colon tranversum to to the rectum. Looks contrast material is not filling the lumen of the Appendix. IMPRESSION: NON FILING APPENDIX3.2.3. b Film Processing:1) Image receptor already inserted an exposé by CR reader to read by the computer.radiograph Image 2) is displayed on the screen of computer monitor.3) Further processed radiograph images in accordance with the desired conditions.radiograph Image 4) printed with the printer DryPixplus.5) one film size 5 x 14 cm divided three to 1 for the Antero Posterior (AP) and 2 for the Right Posterior Oblique (RPO). 3.2.3. c Radiation Protection Radiation protection "Appendicogram Examination with an indication of the Appendicitis in the installation of the PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL Tidar Magelang city Radiology" is as follows: for patients: the use of a eksposi time as small as possible. Field radiation (kolimator) opened seoptimal possible. For Radiation Workers: Officers took refuge behind the veil of security when the inspection took place. for the general public: On while shooting took place required door closed in the State examination
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Criteria of 2 projections used to produce radiographs can show:
 contrast Looks fill the lumen of the terminal ileum, cecum, colon ascendens and colon tranversum till rectum.
 Looks contrast material does not fill the lumen of the appendix.

3.2.3 .b Film Processing:
1) image receptor that has been exposed is inserted into the CR reader to be read by the computer.
2) Figure radiograph is displayed on a computer screen.
3) Further radiograph image is processed in accordance with the desired conditions.
4) Figure radiograph printed DryPixplus printer.
5) the movie size 17 x 14 cm divided by three to one for Antero Posterior (AP), and 2 for the Right Posterior Oblique (RPO).

3.2.3.c radiation Protection
radiation protection "Examination Indications Appendicogram with Appendicitis in Installation Radiology Hospital Tidar Magelang City "is as follows:
 To Patients:
 Use time eksposi is as small as possible.
 Courses radiation (collimators) opened as optimally as possible.
 To Worker radiation:
 the clerk took refuge behind a veil of safety during the inspection took place.
 To Society general:
 At the time of the shooting took place are required in the examination room door closed state

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