dari semaaaua planet hanya satu yang mem iliki kehidupan. Jaraknya ses terjemahan - dari semaaaua planet hanya satu yang mem iliki kehidupan. Jaraknya ses Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

dari semaaaua planet hanya satu yan

dari semaaaua planet hanya satu yang mem iliki kehidupan. Jaraknya sesuai dengan matahari dengan cuaca yang tepat. disebut planet yang beruntung. Sekitar lima miliar tahun lalu, asteroid besar menabrak Bumi mengubah porosnya menjadi 23 setengah derajat ke matahari. Kejadian ini memberi keuntungan. Menyebabkan adanya musim, cuaca ekstrim, panas dan dingin,dan daratan yang indah. Kondisi ini sesuai untuk kehidupan. kehidupan itu terjadi disebabkan oleh matahari. Tetapi keseimbangan bumi mulai bimbang, karena planet sedang memenuhi kebutuhan yang meningkat. Sudah waktunya mengambil kesempatan yang hilang. Kita berada setahun di Bumi,bergabung dengan yang lain sementara mereka berjuang membesarkan anak mereka di dunia yang cepat berubah. Bulan Januari, di puncak Arktik,sudah lebih dari sebulan tidak ada matahari.Saat seperti ini semua gelap,.Ber auang kutub jantan sedang berburui, tapi tidak ada buruan. dia menunggu. Bulan Februari,dan matahari terbit diatas khatulistiwa.Beruang betina di dalam sarangnya. Dia bersama anaknya yang berumur dua bulan,.mereka memiliki masalah dengan makanan dan mereka latihan. Sejak lahir mereka tuli dan buta hanya susu yang mereka tahu.lbu memberikan persediaannya Planet bumi memanas dan es laut meleleh.lni saatnya berburu singa laut.Jika tidak berhasil, keluarga mereka akan kelaparan. Sejauh ini, esnya masih cukup kuat untuk diinjak oleh beruang jantan. Sepuluh hari kemudian, ibu membawa anak-anak ke lautan es. Mereka bias berjalan,tapi masih tidak sadar akan perlunya makan. Akhirnya, semua siap,tapi mungkin telat, es sudah mulai memecah. Sepertinya harapan selamat tipis. Bulan Maret, dan dibagian utara masih hujan salju lebat. Lalu di bagian selatan ada pohon cemara kecil. Mereka menandai garis keturunan Hutan Taiga. Pohon cemara ini memiliki daun yang beku tidak dapat dimakan jaadi tidak bias hidup di hutan..Binatang buas lynx berkelana ratusan mil berburu. Makhluk ini adalah intisari dari hutan belantara. Ada banyak Pohon jumlahnya,1/3 dari semua pohon di Bumi.Sementara musim semi datang dari selatan, Taiga terlihat. Udara pun segar. Bulan April, banyak Pengunjung berkumpul di tempat ini Mereka datang untuk makanan. musim semi yang singkat. setiap generasi baru itu berharga.Kijang berjalan ke utara lebih dari tiga juta kawanan untuk mencari padang rumput baru.lni migrasi paling lama di muka bumi,.Mereka terus bergerak.Jika ada anak sapi mereka pasti harus berlari sejak saat kecil. Mereka tidak sendirian.Serigala mengintai dan mereka lapar. serangannya secara acak acak,tapi tujuannya memisahkan yang muda dari ibu mereka. Dan saat itu keungkinannya 50:50 .Bulan April di Arktik, dan matahari tidak pernah terbenam.Tapi di selatan, pengaruh matahari sangat besar.lni adalah Hutan Eropa dan Amerika Utara., telah dipenuhi oleh kota dan lahan pertanian Hanya sisanya sedikit.Musim panas lebih lama disini dan pohon gugur mekar dan bisa dimakan, jadi hutan ini penuh dengan kehidupan. Musim semi juga datang untuk bebek betina meninggalkan sarang bersama anaknya. Bulan Mei, di daerah tropis, tidak ada musim semi. Matahari bersinar 12 jam setiap hari dan Hutan mendukung begitu banyak kehidupan. Hutan hujan sekarang hanya tersisa 1/3 dan. hanya 3 % dari total daratan di planet ini di Bumi.rumah bagi 42 jenis burung surgawi, mereka sangat luar biasa. lni hutan yang sangat kaya. .3 % dari planet kita, 50 % tanaman dan binatang dimanapun ada ancaman Padang gurun menutupi 1/3 dari permukaan Bumi. Bulan Juni di Gurun Kalahari di Selatan Afrika. Sekarang musim kering, dan ribuan gajah mulai putus asa mencari makanan dan air. Kerbau liar juga bergabung. jutaan binatang bergerak, demi tujuan unyuk mencari air. Anak gajah ini berjuang untuk ikut. lnsting ibunya untuk menjaganya, tapi dia perlu air, Badai pasir membuat sulit. Mereka terpisah dari kawanan. Akhirnya, mereka muncul dari debu. Buta oleh pasir, anak gajah itu tidak kuat lagi. Badai telah mereda. .gajah telah berjalan selama dua minggu. Anak gajah dan ibunya telah bergabung dengan kawanan, tapi mereka haus sekali.. Anak gajah dan ibu dalam bahaya. Mereka diintai singa. dalam kegelapan, pandangan gajah tidak lebih baik dari singa singa bisa melihat dengan mudah. Mereka lapar dan mereka ahli dalam berburu gajah. tekanan udara meningkat suhu turun dan salju jatuh. Peristiwa ini salah satu dari migrasi alam paling menantang. Setiap tahun, ribuan burung coba bertahan dari musim dingin yang kejam. Kemudian matahari membakar bukit ini, udara