Plants contain toxic ingredients jicama called rotenon which can mengangu the life cycle of insects. There is a lot on the rotenon concentrations the leaves and seeds of the plant Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus (l.) Urb.). This research aims to know the effectiveness of larvasida Yam bean leaves dekok mosquitoes Aedes sp, and knows the price of LC50. This research was conducted on the effectiveness of test larvasida leaf dekok Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus (l.) Urb.) against larvae of Aedes SP. Data obtained by counting the number of dead larvae after treatment 24 hours in each concentration. Research results have prices 20,944%. This shows that the jicama (Pachyrhizus leaf dekok erosus (l.) Urb.larvasida activity) against larvae of Aedes sp and the content of chemical compounds contained in leaf dekok Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus (l.) Urb.) is a group of polyphenols and flavonoids, steroids.
keywords: larvae of Aedes sp, Pachyrhizus erosus (l.) Urb., rotenon
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