How To Make Crispy Fried Chicken Crispy SimpleThe first step is smearing chicken in water, the juice of a lime and then set aside.Blend all marinade chicken stir-fry until fragrant, then stir in the chicken and add salt to taste, a flavor enhancer and toss evenly, give a little water and let sit a few moments so that the marinade seep water and dry out the chicken after it is lifted and set aside, allow a few moments to cool.Take a rather large container and pour the flour and all seasonings flour, stir-stir by hand so that the seasonings are mixed perfectly.Take the chicken pieces, dip into egg whites and roll lightly into the flour seasoning while squeezing a bit so tepungnya stick, do 2 or 3 times if you want a thicker flour. Repeat this step until all of the chicken pieces in the flour swathed.Prepare a frying pan and heat the cooking oil until really hot. Insert the pieces of chicken that's been swathed flour one at a time and FRY until cooked, if its color is turning into a brownish yellow mean crispy fried chicken we've matured.Remove the chicken FRY and drain above the kitchen tissue paper so that the oil absorbed.Crispy crunchy fried chicken we have ready served.
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