Risk Management actually required not only in banking but can also be applied in a variety of activities. The risk factors considered would differ from one activity to another. In the world of banking, it is so interesting to be listened to given the risk factors that occur can be sourced from a variety of factors as well as the definition of the risks relating to the limited losses that may arise in the future. In this case, risk management diperbankan is expected to control the risks-risks that may arise to reduce losses in the event.There is a question: is at this time the banking in Indonesia was not yet completely implement risk management? Banking in Indonesia would have doing the analysis-yangberkaitan analysis and techniques in order to reduce the losses that arise dimasamendatang through the process of managing credit risk such as credit analysis. Such activity already was one in prosespengendalian risks, so if it is said that banking in Indonesia at all yet to implement risk control is also not entirely valid. However, the approach in controlling the risk of still using conventional techniques and approaches, so its effectiveness is still questionable, yet effective and need to be tested again the consistency of its application.With applied to the calculation of minimum capital requirements are calculated based on risk internationally through recommendations issued by Basle Committee on Banking Supervision (i.e. Basle Accord of 1988), the development of risk management is increasingly rapidly to develop more accurate risk calculation (modelling). These conditions based on the allowed banks in calculating the minimum capital requirements with the use of internal models in particular market risks (Amendment to the Basle Accord, BIS, 1996), with specific requirements.
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