Cerita tentang diriku sendiri Nama saya Azizah Khusnul Hanifah. Nama p terjemahan - Cerita tentang diriku sendiri Nama saya Azizah Khusnul Hanifah. Nama p Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Cerita tentang diriku sendiri

Nama saya Azizah Khusnul Hanifah. Nama panggilan saya Azizah tapi biasanya orang-orang terdekat saya memanggil Unun. Saya lahir di Lampung, 29 April 1995. Saya anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara. Saya sangatlah dekat dengan adik-adik saya. Setiap anak pasti sangat sayang oleh kedua orang tuanya sayapun begitu saya sangat sayang dengan kedua orang tua saya. Semasa saya kecil saya sangat suka makan ayam goreng, es krim, kue-kue yang isinya krim buah-buahan terutama buah durian sampai sekarangpun saya suka makan sehingga badan saya menjadi gemuk (sedikit besar). Saya juga sangat suka jalan-jalan,membaca komik, menonton film (film bergendre action, film indonesia jika ada yang bagus, kartun dan drama korea), mendengarkan lagu-lagu.
Dimasa saya SD saya bersekolah di SDN 1 Bandar Lampung, way halim, waktu disekolah dulu saya sangat aktif mengikuti ekstrakurikuler pramuka. Karena saya sangat aktif saya sering sekali absensi atau izin disaat di jam pelajaran. Terkadang saya membawa buku pelajaran sedikit karena sudah punya perkiraan pasti dijam pelajaran tertentu akan meminta izin keluar. Saya di SD dulu termasuk anak yang biasa-biasa saja bukan anak-anak yang trendi atau anak-anak berkelompok-kelompok saat bremain.
Saat SD saya juga bertemu teman yang sangat baik bahkan saya menjadi teman terdekat saya. Dia bernama Dwi Ayu Lestari, pada saat saya kelas V saya pindah bersekolah di Bekasi dan setelah saya lulus SD saya melanjutkan MTs. Saya melanjutkan MTs saya disekolah yang sama, Namun karna saya kurang merasa nyaman disana saya memutuskan untuk pindah ke Lampung disaat kelas 2 semester 2 Saya mencoba daftar ke MTs Al-Hikmah Lampung dan langsung diterima menjadi murid pindahan. Di MTs saya kurang aktif mengikuti ekstrakulikuler karna saya ank baru.
Setelah saya lulus MTs saya melanjutkan MA. Saya didaftarkan di pondok yang berada di Lampung Timur oleh orangtua saya Dimasa-masa bangku MA saya sering sekali terkena hukuman. Hukumannya berupa sebuah pukulan sebanyak 5 kali, menyapu di dekat kelas-kelas lain, berdiri dikelas lain dll.karana saya sering melanggar peraturan pondok yang sangat ketat dan saya juga sering terlambat datang kemasjid saat sholat. Di MA saya juga mengikuti ekstrakurikuler Pramuka tapi tidak terlalu aktif. Tapi saya mengikuti ekstrakurikuler yang lain seperti Pelatihan Kesehatan sejenis dengan PMR namun lebih kompleks terhadap masalah pengobatan dan saya berhasil menjadi ketua ekstrakurikuler tersebut dan saya mengikuti Organisasi Sekolah (OSIS) saya bertindak sebagai ketua Karya seni (PimRed), saya sering mengkuti perlombaan dan seminar seperti seminar kesehatan dan perlombaan Karya Seni seperti Majalah Dinding dan jurnalistik saya juga berkecimpung dalam pembuatan Majalah tahunan sekolah kami dan saya dipercayakan sebagai sekertaris dan layout. Saat MA saya tidak dapat merasakan kebebasan seperti anak-anak SMA pada umumnya walau saya memiliki segudang kesibukan namun saya kurang menikmati masa-mas SMA saya dengan baik. Saat SMA saya juga tidak banyak memiliki teman dan tidak memiliki teman yang cukup dekat. Setelah saya lulus SMA saya melanjutkan kejenjang yang harus lebih serius yaitu kuliah. Saya mencoba daftar di Universitas Lampung dan PolTekes tapi gagal. Lalu saya menerima surat undangan beasiswa dari Universitas Teknokrat. Namun saya tidak mengambilnya. Dan saya mencoba mendaftar kembali di IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Akhirnya saya sekarang kuliah di IAIN Raaden Intan Lampung dan mengambil fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Sesungguhnya semua ini sangat melancong jauh dari pribadi saya yang kurang menyukai pelajaran agama, yang tidak memiliki kemampuan lebih didunia pendidikan dan nilai saya pun kurang baik dipelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hingga saat ini saya masih heran mengapa saya bisa masuk ke Institut ini dan saya diterima di fakutas ini. Pada sekarang ini di kuliah saya juga kurang bisa berteman dengan baik, saya tidak memiliki banyak teman akrab semuanya hanya sekedar saya mengenal mereka. Dalam perkuliahan juga saya kurang bisa mengikuti dengan baik pembeljarannya. Saya hanya sekedarnya saja dan nilai saya hanya biasa saja. Saya juga tidak mengikuti kegiatan mahasiswa, perlombaan ataupun seminar. Saat ini saya hanya seorang mahasiswa yang sangat biasa dan pasif. Saya hanya mengtahui 1 hal untuk menjalani semua ini yaitu “Allah memberikan manusia