langkah-langkah cara membuat pagar besi Ukur terlebih dahulu panjang a terjemahan - langkah-langkah cara membuat pagar besi Ukur terlebih dahulu panjang a Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

langkah-langkah cara membuat pagar

langkah-langkah cara membuat pagar besi

Ukur terlebih dahulu panjang area yang akan diberi pagar besi,
Tentukan desain pagar yang menurut anda cocok
Memilih Jenis besi yang anda inginkan sebagai bahan material pembuatan pagar, beberapa jenis besi antara lain besi hollow, besi stainless steel, atau besi tempa. Saran saya gunakan saja besi hollow karena lebih banyak digunakan untuk desain rumah minimalis dan mudah didapatkan.
Lakukan pemotongan besi sesuai dengan bentuk dan motif yang ingin dibuat. Untuk besi tempa yang akan diukir, setelah pemotongan dilakukan pembentukan motif atau gambar.
lakukan pengelasan antar besi untuk menyambung agar kuat dan kokoh.
lakukan ngampelas besi setelah pengelasan, hal ini bertujuan agar permukaan pagar lebih halus.
Finishing berupa pengecetan, cara atau metode mengecat bisa menggunakan teknik cat semprot tekanan tinggi atau menggunakan kuas.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
the steps how to make iron fence Measure the length of the first areas to be given an iron fence, Specify the design of the fence that you think fits Choose the type of iron that you want as the materials of manufacture of fences, some types of iron iron hollow, among others, iron, stainless steel, or wrought iron. My advice use only iron hollow because it is more widely used for house design minimalist and easily obtained. Do the cutting iron in accordance with forms and motifs that want created. For wrought iron which will be carved, after cutting done forming the motif or image. do welding between iron to connect so that it is strong and sturdy. do ngampelas iron after welding, it is aimed so that the surface of the fence is more subtle. Finishing the form pengecetan, or repainting methods can use the technique of high pressure spray paint or use a brush.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
step-by-step how to create an iron fence Measure the first length of the area to be given an iron fence, Determine fence designs that you see fit Choosing the type of iron that you want as materials fencing, some types of iron among others, hollow steel, iron, stainless steel, or wrought iron. My advice just use hollow steel because it is more widely used for home design minimalist and easy to obtain. Cut the iron according to the shape and pattern you want to create. For wrought iron which will be carved out, after the cutting is done formation motif or image. Doing welding between iron to connect so strong and sturdy. Do ngampelas steel after welding, it is intended that the surface of the fence is more subtle. Finishing the form of painting, means or methods of paint can using a high pressure spray paint technique or brush.

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