Culture Wikrama
Vocational High School Wikrama Bogor is one of the schools Wikrama in Indonesia were established before Wikrama other, and have a motto Science that Amaliah, Amal scientific, Akhlaqul Karimah.
Vocational High School Wikrama famous with activities moving class that is moving class every change lessons a day -day. Wikrama have a culture that is never lost until the present and the future, ie, the 5S. What the 5S? 5S is a SMILE, SAPA, GREETINGS, POLITE and courteous. All citizens shall Wikrama cultivate and run 5S, be it to friends, teachers, and others. For example, when students Wikrama meet with teachers we have to do the most minimal that smile and do not be shy to say hello to the teacher, or if there are guests who come to school we need to take action 5S.
Vocational High School Wikrama also have 5 characters which can be applied yourself the whole school community, namely, HONEST, SAVE, CLEAN, RESPONSIBLE, and congregation. In this case the first people in schools have to be honest, for example, if a student is being daily tests or examinations must not do things such as cheating and other negative. Secondly we must behave savers, as well as saving money. Third clean in thought, word, and deed. Fourth responsible for the deeds we have done. Recently must congregation in any case such as prayers in the Masjid or Mosque.
In addition, the school also has a culture that may have been many schools that have one or just Wikrama who have that checked the bag each morning by officers Tunas Hijau, to check whether he brings the goods are not allowed to carry. If a student brings such goods for example, plastic, candy, sharp items, mobile phones, and dangerous drugs, will note his name and if it had been a few times to bring it will be sanctioned by the school.
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