Prabu Siliwangi dan Mitos Maung Dalam Masyarakat SundaMaung dan Legend terjemahan - Prabu Siliwangi dan Mitos Maung Dalam Masyarakat SundaMaung dan Legend Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Prabu Siliwangi dan Mitos Maung Dal

Prabu Siliwangi dan Mitos Maung Dalam Masyarakat Sunda
Maung dan Legenda Siliwangi

Simbol maung dalam masyarakat Sunda terkait erat dengan legenda menghilangnya (nga-hyang) Prabu Siliwangi dan Kerajaan Pajajaran yang dipimpinnya pasca penyerbuan pasukan Islam Banten dan Cirebon yang juga dipimpin oleh keturunan Prabu Siliwangi. Konon, untuk menghindari pertumpahan darah dengan anak cucunya yang telah memeluk Islam, Prabu Siliwangi beserta para pengikutnya yang masih setia memilih untuk tapadrawa di hutan sebelum akhirnya nga-hyang. Berdasarkan kepercayaan yang hidup di sebagian masyarakat Sunda, sebelum Prabu Siliwangi nga-hyang bersama para pengikutnya, beliau meninggalkan pesan atau wangsit yang dikemudian hari dikenal sebagai “wangsit siliwangi”.

Salah satu bunyi wangsit yang populer di kalangan masyarakat Sunda adalah: “Lamun aing geus euweuh marengan sira, tuh deuleu tingkah polah maung”. Ada hal menarik berkaitan dengan kata-kata dalam wangsit tersebut: kata-kata itu termasuk kategori bahasa sunda yang kasar bila merujuk pada strata bahasa yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Sunda Priangan (Undak Usuk Basa). Mengapa seorang raja berucap dalam bahasa yang tergolong “kasar”? Bukti sejarah menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan undak usuk basa dalam masyarakat Sunda terjadi karena adanya hegemoni budaya dan politik Mataram yang memang kental nuansa feodal, dan itu baru terjadi pada abad 17—beberapa sekian abad pasca Prabu Siliwangi tiada atau nga-hyang. Namun tinjauan historis tersebut bukanlah bertujuan melegitimasi wangsit itu sebagai kenyataan sejarah. Bagaimanapun, masih banyak kalangan yang mempertanyakan validitas dari wangsit itu sebagai fakta sejarah, termasuk penulis sendiri.

Wangsit, yang bagi sebagian masyarakat Sunda itu sarat dengan filosofi kehidupan, menjadi semacam keyakinan bahwa Prabu Siliwangi telah bermetamorfosa menjadi maung (harimau) setelah tapadrawa (bertapa hingga akhir hidup) di hutan belantara. Yang menjadi pertanyaan besar: apakah memang pernyataan atau wangsit Siliwangi itu bermakna sebenarnya ataukah hanya kiasan? Realitasnya, hingga kini masih banyak masyarakat Sunda (bahkan juga yang non-Sunda) meyakini metamorfosa Prabu Siliwangi menjadi harimau. Selain itu, wangsit tersebut juga menjadi pedoman hidup bagi sebagian orang Sunda yang menganggap sifat-sifat maung seperti pemberani dan tegas, namun sangat menyayangi keluarga sebagai lelaku yang harus dijalani dalam kehidupan nyata.

Dari sini kita melihat terungkapnya sistem nilai dari simbol maung dalam masyarakat Sunda. Ternyata maung yang memiliki sifat-sifat seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya menyimpan suatu tata nilai yang terdapat pada kebudayaan masyarakat Sunda, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aspek perilaku (behaviour).

Kisah lain yang berkaitan dengan menjelmanya Prabu Siliwangi menjadi harimau adalah legenda hutan Sancang atau leuweung Sancang di Kabupaten Garut. Konon di hutan inilah Prabu Siliwangi beserta para loyalisnya menjelma menjadi harimau atau maung. Proses penjelmaannya pun terdapat dalam beragam versi. Seperti yang telah disinggung sebelumnya, ada yang mengatakan bahwa Prabu Siliwangi menjelma menjadi maung setelah menjalani tapadrawa. Tetapi ada pula sebagian masyarakat Sunda yang berkeyakinan bila Prabu Siliwangi dan para pengikutnya menjadi harimau karena keteguhan pendirian mereka untuk tidak memeluk agama Islam. Menurut kisah tersebut, Prabu Siliwangi menolak bujukan putranya yang telah menjadi Muslim, Kian Santang, untuk turut memeluk agama Islam. Keteguhan sikap itu yang mendorong penjelmaan Prabu Siliwangi dan para pengikutnya menjadi maung. Akhirnya, Prabu Siliwangi pun berubah menjadi harimau putih, sedangkan para pengikutnya menjelma menjadi harimau loreng.