hangat naik dari lembah,pada siang hari berubah menjadi angin yang kencang ainar matahari melemah disore hari dan goncangan akan menghilang, Selama beberapa generasi semua bergantung pada sungai besar yang mengalir. sungai mengalir di Kalahari.Kerbau liar mencapai tujuannya., berasal dari lautan tropis ribuan mil jaraknya. Banyak binatang suka dengan sungai ini, Setelah berminggu-minggu berkelana, gajah mulai capai. Berjuang keras untuk tetap fokus. Pemimpin gajah bisa mencium bau air, dan mendorong kawanan untuk berusaha mereka tiba. Seperti gajah, air ini berjalan jauh untuk sampai disini. dan selama itu, aliran terancam oleh pengambilan air orang kota dan lahan pertanian. dalam hidup panjangnya, anak gajah akan mengulanginya. Apa banjir akan selalu tiba itu tidak pasti. Peristiwa musiman ini yang membawa gajah sulit. Sudah bulan Juli dan paus bongkok berdiam ditempat pembiakan ananya baru saja berumur tidak lebih dari beberapa minggu dan dia mulai polos ibunya membantu ke permukaan, supaya bisa bernafas. Air dangkal ini cocok untuk tempat anak-anak mereka hangat dan tenang dan sedikit pemangsa. Anak gajah yang senang minum susu tiap hari hingga ibunya kelaparan. Tidak ada makanan untuuknya.Untuk cari makanan, dia harus membawa anaknya melewati perjalanan4000 mil. ke padang yang kaya di bagian selatan planet. lni imigrasi terpanjang bagi makhluk laut manapun, dan tergantung pada lautan yang bersih dalam perjalanan. dilautan terbuka, paus berkumpul mencari makanan. lkan lumba-lumba mendekati mangsa. Seratus ikan gergaji bergabung. Berenang hampir 70 mil per jam, mereka seperti cheetah di lautan. lbu dan anaknya berenang ke selatan melalui lautan bebasa. Mereka mengarah ke perairan musiman yang berangin. Angin kuat dan arus mrnghabiskan tenaga dan semua bemekaran jika terkena sinar matahari. lbu tahu ada padang rumput yang lebih kaya di selatan, dan membawa anaknya dengan cepat melewati perairan ini. Ada hiu putih. Hiu putih menyerang anak paus, tapi bukan mereka korbannya. Predator menakjubkan ini, ada dipaling atas dari rantai makanan, bagian penting dari lautan yang sehat tapi malahan kita membantai hampir seratus jutanya setiap tahun. Populasi mereka mulai punah. Bulan Agustus di Arktik es semakin berkurang. lni bencana bagi beruang kutub. Tanpa tempat pijakan kuat, mereka harus berjuang keras berburu singa laut.Bagaimana ia bisa bertahan jika es sudah hampir hilang? Bulan September. Air mulai semakin dingin. lbu dan anaknya harus tetap bersama. Supaya tidak kehilangan jejak, mereka menepuk sirip dipermukaan. Mereka bisa dengar suara dari raungan laut. di ujung selatan akhirnya. Bulan oktober, dan ikan hiu memasuki perairan kutub. Musim panas semakin dekat di utara, Sementara matahari melelehkan es, kehidupan mulai kembali. lkan paus akhirnya sampai keAntartika tepat waktu untuk musim panas. Penguin Adelie.. dan mereka buru-buru untuk ke sarang. Bulan desember dan matahari tidak terbenam. Musim panas Antartika terlalu cepat, tapi untuk beberapa bulan panasnya membuka tempat teduh baru. dalam kedalaman ada yang bergerak. Akhirnya setelah perjalanan 4, 000 mil, ikan hiu bongkok bias makan. Mereka makan plankton, udang yang mulai berbondong bonding datang ketika es meleleh. Akhirnya, ibu bisa mengisi kembali persediaannya dan anaknya bisa bergabung dengan tim. lkan paus membuat jaring spiral gelembung, mengumpulkan plankton menjadi satu makanan yang besar. Mereka bekerja keras, karena plankton tidak akan hidup lama. Musim panas mulai berlalu dengan cepat dan segera mereka harus kembali ke lautan tropis.lkan paus ini, dan hidup mereka di Antartika bergantung pada plankton.Tanpanya, lebih jauh ke selatan tidak akan ada kehidupan. Tapi plankton bergantung pada es dan es mulai menipis. Musim dingin di Antartika perubahan musim lebih besar planet kita sedang terjadi. Matahari mulai menghilang. Segera daratan akan kembali masuk dalam kegelapan. Cahaya langit selatan menyinari langit selatan, tapi cahaya ini tidak membawa kehangatan. Kembali di bagian utara planet, dimana cerita dimulai, lautan es sudah hilang.Beruang jantan kita dalam bahaya besar. Jika tidak temukan daratan segera dia akan tenggelam. )Setelah berhari-hari dilaut, dan beruang yang capai tertarik pada bau tajam koloni. dia kehilangan setengah berat badan. Putus asa mencari makanan,tapi anjing laut lebih besar dari mangsa biasanya. Harus mengincara anaknya namun ibunya melindunginya kaku ketika ada kesempatan ia menerkam lalu Lepas dari genggamannya. Hanya ketika mereka akan mati Kelaparan beruang berani melawan mangsa berbahaya itu. Ia mencobanya..dan gagal. Singa laut trlah lolos Beruang bukan lagi ancaman. Tidak bisa makan, tidak bisa hidup. Setahun sudah lewat dan dua anak beruang berhasil bertahan. Mereka hidup dan berjuang. mereka melangkah maju satu langkah. Semangat berpetualang ayah mereka terus hidup dalam diri mereka.Beruang kutub telah menjadi lencana dari keadaan planet kita dan bagi semua makhluk yang berjuang untuk hidup bersama kita.Akhirnya kita mulai mengerti betapa gentingnya keadaan planet kiaata untuk genearasi berikutnya.ada dalam tangan kita.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
