In the 8th century Demak still the Strait Muria, mainland Demak located by the sea and is located approximately 30 km of coastline in the current era, the island Muria alone is estimated to exist in the northern island of Java
Demak, a town situated on the banks of the river Tuntang where the water comes from a swamp near Pengjing dizziness. Demak layout is quite favorable for trade and agricultural activities. The strait that separates Central Java and the island muria wide enough and can be bypassed by ship or boat freely, resulting from Semarang via Demak boat can sail up to the sanctuary, starch, Juwana, and twilight.
In the 9th century Demak began formed simultaneously with the development Ancient Mataram kingdom and proceed up to the 17th century where the strait was not navigable.
Mainland Demak in the 17th century in the form of raised ground sedimentary deposit is the initial formation of mangrove ecosystems
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