Hingga kini kisah harimau putih sebagai penjelmaan Siliwangi itu masih dipercayai kebenarannya oleh masyarakat di sekitar hutan Sancang. Bahkan, kisah ini menjadi semacam kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Menurut masyarakat di sekitar hutan, bila ada pengunjung hutan yang berperilaku buruk dan merusak kondisi ekologis hutan, maka ia akan “berhadapan” dengan harimau putih yang tak lain adalah Prabu Siliwangi. Tidak masuk akal memang, namun di sisi lain, hal demikian dapat dipandang sebagai sistem pengetahuan masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan ekologi. Masyarakat leuweung Sancang telah menyadari arti pentingnya keseimbangan ekosistem kehutanan, sehingga diperlukan instrumen pengendali perilaku manusia yang seringkali berhasrat merusak alam. Dan mitos harimau putih jelmaan Siliwangi lah yang menjadi instrumen kontrol sosial tersebut.

Namun, serangkaian kisah yang mendeskripsikan korelasi antara Prabu Siliwangi dengan mitos maung itu tetap saja menyisakan pertanyaan besar, apakah itu semua merupakan fakta sejarah? Siapa Prabu Siliwangi sebenarnya dan darimanakah mitos maung itu muncul pertama kali?

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Prabu Siliwangi and myths Maung In SundaneseMaung and the legend of the SiliwangiSymbol maung in Sundanese is closely related to the legend of the disappearance (nga-hyang) Prabu Siliwangi and Pajajaran Kingdoms his post-Islamic forces RAID Bantam and Cirebon were also led by the descendants of Prabu Siliwangi. It is said, to avoid bloodshed with his grandson who had embraced Islam, Prabu Siliwangi, along with his followers who are still faithful to vote for tapadrawa in the forest before finally nga-hyang. Based on the belief that lives in parts of Sundanese, before King Siliwangi nga-hyang along with his followers, he left messages or wangsit which later became known as the "wangsit siliwangi".One of the wangsit sound that is popular among Sundanese is: "Seagrass aing euweuh marengan sira, geus tuh deuleu whim doings maung". There are interesting things related to words in the wangsit: words that include the category of bad language when referring to the strata of the language used by the Sundanese Priangan (Undak Usuk base). Why does a King spoke in a language that belongs to the "rough"? Historical evidence suggests that the emergence of undak usuk bases in Sundanese occurs due to cultural and political hegemony of Mataram did feudal nuance, and it recently happened in the 17th century — some of the post-war centuries Prabu Siliwangi no or nga-hyang. But the historical review is not legitimized it as a aims to wangsit the fact of history. However, there are still many who question the validity of the wangsit it as a historical fact, including the author himself.Wangsit, which for some Sundanese was laden with a philosophy of life, becomes a kind of confidence that King Siliwangi has been bermetamorfosa into maung (Tigers) after tapadrawa (asceticism until the end of life) in the wilderness. The big question: is indeed a statement or wangsit Siliwangi was actually meaningful or just figurative? Reality was, up to now there are still many Sundanese (even non-Sunda) believes the progress of Prabu Siliwangi became a tiger. In addition, the wangsit also become a guideline of life for some people of Sunda who consider properties such as maung and firm, brave and very loving family as lelaku that must be traveled in real life.From here we see the exposure value system of symbols maung in the Sundanese. It turns out that maung who has properties such as the previously mentioned save a values found in the Sundanese culture, particularly with regard to aspects of behavior (behaviour).Another story related to menjelmanya Prabu Siliwangi is a legend Tiger Woods be Sancang or leuweung Sancang in Garut. It is said that in the forest this is Prabu Siliwangi, along with the loyalisnya transformed into the Tiger or maung. The process of his incarnation matter contained in various versions. As has been mentioned earlier, it was said that King Siliwangi transformed into maung after undergoing tapadrawa. But there is also a portion of the Sundanese belief when Prabu Siliwangi and his followers became the Tiger due to the constancy of their establishment not to embrace Islam. According to the story, Prabu Siliwangi rejected the persuasion of her son who had become Muslims, Kian Santang, to be converted to Islam. The constancy that attitude that drove the incarnation of Prabu Siliwangi and his followers be maung. Finally, Prabu Siliwangi else turns into a white tiger, while his followers were transformed into the Tiger loreng.Up to now the story of the White Tiger as the embodiment of the Siliwangi was still held to be the truth by communities around the forest Sancang. In fact, this tale into a kind of local wisdom (local wisdom). According to the communities around the forests, when there are visitors to the forest that behave badly and ruin the ecological condition of forests, it will "face to face" with a white tiger which is Prabu Siliwangi. Absurd indeed, but on the other hand, such a system can be viewed as public knowledge related to ecology. Leuweung Sancang community has realized the significance of forestry ecosystem balance, so that the necessary instruments governing human behavior that often have a destructive nature. And the myth of the White Tiger is the reincarnation of Siliwangi became an instrument of social control.However, a series of acts that describe the correlation between Prabu Siliwangi with mythical maung was still remains a big question, whether it all was a historical fact? Prabu Siliwangi who actually and what myths maung it first appears?Errors Of Interpretation OfWhen we browse in depth, it shall not be found historical evidences linking Prabu Siliwangi or Kingdom Paja