yang dibutuhkan bukan yang diinginkan karna Allah tahu yang diingkan bukan berarti yang terbaik”. Saya hanya bisa berharap saya dapat menjalani semua ini dengan baik dan saya bisa lulus dengan baik dan bisa melanjutkan sekolah saya kejenjang yang lebih tinggi dan memiliki pekerjaan yang baik tanpa melupakan ibadah dan saya dapat hidup tenang, memiliki keluarga yang bahagia dan Mati dengan tenang. Cukup sekian cerita tentang saya dan terimakasih yang sudah membacanya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Stories about myself My name Azizah Khusnul Hanifah. My name Azizah but usually those closest to me calling Unun. I was born in Lampung, 29 April 1995. I was the first child of three brothers. It's very close to my sister-my sister. Every child must be very affectionately by his parents and I will so I am very affectionate with both my parents. During my small I really like eating fried chicken, ice cream, pastry cream that fruits especially durian fruit until now I love to eat so much that my body be obese (a bit big). I also really like the streets, reading comics, watching movies (film bergendre film indonesia action, if there is a good, cartoonish and Korean dramas), listening to the songs. In my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I attended SDN 1 Bandar Lampung, the way halim, the time I was very active in all schools follow an extracurricular Scouts. Since I am very active I often absences while the permit or in the hours of instruction. Sometimes I bring a little textbook because it already had a definite estimate of certain lessons dijam will ask permission. I am in SD first including that mediocrity is not a trendy kids or kids in groups while bremain. When the SD I also met very good friends even my closest friends become me. She named Ayu Dwi Lestari my class V I moved school in Jakarta and after I graduated I continued SD MTS. MTs I continued my same in all schools, but because I do not feel comfortable there I decided to move to Float when class 2 semester 2 I tried to sign up for MTs Al-Hikmah Lampung and instantly became a student pass. In the MTs I less active following the extracurricular karna I ank. After I graduated I continued MTs MA. I was enrolled in the cottage which is located in East Lampung by my parents Dimasa-masa me MA bench often exposed to punishment. Punishment in the form of a blow as many as 5 times, sweep near other classes, other processed etc. karana I often breaking the rules very strict hut and I also often comes too late kemasjid time of prayer. In my MA also attended extracurricular Scouts but not too active. But I followed the other extracurricular Health Training like a PMR however more complex treatment to the problem and I managed to become Chairman of the extracurricular and I attended the school Organization (OSIS) I acted as Chairman of the art work (PimRed), I often celebrates the race and health seminars and seminars like the race works of art such as Wall and journalistic Magazine I was also dabbling in making our annual school Magazine and I was entrusted as Secretary and layout. When MA I can't feel the freedom like HIGH SCHOOL kids in General even though I have a myriad of bustle and yet I am enjoying lacking mas my high school well. When my high school also did not have a lot of friends and have no friends who are close enough. After I graduated high school I went on a kejenjang legitimate should be more serious that is College. I try to list at University of Lampung and PolTekes but failed. Then I received a letter of invitation from the University scholarship Technocrat. But I didn't pick it up. And I tried to register again in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Finally I now lecture at IAIN Raaden Intan Lampung and take the Faculty United Kingdom. Behold, all this is very far from my personal travelling less fond of religious studies, which do not have the ability in the world of education and the value of I less well dipelajaran the language of the United Kingdom. To this day I still wonder why I could get into it and I received at fakutas. On this now in my college are also less able to be friends with both, I don't have a lot of friends familiar all I just know them. In the lecture I also less able to follow with good pembeljarannya. I just gradually became only and my value only. I also don't follow the activities of the students, a race or a seminar. Currently I am just a student and very passive. I only know 1 thing to go through all of this, "God gives mankind needed not desired because God knows that diingkan is not mean the best". I can only hope I can go through all of this and I can pass well and was able to continue my schooling higher kejenjang legitimate and have a nice job without forgetting my worship and live quietly, have a happy family and quietly Die. Quite a few stories about me and thank you already read it.