Sylvia : jadi begitu.. journalis itu emang lebih banyak menulis dan me terjemahan - Sylvia : jadi begitu.. journalis itu emang lebih banyak menulis dan me Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sylvia : jadi begitu.. journalis it

Sylvia : jadi begitu.. journalis itu emang lebih banyak menulis dan memang tiap orang berbeda-beda. Aku tipe orang yang gugup kalo berhadapan dengan kamera, jadi saya lebih memilih menulis berita untuk koran.
Yaas : pengalaman menarik apa aja selama kamj bekerja di siar ?
Syl : ya waktu itu aku pernah dikejar-kejar komplotan pengedar narkoba, aku sampai masuk-masuk ke kolong sungai. Menegangkan sekali saat itu.
Yaas : wow! benarkah?
Syl : iya, anyway kenapa muka kamu beubah menjadi menakutkan seperti itu?
Yaas :aku tadi menemukan komplotan teroris syl.
Syl : benarkah?! Mana mungkin?

*sisi lain*
Kare :ini kopi untuk yang tidak pakai kerudung, ini untuk yang pakai kerudung, jangan sampai kamu membocorkan ini. Kalau tidak kamu tak akan aman.
Sani : tapi saya tidak berani..
Kare : lakukan sekarang juga!
Sani: ini pesanannya..
Yaas: ah iya makasih
Syl : dimana kau liat itu?
Yaas : jadi waktu itu ada wanita mengambil lipstick saya. Itu lipstick kesayangan saya. Lalu saya ikuti dan...
Syl : aduh yaas, perutku yaaas yatuhan, yaas tolong aku
Yaas : tolong! tolong! siapapun!

