In January 2001, Wahid announced that the Lunar New Year holiday to be optional. This action followed by the lifting of a ban on the use of Chinese characters. Wahid visited Northern Africa as well as Saudi Arabia for the Hajj. Wahid made his last overseas visit in June 2001 when he visited Australia.At a meeting with the Rector of the University Rectors on 27 January 2001, Wahid said Indonesia is likely to enter into anarchism. He then proposed the dissolution of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES if this occurs. The meeting adds to the movement of anti-Wahid. On 1 February, the DPR met to issue a memorandum against Wahid. The memorandum contains the holding of a special session of the MPR where the impeachment of the President can do. PKB members could only walk out in response to this. This memorandum also caused protests among NU. In East Java, NU members protested in the vicinity of the regional offices of Golkar. In Jakarta, Wahid's opposition down accusing him of encouraging the protests. Wahid denied it and went to talk to the demonstrators in Pasuruan. However, NU protesters continued to show their support for Wahid and in April, announced that they were ready to defend and die for the President.In March, Wahid tried to retaliate against disiden opposition to the Cabinet. The Minister of Justice and human rights Yusril Ihza Mahendra was removed from the Cabinet because he announced the request to Wahid's opposition. Minister of forestry Nurmahmudi Ismail was also removed for reasons different from the vision, in contrast with the President in making policy, and diangap cannot control the Justice Party, which at that time took part in the mass action demanding Wahid step down. In response to this, Megawati began to distance herself and did not attend the inauguration of the replacement of the Minister. On April 30, the DPR issued a second memorandum and ask for the holding of the MPR special session on August 1.Wahid began to despair and asked the Coordinating Minister of political, social, and security (the Coordinating Minister for Politics) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to declare a State of emergency. Yudhoyono refused and Wahid removed him from Office, along with four other Ministers in a cabinet reshuffle on July 1, 2001. Finally on 20 July, Amien declared that the MPR special session will be brought forward to July 23. TNI 40,000 troops in Jakarta and also lower the tank pointing in the direction of the Presidential Palace as a form of appointment powers. Wahid then announced the enactment of decrees which contain (1) the dissolution of the MPR/DPR, (2) to return sovereignty to the people's hands by accelerating the election within one year, and (3) freeze Golkar as a form of resistance to the MPR special session. But the decree did not gain support and on 23 July, the MPR unanimously voted to impeach Wahid and to replace him with Megawati as President. Wahid continued to insist that he was the President and stayed in the Presidential Palace for several days, but on 25 July he went to the United States because of health problems
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