from semaaaua the planet only one mem iliki life. It corresponds to the Sun with the right weather. called the lucky planet. About five billion years ago, a huge asteroid slammed into Earth change its axis to 23 and a half degrees to the Sun. This incident gives an advantage. Cause of any season, extreme weather, hot and cold, and beautiful land. This condition conforms to life. life it happened caused by the Sun. But the balance of the Earth began to vacillate, because planets are currently meet the needs are increasing. It's time to take a chance of missing. We are a year on Earth, joined with others while they are struggling to raise their children in a rapidly changing world. In January, at the peak of the Arctic, it has been more than a month there is no sun.Times like this are all dark.BER auang male polar was berburui, but there is no game. He waits. In February, and the sun rises above the equator.The female bear in the nest. He is with his son aged two months, they have problems with their food and exercise. From birth they are deaf and blind to their milk only knew. giving lbu build-up of Planet Earth to heat up and melt sea ice. it is time to hunt sea lions.If not successful, their families will starve. So far, not yet strong enough to step on the male bear. Ten days later, the mother brought the children to the sea ice. They can walk, but it's still not conscious of the need to eat. Finally, all ready, but maybe later, ice has begun to break down. It looks like a thin hope of survivors. The month of March, and the North is still dense snowfall. And in the southern part there is a small evergreen tree. They mark the line of the Taiga Forest. This evergreen tree has leaves that are not frozen edible jaadi unbiased living in the forest. ..Wild beasts lynx traveled hundreds of miles of hunting. This being is essence of wilderness. There are a lot of numbers, 1/3 of all trees on earth while spring comes from the South, Taiga is visible. The air was fresh. In April, many visitors gather in this place they come for the food. a short spring. each new generation that's valuable.Deer run northward over three million flock to seek pastures new. it the longest migration on Earth,.They keep moving.If there is a calf they definitely have to run ever since childhood. They are not alone.Wolves lurking and they are hungry. his attacks are random, but the goal separating the young from their mothers. And when it's 50: 50 keungkinannya.The month of April in the Arctic, and the sun never sets.But in the South, the influence of the Sun is huge. This is the forest of Europe and North America., have been met by the city and farmland Just rest a bit.Longer summer here and fall blooming trees and edible, so the forest is bursting with life. Spring also came to duck females leave the nest with his son. The month of may, in the tropics, there is no spring. The sun shines the 12 hours each day and the forest supports so many lives. Rain forests now only left 1/3 and. only 3% of the total landmass on the planet on Earth. home to 42 kinds of heavenly birds, they are very unusual. This forest is very rich. .3% of our planet, 50% of plants and animals wherever there is a threat of the desert covered 1/3 of the Earth's surface. The month of June in the Kalahari desert in southern Africa. Now the dry season, elephants and thousands of start desperately seeking food and water. Wild water buffalo also joined. millions of animals in motion, for the purpose of unyuk looking for water. This elephant child struggling to join. lnsting her mother to take care of her, but she needs water, sand Storms make it difficult. They are separated from the herd. Finally, they emerged from the dust. Blind by sand, older elephants were not strong anymore. The storm has subsided. the elephant has been walking. over the past two weeks. Elephant mother and children have joined the swarm, but their thirst once.. Elephant mother and child are in danger. They staked a lion. in the darkness, the view of the elephants was no better than a lion a lion could be viewed easily. They are hungry and they are experts in elephant hunting. the air pressure increases the temperature drops and the snow falls. This event is one of the most challenging natural