How many cards that we share?Do not for the first time, beat the cards in advance(Shuffling cards)Already beat the cards, we are for cardsHow many cards that will be shared for everyone?Each get 6 cards(Split card)The first card of the color yellow 8The first to start the main who?My first dilanjut niko and nandaAlrightI have a yellow color and blue the numbers 9Do not be happy in the past, I have a blue card with the number 8Then I will issue number 9 blueReverse card blue. Hahahaha ..... nanda mainNiko, I'll skip you (removing the block card card)Oh my God. When I got the card block card means handi also skip Means I play again?IYA kan skipnya 2 timesI don't have a green card (retrieve card)I have a green card number 5Jenjeng (shows the card 6 green)Oh MY God is green again, I have no (take the cards)UNO (card number 7 blue and red)UNO again (removing the yellow number 7 card)Double room 2 (red and yellow)Alas I have no (take the cards)I also do not haveI don't have the same (take the cards)(take the cards)UNO free color I chose yellow and I won firstI pulled out the yellow number 8I pulled out the number 8 blueI have a blue number 2UNO. The NDA, you take 4 cards (card + 4)(Take the cards)I champion 2 and third place
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