ENGLISH COMMUNICATION ABILITY IN CARRYING OUT THE WORK OF THE SECRETARY the IMPORTANCE of ENGLISH for SECRETARIESThe Secretary is the one who helps the lead in initiating and completing a job. A Secretary is also an intermediary for people wanting to get in touch with him or vice versa. He also served as the Builder of relationships, whether between companies or with the community outside. In addition, the Secretary every day to communicate with customers from a variety of levels, classes, and a wide range of individuals who each different background, different social status, different interests, and different positions. Then Secretary of the prosecuted were able to understand the parties relating thereto.For that a Secretary must be able to communicate well and mastered the language of Indonesia and several foreign languages as well as English, Japanese, German, etc so that it can communicate with executive level guests, and able to assist the leadership in negotiations. He was also required to select words and composing sentences are nice and clear.The ability to communicate and interact with the leadership of outsiders, and also business associates is a very important role for a Secretary, he should also have a broad insight to be able to compete in the business world. Because of the range of cooperation or the company not only at the national level but also present internationally.Therefore, English or other foreign language is very important to the Secretary but we also should not forget that we have. English is the capital to compete to grab a better job and is the language of international liaison of all languages. PROFITS in MASTERING ENGLISH for SECRETARIES1. Improve your career2. Get a higher position than peers who do not have it3. Make it easier to communicate with anyone and anywhere4. We can confidently and never afraid to do anything5. Expand relationship6. being able to solve problems and make decisions with good the PRACTICE of COMMUNICATION in ENGLISH in the WORLD of WORKIn the era of globalization the foreign language skills were badly needed. Especially English is the international language. In order to achieve global business should required fluency in English communication. In the world of work Secretary is usually a boss or boss or client we have overseas investors if we are invited as meeting and noted the conversation meeting we should be able to understand English that well. Especially when receiving guests, the stranger it required excellent communication in English in order that the information provided can be immediately and we do not disappoint superiors. In addition to facilitating the work and add capabilities. English also makes added value for the continuity of our careers.Surroundings work 40% of English language fluency is required. In communicating a Secretary is also in desperate need of a smooth communication is English the international language used in global business to enhance career and extensive information. the things that SHOULD BE NOTED by the SECRETARY in COMMUNICATING with the USE of a FOREIGN LANGUAGE1. In communicating there are a few things to note:2. Try to speak clearly and not too slowly3. avoid speaking quickly, speak calmly and orderly so that it is easy to understand4. Focus on your opponent talk and problems discussed5. Mutual respect and understanding6. Use good grammar
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