migration. Every year, thousands of birds trying to survive from a cruel winter. Then the Sun burn this Hill, warm air rises from the Valley, during the day turns into a wind solar ainar disore days and weakened the shake-up will disappear, for generations all rely on the great river that flows. the river flows in the Kalahari. wild Buffalo achieved its goal., derived from the tropical oceans thousands of miles away. Many animals like the River, after weeks of wandering, the elephants started to achieve. Struggling hard to stay focused. The leader of an elephant can smell water, and encourage them to try swarm arrived. Like an elephant, this water goes a long way to get here. and for that, the flow of water-taking people threatened by urban and agricultural land. in life long, son of elephants will repeat it. What flood will always arrive it is uncertain. These seasonal events that bring the elephant is difficult. Already in July and the hunchback whales dwelling in ananya breeding just was no more than a few weeks and she started helping his mother to a plain surface in order to breathe. Shallow water is suitable to place their children in warm and calm and few predators. The son of an elephant who loves to drink milk every day until his mother starving. No food untuuknya.To search for food, he should bring his son passed perjalanan4000 miles. the rich into the southern part of the planet. This immigration was the longest for any sea creatures, and depending on the clean seas on the way. dilautan open, whales congregate in search of food. lkan dolphins approaching prey. One hundred fish are chainsaws joined. Swim nearly 70 miles per hour, they like a cheetah in the ocean. lbu and his son swim to the South through a sea of bebasa. They point to the seasonal waters of windy. Strong winds and currents and power mrnghabiskan all bemekaran if exposed to sunlight. lbu knew there was richer pastures in the South, and carried his son quickly pass through these waters. There's a great white shark. Great white shark attack the Pope, but not their victims. These amazing predators, there are top of the food chain dipaling, an important part of a healthy ocean but instead we slaughter nearly a hundred jutanya every year. Their populations became locally extinct. The month of August in the Arctic ice is on the wane. This disastrous for polar bears. Without a strong foothold, they will have to fight hard to hunt sea lions.How he could survive if the ice had almost gone? The Month Of September. The water started getting cold. lbu and his son have to stick together. So as not to lose track, they tapped the fin surface. They could hear the sound of the roar of the sea. at the southern end of the end. In October, and the sharks entered the polar waters. The summer is getting closer to the North, while the Sun melting the ice, life begins again. lkan Pope finally to keAntartika just in time for summer. Adelie Penguin. .. and they rush to the hive. December and the Sun does not set. Antarctic summer too quickly, but for several months the heat opened a new shade. in depth there is motion. Finally after traveling 4, 000 miles, shark hunchback eating bias. They eat plankton, crustaceans ranging berbondong bonding comes when the ice melted. Finally, the mother could replenish its preparation and his son could join the team. Pope makes spiral nets lkan bubbles, collecting plankton become one large meal. They work hard, because the plankton will not live long. Summer began to pass quickly and soon they must return to the tropical oceans. this Pope, lkan and their life in the Antarctic are dependent on plankton.Without which, further to the South there will be no life. But the plankton are dependent on ice and the ice thinning. Winter in the Antarctic season bigger changes our planet is going on. The sun began to disappear. The Mainland will soon come back into the darkness. Light sky, illuminating the southern sky, but this did not bring the warmth of light. Back in the northern part of the planet, where the story begins, the sea ice has been lost.The male bear we are in great danger. If you don't find the mainland immediately she would sink. ) After days at sea, and the bears achieve a sharp odor is interested in the colony. He lost half the weight. A desperate search for food, but the seals prey much larger than usual. His mother, however, mengincara must protect it stiff when there is a chance he pounces and then escape from his grasp. Only when they will starve to death bear brave against dangerous prey. He tried it. ..and failed. Trlah sea lions escaped the bears no longer a threat. Can't eat, can't live. A year has passed and the two young bears managed to survive. They lived and fought. they stepped forward one step. Their father's adventurous spirit continue to live within them.The polar bear has become the badge of the State of our planet and for all beings who are struggling to live with us.We are finally starting to understand how his State of planet kiaata for next genearasi. we had in hand.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