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Stories about myself My name Azizah Khusnul Hanifah. My nickname Azizah but usually those closest to me to call Unun. I was born in Lampung, April 29, 1995. I was the first child of three siblings. I am very close with my younger siblings. Every child must have been very dear by both parents sayapun so I am very affectionate with my parents. When I was little I loved to eat fried chicken, ice cream, pastries contents cream fruits, especially durian even today I like to eat so that my body becomes fat (slightly larger). I also really like the streets, reading comics, watching movies (movies bergendre action, the film Indonesia if there is a nice, cartoons and Korean dramas), listening to the songs. The days of me of my primary school at SDN 1 Bandar Lampung, the way halim, My first school time very actively follow extracurricular scout. I am very active because I often absentee or permit while in school hours. Sometimes I bring textbooks bit because it has the approximate dijam definitely certain subjects will be asked for permission to leave. I was in elementary school, including children who unremarkable not trendy children or children in groups when bremain. As SD I also met very good friends even I become my closest friends. He named Dwi Ayu Lestari, when I moved my fifth grade school in Bekasi and after I graduated I went SD MTs. I continued my MTs same school, but because I do not feel comfortable there, I decided to move to Lampung while class 2 semesters 2 I tried to register to MTs Al-Hikmah Lampung and immediately accepted as a transfer student. I MTs less active in extracurricular because I follow the new ank. After I graduated I went MA MTs. I registered in the cottage which is located in East Lampung by my parents-time bench MA The days I often exposed to punishment. Punishment in the form of a punch as many as 5 times, raking in close to other classes, stands another class dll.karana I often break the rules cottage very tight and I also often late in coming kemasjid during prayer. In MA I also follow extracurricular Scouts but not very active. But I follow extracurricular others such as Health Training similar to PMR, but the more complex the problem of treatment and I managed to become chairman of extracurricular them and I followed the School Organization (OSIS) I acted as chairman Artwork (Pimred), I often retrace race and seminars such as health seminar and race Artwork as wall magazine and journalism I was also involved in making our school an annual magazine and I was entrusted as a secretary and layout. MA when I could not feel freedom like high school kids in general although I have a myriad of busyness, but I do not enjoy my high-mas well. In high school I did not have a lot of friends and does not have a friend who is quite close. After I graduated high school I went on to be more serious kejenjang namely college. I tried to register at the University of Lampung and Poltekes but failed. Then I received an invitation letter scholarship from the University of Technocrats. However I did not pick it up. And I tried to sign up again at IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Finally I am now studying at IAIN Raaden Intan Lampung and take English Education faculty. Surely all this is very far from my personal melancong less like religious instruction, which does not have the ability to be in the world of education and I was not good value dipelajaran English. Until now I still wonder why I could get into this Institute and I accepted at this Faculty. At present in the lecture I also do not get along well, I do not have a lot of close friends are all just I know them. In the lecture I also less able to follow well pembeljarannya. I'm just a modest course and the value I just mediocre. I also did not follow the student activities, competitions or seminars. Currently I am just a very ordinary student and passive. I just mengtahui 1 thing to undergo all of this is "God gave man needed not desirable because God knows that diingkan not mean the best". I can only hope I can go through all of this is well and I can pass well and can continue my studies kejenjang higher and have a good job without forgetting the worship and I can live in peace, have a happy family and a dead calm. Enough about my story and gratitude that has been read.

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