Chapter 3: The Lion, the Tape, and theWardrobeHangover - The Lion, The Tape, and TheWardrobe... Oh and the Corpse"Hey look theres Bossun, walking as drunk as Ithought he would..." Himeko said as we watchthe video."Why am I in a hoody? And why am I holding aglass of wi- Holy Shit!""So, I threw the bottle, and it just ignitedautomatically... How does that work?""Shhh... Just look...""Wow did that guy just give me a bag full ofcash...""You're the one who walked away...""I was drunk!""Shut up you two! This video may not havesound, but I'm pretty you, Bossun can figure outwhat happened...""Okay, let me just put o- Hey! Who's goggles arethese... Where the hell are my goggles!""Just use it for now...""Okay...""Hmm... I came in wasted, but that's obvious...When I threw my bottle of wine it blew out like amolotov coctail, So since I threw it to the leftside of the building, the bank, Which means therewas some type of fire... Maybe a smoker... Theonly bank in Tokyo that allows smoking is thenational transit bank..."I went to the national transit bank! *Cough*Cough*""Bossun your awsome!""Let's go! There must be someone around therethat knew abit about us...""Wait a minute... You said we won 50 millionyen last night... At that bastard's casino... Butwe couldn't have spent all our money backthere... We spent it at another casino!""That's good... But not enough... There aredozens of casinos in Japan...""You're right... The amount of chips we havehere in your room is worth a hundred thousandyen...""Oh god, I need to poop...""Are you serious...""Just let me go to your bathroom!""Fine it's right there...""Okay thanks""Oh hey lion... Aah! It's a lion!" I said as I ranout of the bathroom..."Switch! There's a lion in your bathroom!""Wait, what?! How?!""I don't know! Look for something to net himdown!""I have a net in my wardrobe""Get it! The lock can't hold him forever!""Holy shit! There's a dead guy in my closet!"Switch turned his speaker volume to max."What is going on here! First I found me andHimeko kissed last night, then...""You two kissed! I would be so happy if I wasn'tso freaked out right now!""Switch grab the poker chips, Himeko carry thecorpse, I'll make a net""Why do I have to carry the corpse?""Because I don't want you to get hurt by thislion, and Switch can't carry the corpse, he's toodang weak!""So you want me to carry the corpse becauseI'm the only one strong enough?!""I want you to carry the corpswe because I carefor the both of you, so get out!" Himeko's facedturned pink after I said that."O... Okay! C'mon Switch!""Kk""What the hell is keke?""I meant to say kay kay""Oh alri-""The lock's broken! The lion's loose!""He's blocked the door!""Jump through the window!""Are you serious?!""It's either that or being mauled by a lion...""Fine...""three, two-""Jump!""Did you jump at two? Why did you make mejump at two?! I was scared shitless!""I'm sorry... But hey atleast we avoided thelion...""Actually, a lion counts as a cat...""So?""A cat always lands on all fours... Wait, wheresBossun?" As Switch said those Himeko turnedaround to realize I was gone..."Just taking a headstart...(whistles)""Bossun we can't leave I'm carrying a goddanmcorpse!""Oh... Huh... I forgot about him...""Whe... Where am I?!""Holy shit he's alive!
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