5. That, it turns out at the time of filing the application process to obtain the IMTA running, the Department of Labor to convey to the Company that, for the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners who live abroad are not required to have IMTA, it is in connection with the new ministerial regulation terbitkannya on October 23, 2015: "Regulation of the Minister of Labour RI 35 2015 About the Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Labour No. 16, 2015, On Procedures for Use of Foreign Workers ".
6. That, with respect to matters mentioned above, I, as the Director representing the Company, hereby submit an application to the Notary Office Hasbullah Abdul Rashid, SH, MKn., To print the SK referred and present it to the Company;
7. And, with respect to the above, then I, as Director representing the Company expressly stated:
a. The Company is fully responsible for any losses arising both material and immaterial and all legal consequences arising from the application until the issuance of the Decree in question, either civil or criminal; and
b. The Company guarantees Notary fully liberate and release of all claims, lawsuits / claims either Civil or Criminal of the Company or its affiliates and other third parties.
C. The Company also fully responsible for any losses arising both material and immaterial and all legal consequences arising related to positions in the run Mr. Vishwanath Mathur, such as the Commissioner of the Company, whenever there is a conflict, discrepancy and contrary to the Laws of RI, both existing (following amendments thereto), including a successor who is still associated and Legislation RI State published thereafter, and Legislation other relevant RI State.
8. That the Company is fully responsible for any consequences arising both civil and criminal in connection with these statements
Similarly, the Statement was made in good faith and to be used properly.
Jakarta, __, December 2015 Stamp Rp. 6000 and the company stamp __________________ Director of the Company
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