Cara pemasangan infus Sesuai DENGAN SPO (standar operasional prosedur pengajian Ditulis oleh tiara FebrianiSeperti Yang kitd industri tahu Dan kitd lihat dirumah sakit Banyak Sekali Pasien Yang dirawat menggunakan infus PADA serbi mereka, nah, Sekarang disini Saya memberitahu bagaimana Cara infus memasangkan yang Benar. Tindakan Suami Sering merupakan tindakan life saving seperti PADA Kehilangan Cairan Yang Banyak, Dehidrasi Dan syok, KARENA ITU keberhasilan terapi yang Dan Cara pemberian Yang Aman diperlukan Pengetahuan Dasar TENTANG Keseimbangan Cairan.Agar LEBIH Jelas sebelumnya Saya akan menjelaskan Apa Itu infus Dan APA tujuan pemasangan infus Sendiri.v Pemberian Cairan intravena (infus)Memasukkan Cairan ATAU obat Langsung melalui pembuluh vena Darah hearts Disetor Dan Waktu Tertentu DENGAN menggunakan infus set .seperti Suami gambar infus setv Tujuan1. Mengembalikan Dan mempertahankan Keseimbangan Cairan Dan Elektrolit Tubuh2. Memberikan obat3. transfusi Darah Dan Produk Darah4. Memberikan nutrisi parenteral Dan suplemen nutrisiDisini JUGA Saya akan Memberi industri tahu Persiapan untuk review memasang infus SEBAGAI berikut:v Persiapan1. Persiapan PasienØ Pasien diberi Penjelasan TENTANG Prosedur Yang akan dilakukanv Persiapan alatØ Standar infusØ Cairan infus Infus Dan mengatur Kebutuhan SesuaiØ Jarum / jarum sayap / abocath Sesuai DENGAN ukuran Yang DibutuhkanØ Perlak Dan tourniquetØ the plaster and scissorsØ BentØ gloves CleanØ Kassa seterilØ alcohol Cotton hearts TERMAMPATNYABethadine hearts TERMAMPATNYAv penatalaksanaannya1. Wash googleabout2. Inform the actions taken will be3. Fill hose infusion4. Open the plastic infusion set Correctly5. Keep end of hose sterile6. Drape the infusion set with fluid infusion Fluid infusion leads to the position over the7. Hang the Fluid infusion in the infusion Fluids standard8. Fill the liquid infusion set by pressing the way (but Not submerged)9. Fill the hose with the correct Fluid infusion10. Close the other end of the hose and the CAP with retaining kesterilan11. Check the presence of the air hose of hearts12. Wear Gloves when necessary13. Choose the right position for the review put an infusion14. Put the leaders And pengalas3. Choose the right vein And Right16. install the tourniquet17. Deninfeksi vein with alcohol From the bottom with a single clear differences18. open the abocath whether there is any damage or NOT19. Menusukan abocath on a vein That has been selected20. Pay attention to the existence of the blood the blood compartment hearts abocath hearts21. the tourniquet on disconnect10. Connect The hose with the tip had been to PT KARYA CIPTA SON issued fluid for a bit, and While it is left dripping a little bit23. Give the plaster on the ends of abocath BUT do not touch the area of the stabbing to fixation review24. Wrap with kassa kassa betadinsteril and covering it with a dry sterile25. Give Plaster heard right and maintain the Security abocath in order not to cut out26. Arrange droplet infusion Fluids according to needs of patients27. The instruments dealt with in And note how the response of the patient28. The nurse Again wash your hands29. Note the actions takenv EvaluationNote the smooth infusion, and also note the response Clients awarding action against.v DocumentationTake note of the actions that have been done (the timing of implementation, the results of the findings of the action, Reaction response of the client Against the installation of a drip, drip And given Fluids, number abocath, the vein that was installed, and a NURSE who conducted) on Entry DocumentationWell that's how to install Appropriate infusion SPO (standard operational procedure of recitation) that I can write the article hearts Husband may be beneficial.
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