Manusia dan Keterbatasan Pengetahuan Allah menyindir manusia, dan samp terjemahan - Manusia dan Keterbatasan Pengetahuan Allah menyindir manusia, dan samp Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Manusia dan Keterbatasan Pengetahua

Manusia dan Keterbatasan Pengetahuan

Allah menyindir manusia, dan sampai hari ini tidak ada tanda-tanda pemahaman atau perilaku yang mencerminkan kesadaran bahwa mereka merasa tersindir:

“Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu amat dzalim dan amat bodoh”.(Al Ahzab : 72-73)

Di dalam praktik kebudayaan dan sejarah di muka bumi, manusia melakukan kebodohan dan ketidakpekaan atas sindiran itu. Tak ada yang menawari mereka untuk memanggul amanat pun mereka malah mencalon-calonkan diri agar disuruh memanggul amanat.

Mengajukan dirinya kepada masyarakatnya, menyodor-nyodorkan wajahnya, dengan terlebih dulu dihiasi, ditopengi, dibagus-baguskan, diwangi-wangikan, agar masyarakat mempercayainya dan memilihnya untuk dilantik menjadi pemanggul amanat.

Saya jadi ingat guru saya pernah bercerita tentang seekor semut yang datang ke area di mana Namrud mengikat Nabi Ibrahim di tiang kemudian dinyalakan api di bawah dan sekitarnya.

Semut itu membawa setetes air yang volume tetesannya mungkin hanya sepersepuluh badan semut. Sehingga seekor burung yang sedang melintas bertanya untuk apa semut membawa air. Semut menjawab untuk memadamkan api yang membakar Ibrahim.

Si burung mentertawakan, mana mungkin air setetes sanggup memadamkan api yang berkobar sebegitu besarnya.

Kata guru saya Tuhan tidak menagih kepada semut agar ia memadamkan api. Yang ditunggu oleh Tuhan adalah pada sisi mana semut meletakkan diri. Semut itu berada pada sisi pembelaan kepada Ibrahim, ataukah sebaliknya.

Jadi semut yang berjalan membawa tetesan air itu tidak perlu diurut logikanya sampai ke padamnya api. Yang dilakukan oleh semut itu adalah persembahan kepada Tuhan, bukti ibadah kepada-Nya, syahadat terhadap kebenaran.

Yang memadamkan api adalah Allah, dengan atau tanpa air. Yang membuat Nabi Ibrahim tidak terbakar hanyalah Allah, dengan cara yang terserah Nya.

Guru saya kemudian juga menyebutkan bahwa bukan hanya semut yang membela kebenaran Ibrahim. Tapi juga gunung, lautan, dan para Malaikat. Sebagaimana mereka juga menawarkan pembelaan kepada Nabi Muhammad tatkala dilukai lehernya oleh pasukan Abu Jahal.

Sementara manusia terperangkap oleh batas kesempitan pengetahuannya sendiri tentang dirinya maupun tentang alam semesta dan kehidupan. Manusia mengira bahwa hanya ia yang bisa berkomunikasi, berdialog, dan memadamkan api.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Man and the limitations of Knowledge God mocks the man, and to this day there are no signs of understanding or behavior that reflects the realization that they are tersindir:"Indeed, we have elaborated the mandate to the heavens, the Earth and the mountains, then everything was reluctant to take up the mandate and they worry will betray him, and that the mandate of dipikullah by human beings. Behold the man is very dzalim and very stupid ". (Al-Ahzab: 72-73)In the practice of culture and history in the face of the Earth, humans do the silliness and innuendo over ketidakpekaan it. No one offered them to bear any mandate they instead mencalon-nominated themselves in order to be hired by shouldering the mandate.Submits himself to the people, thrusts it-nyodorkan face, by first decorated, ditopengi, dibagus-baguskan, wangikan, order-diwangi community trust him and selected him for the bearer was inducted into the work.I so remember my teacher once told me about an Ant who came to the area in which the binding Abraham Namrud in pole and then lit a fire under and around it.Ant it brings a drop of water that may be only a tenth of the volume of tetesannya bodies of ants. So a bird that is being passed to ask for what the ants carry water. The ants respond to douse the flames that burn Ibrahim. The birds were scoffed at, where a drop of the water might be able to put out the fire that blazed in such magnitude.My teacher said God does not charge to ants in order to extinguish the fire. The awaited by God is on the side where the ants putting away. Ants that are on the side of the defense to Ibrahim, or vice versa.So the ants walk carrying water droplets that do not need to be sorted out logically right down to the padamnya api. Conducted by Ant it is offering to the Lord, worship him, creed against the truth.Who put out the fire is God, with or without water. Who made the Prophet Ibrahim was not burned is simply God, in a way that's up to him. My teacher then also mentioned that not only the ants defend the righteousness of Abraham. But also mountains, oceans, and the angels. As they also offer a defense to the Prophet Muhammad when hurt his neck by Abu Jahl. While humans are trapped by the narrowness of his own about himself or about the universe and life. Man think that only he can communicate, dialogue, and put out the fire.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Humans and the Limits of Knowledge

of God insinuating man, and to this day there was no sign of understanding or behavior which reflect an awareness that they feel tersindir:

"Lo! We offered the mandate to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, then everything is reluctant to assume the mandate, and they feared would betray, and dipikullah mandate it by humans. Behold, the man is very dzalim and very foolish. "(Al-Ahzab: 72-73)

In the practice of the culture and history of the earth, humans do ignorance and insensitivity on sarcasm. Nobody offered them to carry the mandate else they instead mencalon-nominated themselves to be asked to carry the mandate.

Asking him to the people, menyodor-nyodorkan face, with the first decorated, ditopengi, dibagus-baguskan, diwangi-wangikan, so that people believe it and select it to be inducted into bearers mandate.

I remember my teachers once told me about an ant who come to the area where Namrud binding Abraham on the pole and then lit a fire under and around it.

the ant was carrying a drop of water that the volume of the drops may be only one-tenth the weight of ants. So that a bird that was passing to ask what the ants carry the water. Ants answer to put out the fire of Abraham.

The birds laugh, which may be a drop of water could extinguish the blazing fire such enormous.

The word of God does not charge my teacher told him to put out the fire ant. Awaited by God is on the side where the ants lay down. Ant it is on the side of the defense to Abraham, or vice versa.

So the ants going to bring a trickle of water that does not need to be sorted logic to the extinction of the fire. By ants it was an offering to the Lord, worship Him evidence, creed to the truth.

The blaze was God, with or without water. Prophet Ibrahim who made no burning is God, in a way that is up to him.

My teacher then also mentioned that not only the ants defend the truth Ibrahim. But also mountains, oceans, and the Angels. As they also offer a defense to the Prophet Muhammad when he injured his neck by the forces of Abu Jahl.

While humans trapped by the narrowness of the limits of his own knowledge of himself and of the universe and life. Humans think that only he can communicate, dialogue, and putting out fires.
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