The beach house with a degree of privacy theycouldnt have during the weekAnnie was cleared to go back to work parttime initially, but soon got herself back into Therhythm and was working full-time by June. Heraide stayed with her throughout the day, providing those things she could no longer dolone like eating and drinking fetching andcarrying things around for her, setting up theiPad or laptop. Her secretary, Gloria, Hadmoved to her new office with her and providedplenty of assistance with all the paperwork Andher minions just did as they were asked Whenit came to research Where she had rushedaround at work like someone possessed in Thepast, she now had others come to her insteadShe no longer had the physical ability to rushout to a meeting with a client; Meetings nowlargely happened in her office, like the Othersenior partners at the firm clients who hadhad her at their beck and call for years, Nowfound themselves summoned to her officeinstead. She enjoyed the change in the balanceof her workload as a result and in case youmight think clients would go elsewhere, nolonger wishing to be defended by someonewho was obviously seriously disabled, Thinkagain. Annie was a terrific lawyer, whether Shewas in a wheelchair or not and her clients Knewit She also knew the law was on her side whenit came to discrimination. Regardless of herimited physical capacity, it didnt take long for ...
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