The Republic of Indonesia is a country of democracy.The highest authority is in the hands of the people. Indonesia is also the State law as Basic Law poured in 1945. As democracies, then in Indonesia every free citizen in issuing opinions. In issuing the opinion there is a rule as set forth in Law No. 9 of 1998 about Independence Pass Opinions in public. Frequent unrest or anarchy at the moment of the submission of opinions publicly (demonstration). This unrest led to several criminal form of pengerusakan not, theft, interfering with public interest or other criminal actions. Then to secure a rally derived Governing Mass forces (Dalmas) of the police force. This is in accordance with the role of the police as the security of the country, as set forth in Law No. 2 of 2002 on the State police.
Rallies or demonstrations is an activity undertaken by a person or more to put out of mind by oral, written, and so demonstratively in public. The demonstration is a thing that is not likely to happen in a country that has a good governance. Good governance here I interpret as a Government that shares power clearly as well as each part performs the duties and function properly (e.g., the absence of corruption, collusion and nepotism).
The demonstration is not really a bad thing since it is a form of the aspirations of the community. However, if the movement is done with anarchy then it would be a very bad thing, especially if the anarchist demonstration was done by intellectuals.
here are the factors cause the emergence of demonstration:
1. Not setujunya people against government policies that were applied.
2. The attitude of the demonstrators who consider their opinions most true.
3. Not satisfied against government policies.
4. Distrust towards the implementation of various regulations.
But kebanyakaan rallies or demonstrations in Indonesia have always been characterized by strife and unrest that often State facilities and infrastructure of State become damaged thereby. In fact this is very memperhatinkan and expunge an unlimited good name Indonesia which is identical to the peace-loving and polite santunnya.
Cause factor to the emergence of anarchist action or thuggery in this country, such as:
1. The absence of responses from Governments lawsuit against demo done.
2. Engineering factors, where pendemo already had the view that if the demo does not ricuh then do not attract the attention of the mass media. So their aspirations as wasted
3. Factor Profokator, the existence of a covert profokator which does have the intention to make the demo action into anarchy. Actually pendemo does not have any intention to do anarchists but because there are those who are not responsible they become hooked and effectively fought clash with apparatus.
4. Factor in the lack of coordination between the police and persons or establishments associated rally.
5. Economic factors that urge them to commit his life to fulfill the anarchy
6. Factor of the weak law enforcement, the legal system is an unbiased dinegeri
deterrent effect to offenders giving Act of thuggery or crime. Punishment against the gangs or who did the crimes involved murder even so mild clash.
7. The factors of community dissatisfaction.
8. The security factor less.
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