Ketika hidup tampak menjatuhkan, percayalah Tuhantlah menyiapkan sesua terjemahan - Ketika hidup tampak menjatuhkan, percayalah Tuhantlah menyiapkan sesua Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ketika hidup tampak menjatuhkan, pe

Ketika hidup tampak menjatuhkan, percayalah Tuhantlah menyiapkan sesuatu yang baik yang tak pernah kamu tahu sesudahnya (Anonim)
Percaya kepada Tuhan, bersyukur bahwa manusia selalu diberikan yang terbaik sesuai yang diperbuat manusia itu sendiri. Tak perlu berkeras hati, Ia akan memberi di saat yang tepat apa yang manusia butuhkan. Tidak harus saat ini, masih ada esok hari. Seperti yang sedang teralami, mendapat suatu cobaan dan kesusahan adalah jalan untuk dapat melihat kebahagiaan “menikmati kebahagiaan dalam kesusahaan hati”. (Anonim)
Sebagian besar orang tak tahu bagaimana BERBAGI karena mereka tak pernah mengerti mengapa orang MEMBERI. (Anonim)
Syukurilah apa yg ada, bukan apa yg akan ada, carilah apa yg buatmu bahagia, bukan yg mungkin buatmu bahagia. (Anonim)
Tiap-tiap manusia memiliki arti dan peranan masing-masing, semua berbeda. Tidak ada yang memiliki arti yang sama persis. Punya peranan dan kelebihan disatu hal, tidak harus memiliki peranan dan arti dalam hal lain. Dicintai oleh satu orang belum tentu disayang oleh orang lain. (Anonim)
Tidak peduli seberapa baik kita, kita tidak bisa bergantung padadiri sendiri. Kita selalu membutuhkan Tuhan, itu saja. (Anonim)
Untuk meraih sukses, kita perlu motivasi kuat! Namun untuk bahagia, kita bisa menikmatinyajustru saat istirahat & bersyukur(Anonim)
Anda tidak dapat mengontrol apa yang terjadi, tetapi Anda dapat mengontrol sikap terhadap apa yang terjadi dan dengan itu, Anda akan menjadi tuan atas perubahan dan bukansebaliknya, perubahan yang menjadi tuan atas diri Anda. (Brian Tracy)
Hadiah terbesar yang dapat Anda berikan kepada sesama adalah cinta dan penerimaan diri seseorang tanpa syarat. (Brian Tracy)
Kembangkan kebiasan untuk bersyukur dan berterima kasih akan apa yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda, ketahuilah bahwa setiap langkah yang Anda ambil,adalah langkah untuk mencapaisesuatu yang lebih besar dan lebih baik dari situasi yang Anda hadapi saat ini. (Brian Tracy)
Orang yang sukses selalu mencari kesempatan untuk menolong sesama, sedangkan orang yang gagal selalu bertanya, "Apa yang aku dapat dari kesempatan itu." (Brian Tracy)
Semakin banyak yang Anda berikan, semakin banyak pula yang Anda akan dapatkan. Semakin banyak Anda membantu orang lain, semakin besar keinginan mereka untuk membantu Anda. (Brian Tracy)
Jangan pernah ingkar 4 hal di dalam hidupmu – kepercayaan, janji, hubungan dan hati karenawaktu kamu melakukannya, tidak bersuara tapi sangat menyakitkan. (Charles)
Never break four things in your life – Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart because when they break they don’t make noise but painsa lot. (Charles)
Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)
Renungkan berkat-berkat Anda sekarang, yang setiap orang banyak miliki, bukan pada kemalangan masa lalu Anda, dimana semua manusia memiliki beberapa. (Charles Dickens)
Saya sudah membuat satu orang lebih bijak, atau lebih berbahagia hari ini. (Charles Kingsley)
Setiap bangun pagi, berterima kasihlah pada Tuhan karena anda memiliki sesuatu yang harus di kerjakan, entah pekerjaan itu Anda sukai maupun tidak. Terpaksa bekerjadan bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya akan memelihara kesederhanaan Anda, kemampuan mengendalikan diri, kerajinan, kegigihan, kepuasan, dan seratus kebajikan lain yang tidak dikenal oleh orang yang berleha-leha. (Charles Kingsley)
Kumpulan Kata-Kata Rohani Terbaik
Berbuatlah baik kepada orang lain maka kamu akan memperoleh kebaikan itu.
Ojo Rumongso Iso, Iso Rumongso (jangan Merasa bisa tapi Bisa sadar diri terhadap dirisendiri sebagai makhluk ciptaanTuhan
Kebahagiaan pun kesedihan adalah nikmat Tuhan yang wajib disyukuri. Belajarlah untuk menikmati dan mensyukuri segala yang Tuhan beri.
Ketakutan yg berlebih tidak baik. Lakukan apapun dgn penuh keyakinan, karena Tuhanakan membantu hambanya yg kesulitan.
Jangan jalani hidup dengan penyesalan. Kesalahan adalah pelajaran. Nikmati hidupmu, jadikan sebuah kenangan yg pantas diceritakan.
