The x-men film revolves around a group of mutants that are able to survive in the battle at the end of term with a robot sentinel. Robot sentinel itself made by dr.Trask, who intended to kill all mutants on Earth. Finally there is a mutant named "Logan" want to help fix the future better and the mutants are not bothered by the sentinel. Then he willingly volunteered to go back to the past with the help of one of the mutants who have the power to bring the human mind into the past and future of change at this time. And in the process do mengiriman/time travel the logan to 1973 with the Mission of gathering the main character mutant on Earth to tell future he experienced. And then comes the "Logan" in 1973, he began searching for a mutant who was with him in the past one by one. First he visited school Xavien, and other places so that the accumulated number of mutants. And the first objective is to find a mutant named "Raven" who know about the plans of Dr. trask will make the sentinel. And raven finally impersonate a Japanese Defence Ministry officials will hold meetings with other officials in paris to discuss the sentinel. But raven caught as a result of a pendeksi mutant Dr. trask who mendeksi the existence of mutants in the vicinity. He also managed to escape but terpergok by Logan and kawan2nya, and that's when he panicked and jump the window in order to escape, but his leg was shot by a gun in the control one of the mutants. But he can still manage to escape him. On the run the "Raven" was he trying to kill trask to abort missions sentinel. However there is one of the berkhiaanat with logan's friends take action lightly to take control of the sentinel. He ended up attacking the White House and besieged him in the ballpark, and control the sentinel program he had to kill the US President and Dr. trask at the launch of the sentinel tsb. However the mission one of the mutants failed and the end he gave up and left the White House with fine. Ending nya film ini pun berakhir dengan kisah sukses para mutan yang bisa mengubah sejarah mereka menjadi lebih baik. Dan ketakutan akan sentinelpun hilang di karenakan misi ini di batalkan dan d.trask di penjara.
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