of semaaaua planet only one who mem iliki life. Distance according to the sun with the right weather. called the lucky planet. About five billion years ago, a large asteroid hit the Earth changing its axis to 23 and a half degrees to the sun. This incident gave the advantage. Causes the seasons, extreme weather, heat and cold, and beautiful land. This condition fit for life. life that is caused by the sun. But the balance of the earth began to falter, because the planet is being meet the increasing needs. It's time to take the opportunity lost. We are a year on Earth, to join the others while they are struggling to raise their children in a rapidly changing world. In January, at the peak of the Arctic, has been more than a month no matahari.Saat like this all the dark, .Ber auang berburui male polar medium, but no game. he waited. In February, and the sun rises over the khatulistiwa.Beruang female in the nest. She shared a two-month-old son, .They have a problem with their food and exercise. Since they were born deaf and blind only milk they supply Planet Earth tahu.lbu provide heating and sea ice meleleh.lni time to hunt lions laut.Jika not succeed, their families will starve. So far, the ice is still strong enough to walk on by a male bear. Ten days later, the mother brought the children to the sea ice. They are biased to run, but still not aware of the need to eat. Finally, all ready, but maybe too late, the ice has begun to break down. Looks like thin survived expectations. In March, and the north is still heavy snowfall. And in the south there is a small evergreen tree. They mark the Taiga Forest lineage. This evergreen tree has a leaf that can not be eaten frozen bias jaadi not live in the wild hutan..Binatang lynx roam hundreds of miles to hunt. This creature is the essence of wilderness. There are many trees in number, one third of all the trees in the spring Bumi.Sementara coming from the south, Taiga looks. The air was fresh. In April, many visitors gathered in this place they come for food. short spring. each new generation berharga.Kijang runs north to more than three million flock to seek pastures baru.lni longest migration on earth, there bergerak.Jika .They continue their calves should definitely run since childhood. They do not sendirian.Serigala lurk and they are hungry. random random attack, but the goal separating the young from their mothers. And when it keungkinannya 50:50 .Bulan April in the Arctic, and the sun never terbenam.Tapi in the south, the influence of the sun very besar.lni is Forest Europe and North America., Have been met by the city and farmland only remaining hot sedikit.Musim longer here and deciduous trees in bloom and can be eaten, so the forest is full of life. Spring also comes to duck female leaves the nest with his son. In May, in the tropics, there is no spring. The sun shines 12 hours a day and Forests supports so much life. Rain forest and is now the only remaining 1/3. only 3% of the total land on the planet in Bumi.rumah for 42 species of birds of heaven, they are very remarkable. This is a very rich forest. .3% Of our planet, 50% of plants and animals wherever there is a threat of desert covers 1/3 of the Earth's surface. June in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Now the dry season, and thousands of elephants getting desperate search for food and water. Wild buffalo also joined. millions of animals moving, for the purpose of unyuk for water. The elephant calf struggling to come. mother instinct to guard, but he needs water, sand storms make it difficult. They are separated from the herd. Finally, they emerge from the dust. Blinded by sand, the baby elephant is not strong anymore. The storm has subsided. .gajah has been running for two weeks. Elephant calf and his mother had joined the herd, but they are thirsty .. calf and the mother is in danger. They staked out the lion. in the dark, no better view of the elephants of the Lion can see easily. They are hungry and they are experts in elephant hunting. air pressure increases the temperature drops and the snow falls. This event is one of the most challenging natural migration. Every year, thousands of birds trying to survive the harsh winter. Then the sun's burning hill, warm air rises from the valley, on the day turned into a strong