Teori hak-hak kodrati telah berjasa dalam menyiapkan landasan bagi sua terjemahan - Teori hak-hak kodrati telah berjasa dalam menyiapkan landasan bagi sua Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Teori hak-hak kodrati telah berjasa

Teori hak-hak kodrati telah berjasa dalam menyiapkan landasan bagi suatu sistem hukum yang dianggap superior ketimbang hukum nasional suatu negara, yaitu norma HAM internasional. Namun demikian, kemunculan sebagai norma internasional yang berlaku di setiap negara membuatnya tidak sepenuhnya lagi sama dengan konsep awalnya sebagai hak-hak kodrati. Substansi hak-hak yang terkandung di dalamnya juga telah jauh melampaui substansi hak-hak yang terkandung dalam hak kodrati (sebagaimana yang diajukan oleh John Locke). Kandungan hak dalam gagasan HAM sekarang bukan hanya terbatas pada hakhak sipil dan politik, tetapi juga mencakup hak-hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Bahkan belakangan ini substansinya bertambah dengan munculnya hak-hak “baru” yang disebut “hak-hak solidaritas”. Dalam konteks keseluruhan inilah seharusnya makna HAM dipahami dewasa ini
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Rights theory is not supernatural had been instrumental in setting up the Foundation for a legal system that is considered superior than a country's national law, namely international HUMAN RIGHTS norms. Nevertheless, the emergence as international norms that apply in each country make it not fully the same again with the concept initially as the rights is not supernatural. The substance of the rights contained therein have also been far beyond the substance of the rights contained in the right is not supernatural (as proposed by John Locke). The content of the rights in the idea of HUMAN RIGHTS is now not just limited to hakhak civil and political, but also includes the rights of economic, social and cultural. Even this latter substance increases with the advent of "new rights" called "solidarity rights". In the overall context of this is supposed to be the meaning of HUMAN RIGHTS is understood nowadays
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The theory of natural rights had been instrumental in preparing the ground for a legal system that is considered superior to the domestic law of a country, which international human rights norms. However, as the emergence of international norms that apply in each country make it fully again equal to the original concept as natural rights. The substance of the rights contained in it also has far surpassed the substance of the rights contained in the natural right (as proposed by John Locke). The content of the notion of human rights is now not only limited to the rights of civil and political, but also includes the rights of economic, social and cultural. Even recently substantially increased with the advent of the rights of the "new" so-called "rights of solidarity". In this overall context should be understood the meaning of human rights today
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