Para sahabatku terkasih, pejabat super tinggi MD, tamu undangan MOM99. terjemahan - Para sahabatku terkasih, pejabat super tinggi MD, tamu undangan MOM99. Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Para sahabatku terkasih, pejabat su

Para sahabatku terkasih, pejabat super tinggi MD, tamu undangan MOM99.

Re : Sebagai informasi

Seperti yang disampaikan Pangeran dan Caesar bahwa keberadaan MOM99 adalah untuk :
1. Tempat koordinasi para pejabat super tinggi MD
2.Melakukan musyawarah dan mufakat untuk suatu kasus atau perkara.
3. Melakukan Kesepakatan dan memberikan solusi.
4. Bukan mengambil suatu keputusan terhadap kasus di Master Dinasty.

Karena KEPUTUSAN hanya bisa dilakukan atau diambil dalam Persidangan Tertinggi Master Dinasty, yaitu di ISTANA AGUNG Mahkamah Agung MD. Saat ini Mahkamah Agung sudah memiliki perangkat yang cukup untuk mengelar sidang.
Jika perkara atau kasus yang masuk di MOM99 tidak bisa dicarikan jalan keluar atau solusi atau tidak bisa dilakukan secara musyawarah dan mufakat, Hakim Agung akan membawa kasus atau perkara ini di Persidangan Majelis Kehormatan Mahkamah Agung.

Untuk ini juga diminta kepada MD intelijent maupun MD Defense untuk tidak mengeluarkan keputusan apapun, apakah dalam bentuk teguran, peringatan maupun black list kepada pejabat apapun atau kingdom apapun sebelum ada keputusan vonis dari Mahkamah Agung.

Demikian disampaikan untuk dapat dipahami.

Terima kasih

Berdasarkan kesepakatan Pangeran, Caesar, mahaguru serta Pejabat lain nya. Bersama ini Hakim Agung memberikan pertimbangan dan keputusan, sebagai berikut:

Mencermati dengar pendapat dari siang tadi sampai saat ini, serta usulan dan pendapat dari pejabat-pejabat Super Tinggi MD maupun tamu undangan yang berada di MOM99 ini,
Bersama ini Hakim Agung dengan segala kerendahan hari memberikan pertimbangan untuk persoalan Life Master, sebagai berikut :

~ Personil yang berada di life Master adalah bagian terbaik yang dimiliki Master Dinasty, karena kita bisa lihat loyalitas dan integritas mereka selama berada di Master Dinasty.

~ Eksistensi Life Master adalah suatu bentuk Variasi dan bersifat Entertainment. Kenapa disebut demikian, karena inilah kita di Master Dinasty dengan segala style dan warna nya. Life Master dinilai bukan suatu saingan atau momok bagi Master Dinasty, tapi mereka adalah bagian yg tidak terpisahkan dari Master Dinasty.

~ HIMBAUAN yang dikeluarkan MD Defense seyogyanya disikapi dengan arif dan bijaksana oleh berbagai pihak. Himbauan tersebut tidak menyalahi aturan ala Master Dinasty, sifatnya untuk mengingatkan kita semua.
Atas dasar tersebut, dengan ini Hakim Agung memutuskan bahwa :
~ Life Master adalah bagian dari Master Dinasty. Karena sifatnya lebih mengarah kepada entertainment, mulai saat ini Life Master berada dalam naungan MD Entertainment. Untuk itu diminta kepada Maestro Leo memberikan mereka tempat di MD Entertainment.

~ Atribute-atribute yang dipakai, apakah itu Mahkota, Jabatan, dan lain-lain harus disesuaikan dengan ketentuan yang ada demi kebersamaan dan identitas kita.

Demikian disampaikan, untuk dapat ditindaklanjuti.

Terima kasih

Catatan : Khusus untuk Rektor Doddy untuk bisa lebih wise dalam menyikapi sesuatu masalah yang dihadapi. Kurangi emosi dan ego, karena sebagai Rektor di MD merupakan salah satu panutan atau contoh bagi pejabat dan member yang lain.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The my best friend beloved super high officials, MD, the invited guests MOM99.