wind ainar weakened disore day sun and shock will disappear, For generations all depend on a large river flowing. river flows in wild Kalahari.Kerbau achieve its goals., derived from the tropical oceans thousands of miles away. Many animals love with this river, After weeks of wandering, the elephant started to achieve. Fought hard to stay focused. Leaders elephant can smell water, and encourage their flock to strive to arrive. Like elephants, this water goes a long way to get here. and during it, the flow of water is threatened by making the town and agricultural land. long life, the baby elephant will repeat. What flood will always arrive is uncertain. This seasonal events that bring elephants difficult. Already in July and humpback whale breeding ananya dwelt just turned no more than a few weeks, and he began to smooth her help to the surface, in order to breathe. This shallow water suitable for their children warm and quiet and few predators. Children are happy elephant drinking milk every day until her hunger. No food untuuknya.Untuk looking for food, he had to take his son pass perjalanan4000 miles. to the rich pastures in the southern part of the planet. This is the longest migration of any marine creatures, and depends on a clean ocean on the way. open in the ocean, whales gather in search of food. The fish dolphins approaching prey. One hundred fish saws join. Swim nearly 70 miles per hour, they are like a cheetah in the ocean. Mother and son swam to the south by sea bebasa. They lead to seasonal windy waters. Strong winds and currents mrnghabiskan power and all bemekaran if exposed to sunlight. I can think of no more rich grasslands in the south, and brought her to quickly pass through these waters. There is a white shark. White shark attacked the calf, but not their victims. This amazing predators, there dipaling top of the food chain, an important part of a healthy ocean but instead we slaughtered nearly one hundred million is every year. Their populations became extinct. August in the Arctic ice is decreasing. This is a disaster for polar bears. Without a strong foothold, they have to fight hard to hunt lions laut.Bagaimana he could survive if the ice is almost gone? In September. The water starts getting cold. Mother and son have to stick together. In order not to lose track of, they patted fin surface. They could hear the sound of the roar of the ocean. at the south end eventually. October, and sharks entering polar waters. Summer is getting closer to the north, while the sun melts the ice, life began to return. The fish whale keAntartika end up just in time for summer. Adelie penguins .. and they rush to the nest. The month of December and the sun never set. Antarctic summer too fast, but for several months the heat opens new shade. Nothing moves in depth. Finally, after traveling 4, 000 miles, sharks eat hunchback bias. They eat plankton, shrimp which began rushing bonding comes when the ice melts. Finally, the mother can replenish her supply and could join the team. The fish whales make spiral bubble nets, collect plankton into one big meal. They work hard, because the plankton will not live long. Summer starts passed quickly and soon they had to go back to the ocean tropis.lkan this whale, and they live in Antarctica depend on plankton.Tanpanya, further south there would be no life. But plankton depend on the ice and the ice is thinning. Antarctic winter season changes greater our planet is going on. The sun began to disappear. Soon the land will go back into the darkness. Southern sky light illuminates the southern sky, but the light is not brought warmth. Back in the northern part of the planet, where the story begins, the sea ice we've hilang.Beruang males in great danger. If you do not find the mainland soon he will drown. ) After days at sea, and bears interest at a pungent odor achieve colony. He lost half the weight. Desperate search for food, but the seal is larger than usual prey. Should mengincara mother protecting her child but stiff when there is a chance he pounced ago Remove from his grasp. Only when they will die Hunger brave bear against dangerous prey. He mencobanya..dan failed. Trlah sea lions escaped bear is no longer a threat. Can not eat, can not live. A year has passed and the two bear children managed to survive. They lived and fought. they stepped forward one step. Adventurous spirit of their father continues to live inside mereka.Beruang pole has become a badge of the state of our planet and all beings who struggle to live with kita.Akhirnya we begin to understand how desperate circumstances to genearasi berikutnya.ada kiaata planet in our hands.
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