PROF their outlook. Musdah Mulia KIND OF MARRIAGE IN INDONESIA.
How sebaiknyanya a religion addressing the differences in belief in this country that has a wide range of belief and religion?
Starting from the view of Prof. Musdah Mulia, professors and postgraduate teacher state Islamic University, Jakarta, since 'no incidents' a few years ago at the national level women's seminar entitled "Is it fair to you Nation and Religion" in Mulo Building, Jl Sungai Saddang, Makassar, Monday (30/5 / 2011) and some writing on a book entitled Counter Legal Draft (CLD) Islamic Law Compilation (KHI). and papers which forbids polygamy, gave the prescribed period for men, eliminating the role of guardians for the bride, allowed same-sex marriage, reaping 'controversial'.
underlies the concept of thinking, according to Musdah Mulia, the essence of the teachings of Islam is to humanize human beings and respect for sovereignty. Citing QS 49, paragraph 3, Musdah stated, one of the blessings of God is that all people, whether male or female, are equal, regardless of ethnicity, wealth, social position or sexual orientation. Therefore, liberal activists and religious freedom of the ICRP (Indonesian Conference of Religions and Peace), the further he said, that homosexuality is derived from God, and therefore must be recognized as a natural thing. "There is no difference between the non-lesbian lesbian. In the view of God, man appreciated only by obedience. "(There is no difference between lesbians and nonlesbians. In the eyes of God, people are valued based on their Piety).
Thus the opinion of professor of UIN Jakarta at the discussion organized by an organization called "Arus Pelangi", in Jakarta.
"According to prof. Musdah Mulia, which is prohibited in the sacred texts are more drawn to their sexual behavior, not sexual orientation. Why? because, being heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian), and bisexuality is a natural, something given or in the language of fiqh are called the laws. While sexual behavior is a human construction. If same-sex relationships or gay, whether gay or lesbian earnestly ensure the achievements of the basic goal was then relationships can be accepted. (Source: Magazine Tabligh DTDK PP Muhammadiyah, 2008)
views this as the study of science is absurd because such concepts are formed from the logic of scientific methodology as an oration in the realm of culture. They can be understood. It could be argued that because culture is the result of rekadaya "idea, feeling, and intention" man in meeting their needs to be up to date.
However, when the bias is criticized enter the realm of the law will certainly reap the "storm". Islamic religious groups argued by the Koran and Hadith, that Islam is "rahmatan lil Alamin", is true. But in the context of worship -Habblur minullah, rukunnya can no longer interpreted diutik-utik other by using 'nalar'sebagaimana in human culture.
Among religious people insist that the sacred text can not be interpreted based on the development of culture. Sacred texts existence comes from divine revelation guarded interpretation of similarity since the revelation until now. Therefore, the commentators of the Koran for hundreds of years no one argues like Prof. Musdah Mulia who dare justify homosexual.
The views Prof. Musdah we must respect as cultural view which invites religious communities to be tolerant to other people. This is correct. However, when giving pengesyahan a same-sex marriage to parse the arguments of the sacred text, so his eyes could have slipped into the 'puddle' among those who disbelieve. Amir Syarifuddin, MUI, declared that homosexual practice is a sin. "We would not regard homosexuality as an enemy, but we will make them realize that what they are doing is wrong," said Amir Syarifuddin.
In Islam, it is already clear about homosexual laws. Prophet Muhammad said, "Anybody who finds gay male perpetrators, then kill the culprit." (Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai, Ibn Majah, al-Hakim, and al-Baihaki). Imam Shafi'i argued that homosexuals should be stoned (stoned) regardless of whether the perpetrator was single or married. In other religion also share his view of the Catholic Church, for example, retaining the doctrine rejecting homosexual practice. In 1975, the Vatican issued a decree titled "The Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics." It contained, among other things asserts: "It (Scripture) does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of." In a speech on New Year's Eve, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI also reaffirmed damned
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