*café* udah rame,dhandy jadi polisi (ilham,yaas,regian,dessy,hesti)
Kare :roll action
Sani :pemirsa, kejadian sangat mengejutkan! Cafe yang selalu terjamin kesehatannya ini memakan korban
Di korban ini adalah journalis dari siarchannel, yang siang tadi terlihat sedang sarapan pagi.
Diduga minuman dalam korban mengandung siandia yang biasa digunakan untuk ….. sanksi mata diintrogasi oleh pihak berwajib.
Sani : apa kah benar anda yang tadi siang bersama Sylvia.
Yaas : iya benar, saya sangat terkejut
Sani : bagaimana kejadian peristiwanya yang sebenarnya?
Yaas : saya baru kenal Sylvia tadi.. Saya berbincang dan tiba –tiba kopi yang kami pesan dan saat dia meminumnya ia bilang kesakitan dan..
Sani :dan?
*suara bom*
Yaas :yatuhan yatuhan, saya tau pelakunya ada 2 lagi yang menuju kesana
Sani :yak pemirsa, ini bukanlah scenario belaka. setelah kejadian Sylvia,ada bom didepan café tepatnya.
*luar café*
Yaas : itu pelakunya pak!
Dhandy : siap, saya akan menyergap mereka disisi bagian kanan.
Dessy :Bukan saya pak bukan saya
Hesti :bukan saya pak
Dhandy :mana mungkin penjahat jujur! sudah diam saja kalian! terima kasih telah membantu kami.
Yaas :sama sama pak,saya senang mereka bisa di tangkap.
iham : yaasinta oh yaasinta saya senang bisa bertemu kamu lagi dan kamulah yang menyelamatkan stasiun saya.. saya sangat berterima kasih. Saya akan tarik ucapan saya kembali dan anda di terima di siarchannel.. selamat...
sani : bagaimana perasaan anda? Saya sangat senang, tapi akan senang bila dia ditangkap!
kare :apa? *kabur*
dhandy :hey jangan kabur kau!
Yaas :dia penyetok bom dan dia juga yang membunuh Sylvia, dia karenita!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Sylvia: so so. .. journalis that Weve a lot more writing and indeed each person is different. I'm the type of person who nervously reply dealing with the camera, so I prefer writing news for the newspaper. Yaas: experience interesting apa aja during kamj worked in broadcasting? Syl: Yes that time I've hunted down accomplices drug dealers, I got admission in to the space under the river. Thrilling all the time. Yaas: wow! really? Syl: Yes, anyway why beubah thou be the scary face like that? Yaas: I just now found the terrorist accomplices syl. Syl: really?! Where possible? * the other side * Curry: this coffee to which does not wear the veil, it's for the wear veils, lest you leaked it. Otherwise you will not be secure. Sani: but I dare not.. Curry: do it now too! * café * Sani: these orders is. ..Yaas: ah yes thanks Syl: where did you see it? Yaas: so there was a woman took my lipstick. It's my favorite lipstick. Then I follow and. .. Syl: Ouch yaas, my stomach yaaas yatuhan yaas, help me Yaas: help! Please! anyone! * café * udah rame, dhandy so the police (ilham, yaas, regian, dessy, hesti) Curry: roll action Sani:p, Gen. emirsa very shocking! The Cafe was always assured his health took a victimIn this sacrifice is a journalis from siarchannel, who during the last seen being breakfast.Alleged victim drink contain siandia commonly used for. ..... sanctioned interrogation by law enforcement authorities eye.Sani: what your true kah last lunch together Sylvia.Yaas: yeah right, I was very surprised..Sani: how were the real events?The new Yaas: I knew Sylvia had said.. I am talking and all of a sudden our coffee – the message and by the time she drank it she told me in pain and.Sani:d's?* sound bombs *Yaas: yatuhan yatuhan, I know the culprit there are 2 more to get thereSani: yak viewers, this is not the scenario. After Sylvia, there is a bomb in front of the café to be exact.* outside café *Yaas: that the culprit of the Pack!Dhandy: ready, I am going to ambush them on the right. ******Dessy: not me not I PackHesti: not my PackDhandy: where possible criminals to be honest! It's been silent you guys! Thank you for helping us.Yaas: same same Sir, I'm glad they can catch.iham: yaasinta oh yaasinta I am glad to meet you again and you who saved my station ... I am very grateful. I will pull my speech back and your receipt at siarchannel.. congratulations ...Sani: How do you feel? I am very happy, but will be happy when he arrested!Curry: what? * blur *dhandy: hey don't run off you!Yaas:d he penyetok the bomb and he also killed Sylvia, she karenita!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Sylvia: so so .. journalist was emang more writing and indeed every person is different. I'm the type of person who is nervous if faced with a camera, so I chose to write a story for the newspaper.
Yaas: an interesting experience any kind during kamj work in broadcasting?
Syl: yes at that time I never chased gang of drug dealers, I reached in and enter underneath the river. Tense all the time.
Yaas: wow! Really?
Syl: yes, anyway why you beubah be a scary face like that?
Yaas: I had discovered a terrorist plot syl.
Syl: Really ?! Where possible? * Other * side Kare: this coffee for not wearing the veil, to the wear veils, lest ye this leak. Otherwise you will not be safe. Sani: but I do not dare .. Kare: do it now! * Café * Sani: This order .. Yaas: ah yes thanks Syl: where are you tough it? Yaas: So at that time there was a woman taking My lipstick. It was my favorite lipstick. Then I follow and ... Syl: Yaas ouch, my stomach yaaas yatuhan, Yaas help me Yaas: Help! please! anyone! * café * already crowded, so the police Dhandy (inspiration, Yaas, regian, dessy, hesti) Kare: roll action Sani: the audience, the incident is very shocking! Cafe are always guaranteed this health casualties in these victims were journalists from siarchannel, which was seen this afternoon breakfast. Allegedly the victim drink containing siandia used to ... .. sanctions eyes interrogated by the authorities. Sani: what if your right who had lunch with Sylvia. Yaas: yes true, I was very surprised .. Sani: how the actual occurrence of events? Yaas: I just know Sylvia earlier .. I talk and arrived -Arrived coffee that we ordered and when he drank he says pain and .. Sani: and? * sound bombs * Yaas: yatuhan yatuhan, I know the culprit there are two more to get there Sani: yak viewers, this is not a mere scenario. Sylvia after the incident, there was a bomb in front of the café to be exact. * outside café * Yaas: the culprit pack! Dhandy: ready, I'll ambush them side to the right. ****** Dessy: Not me pack my not Hesti: not me pack Dhandy: how could criminals be honest! has been silent you! Thank you for helping us. Yaas: same as a pack, I was glad they could catch. iham: yaasinta yaasinta oh I am happy to see you again, ye who saved my station .. I am very grateful. I would pull me back and your speech received in siarchannel .. congratulations ... sani: how would you feel? I am very happy, but would be happy if he is arrested! Kare: What? * blurred * Dhandy: hey you do not run away! Yaas: he penyetok bomb and he also killed Sylvia, he karenita!

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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