Full name yosep pamungkas, Mr. yosep Muslim he was born on 12 april 1973. Mr. yosep has 1 child and 1 wife person.
Mr. yosep has 10 siblings and two half brother mr. yosep here since 2008 to the present. He also has a hobby of watching the ball and watch it tv.mr.yosep have a variety of achievements, namely:The SD won three paint level sub jamore (champion two-sekabupaten SMA) long jump champion two academic district JUNIOR champion yosep kelas.mr five if a lot of money, not have debt, if you have a problem is always resolved, have achievements, and was pleased to see that beautiful girl behind her and. ..Mr. yosep sad when you can not menyelesai right problem and did not see the beautiful beautiful she liked the color blue, the Favorites of the Favorites of the song mr. yosep is Ifans was born as son of rambo galang FI Idol mix tisen Favorites food fried rice gizzard and liked all of the minuman.mr.yosep have a message for children JUNIOR HIGH EKA TJIPTA "no word too late to learn".
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