camera DOS #2 ip address masih problem dengan koneksi ke terjemahan - camera DOS #2 ip address masih problem dengan koneksi ke Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

camera DOS #2 ip address 10.226.178

camera DOS #2 ip address masih problem dengan koneksi ke sisi Furnace#4. informasi dari azhar kemungkinan masalah pada cable drop wire 1 pair, karena alat blackbox (UTP extender) sudah di lakukan pemeriksaan di kedua sisi dan tidak tidak ada masalah dengan alat tersebut.

CCTV dos #2 Terkoneksi dengan switch di di Furnace #4 as01-Fce4ppeprod-pp | di port 3
berikut hasil temuan asseement CCTV di site DOS#2.
1. Menggunakan J.Box outdoor. di kedua sisi DOS#2 dan furnace#4.
2. Devicesnya menggunakan UTP extender (blackbox) di kedua sisi DOS#2 dan furnace#4.
3. media cable menggunakan kabel tlp drop wire 1 pair : panjang cable kurang lebih 500 mtr, type kabel bukan industrial
4. Kondisi saat ini camera sedang problem/intermitten Ip Camera
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
camera DOS # 2 ip address is still a problem with the connection to the side of the Furnace # 4. information from azhar possible problems on the drop wire cable 1 pair, because the tool blackbox (UTP extender) is already doing inspections on both sides and there was no problem with the tool.CCTV dos # 2 Connected with switch on the Furnace # 4 as01-Fce4ppeprod-pp | in port 3the following results MSDOS asseement CCTV in site # 2.1. Use j. Box pool. on both sides of the DOS # 2 and # 4 furnace.2. using the UTP extender Devicesnya (blackbox) on both sides of the DOS # 2 and # 4 furnace. 3. media cable using cable phone wire drop 1 pair: cable length of approximately 500 mtr cable type, not the industrial 4. The current state of camera are problem/intermitten Ip Camera
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
camera DOS # 2 ip address still problems with the connection to the Furnace # 4. Azhar information of potential problems with the cable drop wire 1 pair, because blackbox tool (UTP extender) examination has been done on both sides and there is no problem with the device. CCTV dos # 2 Connected with the switch in the on Furnace # 4 as01-Fce4ppeprod PP | on port 3 following findings at the site of CCTV asseement DOS # 2. 1. J.Box outdoor use. on both sides of the furnace DOS # 2 and # 4. 2. Devicesnya using UTP extender (blackbox) on both sides of the furnace DOS # 2 and # 4. 3. cable media using drop wire phone cable 1 pair: cable length of approximately 500 mtr, cable type is not industrial 4. The current condition of camera being problems / intermittent Ip Camera

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