Re: as the information

Like Caesar and Prince submitted that the existence of the MOM99 is to:
1. The super high officials coordinating MD
2. conduct deliberation and consensus for a particular case or proceeding.
3. Do the deal and give solutions.
4. Instead of taking a decision in the case against Masters Dynasty.

because the decision can only be made or taken in the Supreme Court Master Dynasty, namely the SUPREME Court Supreme Court MD. Currently the Supreme Court already has enough tools for targeting blater trial.
If the case or cases entered in MOM99 can not look for a way out or solution or can not be done in deliberation and consensus, the Chief Justice will take the case or matter in the trial Tribunal Honorary Supreme Court. This is also required For

to intelijent MD nor MD Defense for not issuing any decision, whether in the form of a reprimand, warning or black list to any officials or kingdom before any decision of any verdict from the Supreme Court.

Thus conveyed to be understood.


Upon the agreement Prince, Caesar, a Maestro as well as other officials of his. This joint Chief Justice give consideration and decision, as follows:

Observe the hearings from noon until the last moment, as well as the proposals and opinions of the Super high officials MD as well as invited guests who were in this MOM99,
this Chief Justice Along with all humility today give consideration to the question of Life Master, as follows:

~ Personnel in the life Master is the best part of the Dynasty, Master because we can see the loyalty and integrity of their Master while in Dynasty.

~ Existence Life Master is a form of Variation and Entertainment. Why is called so, because this is our in Dynasty Masters with all the style and color him. Life Master rated not a rival or a scourge for Dynasty, Master but they are the integral part of yg Master Dynasty.

~ advisories issued MD Defense should addressed with arif and wise by various parties. An appeal is not violating either the Master Dynasty, is to remind us all.
On the basis of this, with the Chief Justice decides that:
~ Life Master is part of a Dynasty of Master. Due to its more towards entertainment, from this moment Life Master is in shade MD Entertainment. For it is requested to the Maestro Leo gave them a place in MD Entertainment.

~ Attribute-attribute that is used, whether it be the Crown, title, and others should be tailored to the conditions that exist for the sake of unity and our identity.

So delivered, to be acted upon.


Note: specifically for Rector Doddy to be more wise in addressing any problems encountered. Subtract the emotions and ego, because as Rector in MD is a role model or an example for officials and members of the other.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The dear friend, MD super high officials, invited guests MOM99. Re: For information As presented Prince and Caesar that the presence of MOM99 is to: 1. Where coordination of super high officials MD 2.Melakukan deliberation to a case or matter. 3. Doing agreement and provide solutions. 4. Not taking a decision on the case in the Master Dinasty. Due DECISION only be done or taken in the trial of Supreme Master Dinasty, namely in the Supreme Court SUPREME COURT MD. Currently the Supreme Court already has enough tools to organize a session. If the case or cases coming in MOM99 can not find a way out or a solution or can not be done by deliberation and consensus, the Chief Justice will take the case or the case in the Trial Court of Honor Council Supreme. To this also requested to MD or MD intelijent Defense for not issuing any decision, whether in the form of a reprimand, warning or black list to any official or any kingdom before the verdict of the Supreme Court decision. was stated to be understood. thank you JUDGE SUPREME MD Prince Under the agreement, Caesar, his professor as well as other officials. The Joint Chief Justice gave judgment and decision, as follows: Observing the hearings of this afternoon to date, as well as suggestions and opinions from authorities Super High MD and invited guests who are in this MOM99, Herewith Justice with all humility give consideration to the issue of Life Master, as follows: ~ The personnel who are in life is the best Master Master Dinasty owned, because we can see their loyalty and integrity while in Master Dinasty. ~ Existence Life Master is a variation of the shape and nature Entertainment . Why is so called, because here we are in the Master Dinasty with all its style and color. Life Masters is not considered a rival or a scourge for Master Dinasty, but they are part and parcel of the Master Dinasty. ~ ADVISORY issued MD Defense should be addressed to the wise and prudent by the various parties. The appeal does not violate the rules of the Master Dinasty style, nature to remind us all. On this basis, the Court ruled that this Judge: ~ Life Master is part of the Master Dinasty. Because it is more directed to entertainment, from this moment Life Master under the auspices of MD Entertainment. For Maestro Leo was asked to give them a place in MD Entertainment. ~ Attributes-attribute is used, whether it is the Crown, Position, and others must be adapted to the existing provisions for the sake of unity and identity. was conveyed, to be followed up. Accept love JUDGE SUPREME MD Note: Special for Doddy Rector to be more wise in addressing the problems faced something. Reduce emotions and ego, because as Rector in MD is one role model or example for officers and other members.

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