INTRODUCTION Safety is one of the basic principles in the management of transportation, so it should be in the construction or planning a transportation system considering the aspects of safety, however, the data field is still frequently encountered components of the transportation system that still contained the safety aspect, it is seen with the rise of accidents happen. Traffic accidents have a very broad impact on society, in terms of social life, as well as the impact of the material, even accidents in Indonesia has resulted in material losses were very high, approximately Rp. 30.85 trillion (US $ 3.5 billions), not including maintenance costs, loss of lives and productivity, so should it be a serious concern for the government, both central and local governments. Losses due to accidents in Indonesia above, road transport modes who bear the greatest burden in comparison to other modes. The growth of private vehicle ownership is very high which in turn is used in the road, causing the burden of road networks become increasingly severe and cause traffic problems. System integration has to be supported by facilities and good infrastructure by all parties, from the public, the operators, to regulators as stakeholders, so as to create transport system capable of realizing the safety, security, prosperity and order in traffic. Given the importance of the above problems and so the importance of the required data then drafted safety performance of road transport books are arranged in order of Professional Work Practice. The expected performance of the book can be used as an attempt to address transportation problems existing descriptions, helpful for policy makers and stakehoulder, stakeholders, and the public in taking the right decisions to improve the safety and security as well as fluency in the implementation of the road transport system.
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