ABSTRACT The thesis entitled "Application of Multiple Intelligences in Religious Education", prepared by Rian Sulistyohadi NIM: 2846134039, Graduate Program, program as the Islamic Religious Education Studies (PAI), the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung, supervisor: 1) Dr. Sokip, M.Pd. I, 2) Dr. Aminudin H. Zein, M. Si. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, Learning Keagmaan background of this research is the human being has feelings, intellect, character is diverse, all of it is actually a variety of forms of intelligence. Based on student development theory, it is believed that every student is born with more than one talent. Each student has a talent: the ability that stands out in one of the aspects of personality, which is obtained as innate. Therefore, since the birth of each student no fool, that there is a bright child in different aspects. This study focused on Application of Multiple Intelligences In Religious Education, which is where the detailed research questions: 1. How is the application of linguistic intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 2. How is the implementation of kinesthetic intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 3. How does the application of musical intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 4. How does the application of intrapersonal intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 5. How do strategies to improve the application of multiple intelligences in religious learning in MTsN Bandung and Bandung MTs Al-Huda? 6. What factors supporting and inhibiting the application of multiple intelligences in religious learning in MTsN Bandung and Bandung MTs Al-Huda? Methodology This research uses, data collection is done by using observation, interviews, and qualitative research approaches. To avoid mistakes, then held data validity checking with confirmation techniques and discussions with colleagues. Then the data is analyzed then reduced, presenting further data held conclusion. The research found that 1. Application of linguistic intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN menitiktekankan on application speak with three stages, the first planning activities include listening, discussion, imitating, and reviewing. The second implementation, by applying the advanced use of language. Thirdly, the evaluation of students' interest in child psychology, namely, cooperation between teachers and parents. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung, planning activities include the introduction mufrodat, Drill method, lectures, and discussions. Implementation, ie learning in a fun way, and coaching students who follow the Olympics. Evaluation was conducted covering aspects of assessment of memorizing, writing, active discussions and assignments. 2. Application of kinesthetic intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN planning activities using methods of lecture and discussion. The implementation is done in 2 kinds of practices and learning techniques to provide infrastructure facilities. Evaluation of students in terms of cognitive and psychomotor. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning methods lectures, and discussions. Menitiktekankan on the implementation aspects of the child motion hablum minallah and hablum minannas. Evaluation includes the assessment board, attitudes, skills and oral. 3. Application of musical intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The MTsN Bandung, planning activities using methods lecture, discussion, and frequently asked questions. Implementation more menitiktekankan on the use of music or sounds of LCD, sound systems and others. Evaluations include test scores or cognitive or psychomotor and practices. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using the lecture method and CTL (Contekstual Teaching Learning). Implementation using a combination of classic and modern media. Evaluation includes students' skills in writing materials and children's attitudes. 4. The application of intrapersonal intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN menitiktekankan on the application of self reflection and introspection. Planning activities through the creation of the RPP. Implementation more teachers to use modern activities such as ceremonies and istighostah. Evaluation includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using methods that lecture. Implementation using classical media, namely textbooks. In terms of practice, namely istighosah and direction of teacher BK. In terms of evaluating all depends on the input of a child. 5. Strategy implementation of multiple intelligences in religious learning. The MTsN Bandung, more planning activities programmed in the RPP. In practice teachers implement instructional strategies that conditional, guided and debriefing. The evaluation by asking the help of a team of psychology. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities emphasize on improving the competence of educators. Evaluation includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 6. The supporting factors and inhibitors of multiple intelligences in improving religious learning in their respective educational institutions. The MTsN Bandung, namely by supporting factor is applied in the form of a special class hardware, facilities media tools, facilities and infrastructure. While inhibiting factors include the hardware and software in the form of a holiday schedule incompatibility with the education calendar. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung, supporting factors include the Full Day class, in the form of hardware and software infrastructure facilities in the form of competence educators. While inhibiting factors such as lack of collaboration software that parents and teachers in motivating students.
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