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
King Siliwangi and Myth Maung In Sunda people
Maung and Legend Siliwangi Symbols maung in Sundanese society closely associated with the legend of the disappearance (nga-hyang) King Siliwangi and the Kingdom Pajajaran they lead Islam after the invasion, Banten and Cirebon which is also led by a descendant of King Siliwangi. That said, in order to avoid bloodshed with their grandchildren who had embraced Islam, King Siliwangi and his followers were still loyal opt for tapadrawa in the woods before finally nga-hyang. Based on the belief that life in some communities Sunda, before King Siliwangi nga-hyang with his followers, he left a message or wangsit that would later be known as the "wangsit Siliwangi". One sound divine being popular among the Sunda is: "Seagrass aing Geus euweuh marengan sira, tuh deuleu maung doings ". There are interesting things related to words in the wangsit: words including rough categories Sundanese language when referring to the strata of the language used by the Sundanese people Priangan (Usuk steps Basa). Why a King say in a language that is classified as "rough"? Historical evidence indicates that the emergence of the railroad rafter bases in Sundanese society occur because of the cultural and political hegemony Mataram which is thick feel feudal, and it just happened in the 17th century-some so many centuries after King Siliwangi no or nga-hyang. However, a historical review is not aimed at legitimizing wangsit it as a fact of history. However, there are still many people who question the validity of wangsit it as a historical fact, including the author himself. Wangsit, which for some people Sunda was loaded with a philosophy of life, becomes a kind of belief that King Siliwangi had metamorphosed into maung (tiger) after tapadrawa (imprisoned up end of life) in the wilderness. The big question: whether it is a statement or wangsit Siliwangi it means actually or metaphorically? The reality is, until now there are still many Sundanese people (even non-Sunda) believe King Siliwangi metamorphosis into a tiger. In addition, DI is also a way of life for some people Sundanese assume the properties of maung as brave and resolute, but very loving family as lelaku that must be followed in real life. From here we see the unfolding of the value system of symbols maung in Sundanese society , Turns maung which has the properties as mentioned previously storing a values ​​contained in the culture Sundanese community, especially with regard to aspects of behavior (behavior). Another story related to menjelmanya King Siliwangi into a tiger is a legend forests Sancang or leuweung Sancang in Garut. It is said that in this forest King Siliwangi along with the loyalists transformed into a tiger or maung. Incarnation process was present in different versions. As mentioned previously, some say that King Siliwangi transformed into maung after undergoing tapadrawa. But there are also some people who believe Sunda when King Siliwangi and his followers into a tiger because of the firmness of their stance to not embrace Islam. According to the story, King Siliwangi reject inducements son who had become a Muslim, Kian Santang, to contribute to embrace Islam. Firmness that attitude which encourages the incarnation of King Siliwangi and his followers became maung. Finally, King Siliwangi was turned into a white tiger, while his followers transformed into a tiger stripe. Until now the story of the white tiger as the embodiment Siliwangi was still believed to be true by the forest peoples Sancang. In fact, this story becomes a kind of local wisdom (local wisdom). According to the people around the forest, if there are forest visitors behaving badly and damage the ecological condition of the forest, then he will "deal" with the white tiger is none other than King Siliwangi. Does not make sense, but on the other hand, it can thus be seen as a system of public knowledge related to ecology. Sancang leuweung community has realized the importance of forest ecosystem balance, so that the necessary instruments controlling human behavior are often eager to destroy nature. And the myth of the white tiger incarnation Siliwangi who became an instrument of social control. However, a series of stories that describe the correlation between King Siliwangi with maung myth that still leaves a big question, whether it was all a historical fact? Who's the real King Siliwangi and where did the myth maung it first appeared? Errors Interpretation When we explore in depth, there would be evidence linking the history of the kingdom of King Siliwangi or Paja

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