Full Name: Chandra Adi Prakoso
Popular Name: Chand Kelvin
Date of Birth: March 17, 1985
Zodiac: Pisces
Religion: Islam
Profession: Actor and Model
Name of Mother: Sriwidarti
Father Name: Slamet Suharto
Children to - 1 of 3 siblings
sister First: Aditya Solar
Sister second: Dessy Ayu Astrini
Hobby: Main Drum
Education: University of Persada Indonesia (UPI) YAI
Chan started his career as a finalist Coverboy magazine Aneka Yess! in Jakarta in 2005. But not long deals in the field of entertainment, Chand Kelvin should the vacuum of the entertainment world, because Chan bloody Betawi-Solo must complete his college education at the University of Persada Indonesia YAI, in the area of Salemba, Central Jakarta.
Chandra Adi Prakoso or better known by the name of Chand Kelvin (born in Jakarta, March 17, 1985; age 31) is an actor and model from Indonesia. Name Chand Kelvin is the stage name, in which Chan from Chandra and Kelvin from the Roman, which means the flow of the river that flows (sustenance flows like a river).
After a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering (S-1) is already in his hand, he worked in a factory Jababeka industrial area , Cikarang. But he did not have time to linger work in the factory in order to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. After two years of vacuum, the first child of three brothers returning to the world of entertainment homeland, became a sitcom actress, FTV, model or commercials. He has starred in several soap operas such as Star and loving 2. In addition he also has starred in several television movies such as 'Rasta Bandelz', 'My love Bedug thick skin' and 'Cinderella Being Changed'.
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