Kutu putih atau kutu sisik (family Coccidae, ordo Homoptera) merupakan terjemahan - Kutu putih atau kutu sisik (family Coccidae, ordo Homoptera) merupakan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kutu putih atau kutu sisik (family

Kutu putih atau kutu sisik (family Coccidae, ordo Homoptera) merupakan salah satu hama pada tanaman jati. Kutu ini menghisap cairan pada tubuh inang (Napitu et al. 2012). Kutu putih bersifat polifag, hampir semua jenis tanaman berpotensi terserang oeh kutu putih. Tingkat kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh serangan Pseudococcus sp. mulai dari serangan sedang hingga tinggi. Resiko yang ditimbulkan pada serangan tinggi, yaitu dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan budidaya. Hama kutu putih memiliki tanaman inang lebih dari 100 genus dari 62 famili tanaman. Penyebaran kutu putih sangat mudah melalui bibit hasil perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif (Kalshoven 1981). Hal ini sesuai dengan kondisi bibit jati di persemaian sebagai hasil dari perbanyakan dengan stek pucuk.
Berdasarkan pengamatan, serangga kutu putih ditemui bersama semut hitam terlihat pada Gambar 16. Menurut William (2004), serangga kutu putih bersimbiosis dengan semut. Simbiosis mutualisme antara semut dan kutu putih yaitu semut melindungi kutu putih dari serangan musuh alaminya, dan dari cuaca yang buruk, serta membantu dalam pemancaran atau penyebaran kutu putih ini. Hasil dari simbiosis tersebut, semut mendapatkan embun madu yang dihasilkan oleh kutu ini sebagai sumber makanan semut tersebut.
Hama kutu putih dapat menyebar dengan mudah dengan bantuan angin, terbawa oleh bibit, terbawa oleh manusia, maupun terbawa oleh hewan lain. Hal ini memungkinkan karena ukuran kutu yang kecil. Kutu putih menghisap daun dan mengeluarkan racun dan mengakibatkan terjadinya klorosis, kerdil, malformasi daun, dan menghasilkan eksudat embun madu hingga dapat menyebabkan kematian pada tanaman (Dirjen Holtikultura 2010). Hasil pengamatan terhadap bibit jati di persemaian menunjukkan banyaknya bibit yang mengalami malformasi pada daun seperti pada Gambar 17a. Selain itu, pada daun jati juga ditemui embun madu pada Gambar 17b. Hal ini sesuai dengan Dirjen Holtikultura (2010).
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Fleas fleas or white scales (Coccidae, Homoptera order family) is one of the pests on the plants. These fleas suck the fluids in the body of the host (Napitu et al.). Ticks are polifag white, almost all types of plants potentially stricken white lice oeh. The extent of damage caused by the attack of Pseudococcus SP. ranging from medium to high attack. Risk posed on attack high, that could result in the failure of cultivation. Pest mite White has more than 100 host plants of the genus of plant family 62. The spread of head lice is very easy through the white seeds yield duplication plants vegetatively (Kalshoven 1981). This is in accordance with the conditions of the teak seedlings in the nursery as the result of multiplication by cuttings and shoots. Based on the observations, the mite insects found along white black ants are seen in Figure 16. According to William (2004), insect infestation of white symbiotes with ants. Mutualisme symbiosis between ants and fleas ants protect IE white white lice from its natural enemies attack, and from the bad weather, as well as aiding in the transmission or dissemination of these white lice. The result of the symbiosis, the ants get dew honey produced by this mite as the ants food source.White lice pest can spread it easily with the help of the wind, carried away by the seeds, carried away by a human, or be carried away by other animals. This allows because of the size of small bugs. The white leaf and suck the fleas excrete toxins and led to chlorosis, leaf malformation, dwarf, and produces honey dew exudate to can cause death in plants (Director General Horticulture 2010). Result observation of teak seedlings in the nursery shows the large number of seedlings that underwent a malformation on leaves like in Figure 17a. In addition, teak is also found on the leaves of honey dew in Figure 17b. This is in accordance with the Director-General of Horticulture (2010).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
White lice or fleas scales (family Coccidae, order Homoptera) is one of the pests on the plant teak. These ticks suck the host's body fluids (Napitu et al. 2012). Mealybugs are polifag, almost all types of plants potentially affected by the NII mealybug. The level of damage caused by the attack Pseudococcus sp. ranging from moderate to high attack. Risks to high attack, which can lead to failure of cultivation. Mealybug pest has more than 100 host plant genus of 62 families of plants. The spread of mealybug is very easy through seedlings vegetative propagation of plants (Kalshoven 1981). This is in accordance with the conditions of teak seedlings in the nursery as a result of propagation by cuttings bud.
Based on the observations, insects, mealybugs found together with black ant shown in Figure 16. According to William (2004), the mealybug insect symbiosis with ants. Symbiotic mutualism between ants and mealybugs that ants protect mealybugs from their natural enemies attack, and of the bad weather, as well as assist in the transmission or distribution of this mealybug. The results of the symbiosis, the ants get honey dew produced by these mites as a food source of these ants.
Pests white lice can spread easily by wind, carried by the seeds, carried by humans, or carried by other animals. This is possible because the small size of the ticks. Mealybugs suck the leaves and remove toxins and result in chlorosis, stunting, leaf malformations, and produce honey dew exudate up can cause death in plants (Directorate of Horticulture, 2010). Observation of teak seedlings in the nursery shows the number of seedlings malformations in the leaves as shown in Figure 17a. In addition, the leaves of the teak are also found honey dew in Figure 17b. This is in accordance with the Director General of Horticulture (2010).
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