Greetings,OK. I will explain the condition of our country first. There are details that idea in my brain about what projects later that corresponds with your hopes and dreams I will overtake the presentasikan if you are interested. why this is so. I hope you get to know in advance what kind of atmosphere in our country. our country is an archipelago. with the fourth largest population in the world. one of the biggest petroleum producing countries in the world. It's not as big as countries in the Middle East. but it is worth to be taken into account. aside from the produce. with a large number of scattered islands in our country. be it large or small island island. the tourism sector also can't be considered one eye. our country has beautiful beaches over their respective island. with uniqueness and exoticism of a different side. a lot of potential that can be dug up from there. our current Government is more concentrated in revamping and infrastructure development. much needed supporting facilities (hotels, apartments, shopping malls, luxury residential, and others). with the leadership of our President is currently a lot of bureaucratic convenience to make investments. Hopefully, a little bit of discussion I am about the climate and conditions in our country can make you interested in investing in our country. Thank you for your attention and cooperation
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