Jangan pernah berpikir tuk menyerah, karena jika kamu mau berusaha dgn kemungkinan yg ada, Tuhan akan membantumu melaluinya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
When life seemed to be dropping, trust me Tuhantlah to prepare something good that never you know afterwards (Anonymous)Believing in God, be thankful that humanity has always provided the best fit that made the man himself. No need to persist in the heart, He will give at the right time what people need. Doesn't have to be at the moment, there's still tomorrow. As it happened, being obtained a trials and tribulations is the way to be able to see the happiness "enjoy happiness in kesusahaan heart." (Anonymous)Most people do not know how to SHARE because they could never understand why people give. (Anonymous)Syukurilah what is, not what will be there, look for what yg yg buatmu happy, not perhaps buatmu happy. (Anonymous)Every human being has the meaning and the role of each, are all different. No one has the exact same meaning. Got the role and advantages at one thing, don't have to have the role and meaning in other respects. Loved by one person is not necessarily received by others. (Anonymous)No matter how good we are, we can not rely on its own padadiri. We always need God, that's it. (Anonymous)To achieve success, we need strong motivation! But to be happy, we can menikmatinyajustru at rest & be thankful (Anonymous)You can't control what happens, but you can control your attitude toward what is happening and with it, you'll be hosting on bukansebaliknya, alterations and changes into the master over yourself. (Brian Tracy)The greatest gifts you can give to others is the love and acceptance of oneself unconditionally. (Brian Tracy)Develop the Customs to be thankful and grateful for what will happen in your life, know that every step you take, is a step to mencapaisesuatu bigger and better than the situation that You face today. (Brian Tracy)Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others, whereas people who fail always asks, "what I can from that opportunity." (Brian Tracy)The more you give, the more you are going to get anyway. The more you help others, the greater their desire to help you. (Brian Tracy)Don't ever pick 4 things in your life – trust, promise, relationships and heart karenawaktu you do this, no sound but very painful. (Charles)Never break four things in your life – Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart because when they break they don't make noise but painsa a lot. (Charles)Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every people have, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)I've made one man wiser, happier or more today. (Charles Kingsley)Each morning, wake up grateful kasihlah on God because you have something that needs to be done, whether you like it or not. Bekerjadan was forced to work with as well as possible will keep Your simplicity, the ability to control themselves, crafting, persistence, satisfaction, and a hundred other virtues which are not recognized by the hotel. (Charles Kingsley)A Collection Of The Best Spiritual WordsBerbuatlah good to others and you will get the goodness of it.Ojo Rumongso Iso, Iso Rumongso (Don't Feel self conscious but could be against dirisendiri as ciptaanTuhanNo matter happiness sadness is that God must be grateful for favours. Learn to enjoy and thanks to all that the Lord give.Fears that excess is not good. Do anything with confidence, because Tuhanakan help his servants who had trouble.Don't live a life with regret. A mistake is a lesson. Enjoy your life, make it a memorable reply worthy narrated.Do not ever think to give up, because if you want to try out the possibility there, God will help you through it.This article about a collection of the best spiritual words
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
When life seems to drop, believe Tuhantlah prepare something good that you never knew thereafter (Anonymous)
Belief in God, thankful that the man has always given the best fit is done the man himself. No need to hard-hearted, he will give at the right time what humans need. Not to be this time, there is still tomorrow. As was teralami, got a trial and tribulation is the way to be able to see the happiness "enjoy happiness in the heart Tribulation". (Anonymous)
Most people do not know how to SHARE because they have never understood why people GIVE. (Anonymous)
Celebrate what's there, not what will be, look what happy for you, not for you who might be happy. (Anonymous)
Every human being has the meaning and role of each, all different. No one has exactly the same meaning. Got the role and advantages of the one thing, do not have to have the role and significance in other matters. Loved by one person may not necessarily be loved by others. (Anonymous)
No matter how good we are, we can not rely padadiri own. We always need God, that's it. (Anonymous)
To be successful, we need a strong motivation! But to be happy, we could menikmatinyajustru at rest and be thankful (Anonymous)
You can not control what happens, but you can control your attitude toward what happens and with it, you will become a master of change and bukansebaliknya, change the lord of self You. (Brian Tracy)
The greatest gift you can give to others is the love and acceptance of one's self unconditionally. (Brian Tracy)
Develop the habit to be thankful and grateful for what happens in your life, know that every step you take, is a step to mencapaisesuatu bigger and better than the situation you are facing at the moment. (Brian Tracy)
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others, while those who fail to always ask, "What do I get from that opportunity." (Brian Tracy)
The more you give, the more you will get. The more you help others, the greater their desire to help you. (Brian Tracy)
Never break a 4 things in your life - trust, promise, and liver relationship karenawaktu you do, do not speak but very painful. (Charles)
Never break four things in your life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart Because when they break they do not make noise but painsa lot. (Charles)
Reflect on your present blessings, of the which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of the which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)
Contemplate your blessings now, that every people have, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)
I've made ​​one wiser, or happier today. (Charles Kingsley)
Every waking up in the morning, thank God because you have something that must be done, whether you like the job or not. Bekerjadan forced to work as well as possible to preserve your modesty, self-control ability, craft, persistence, satisfaction, and a hundred other virtues which are not known to those careless. (Charles Kingsley)
set of Best Spiritual Words
Do your good to others and you will gain the favor.
Ojo rumongso Iso, Iso rumongso (can feel but can not self-conscious beings to dirisendiri ciptaanTuhan
Happiness is a matter of sorrow that God favors must be grateful . Learn to enjoy and be grateful for all that God has given.
fears that excess is not good. Perform any with full confidence, because Tuhanakan helped his servant that difficulty.
Do not live life with regrets. Mistakes are lessons. Enjoy your life, make a memory that deserve telling.
Do not ever think tuk give up, because if you want to try with the possibility imaginable, God will help you through it.
Such a collection of articles on spiritual words best
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