The Story Of Telaga Warna Telaga Warna's Story Long time ago there was terjemahan - The Story Of Telaga Warna Telaga Warna's Story Long time ago there was Sunda Bagaimana mengatakan

The Story Of Telaga Warna Telaga Wa

The Story Of Telaga Warna
Telaga Warna's Story

Long time ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king called Prabu. He was a kind and wise king. Under Prabu’s leadership, the kingdom grew into a prosperous kingdom. There’s no hunger in the kingdom. Everybody in the kingdom loved their king. But, there’s one problem. The king and his queen hadn’t got any children. It made the couple very sad. That was why Prabu decided to go to the jungle. There, he meditated and prayed to God. Everyday he begged for a child. His dream finally came true. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt very happy. They sent many presents to the palace to express their happiness. Nine months later a baby girl was born. The baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.
Prabu and his queen loved their daughter so much. They gave what ever she wanted. It made the princess grew into a spoiled girl. When her wish couldn’t be fulfilled, she would be very angry. She even said bad things often. Even though the princess behaved badly, her parents still loved her, and so did the people in the kingdom.
Time passed and the princess grew more beautiful. In a few days, the princess would be seventeen years old. That’s why people of that kingdom brought many presents for her. They bring gold and beautiful jewelries. Prabu collected the presents. Then Prabu stored them in a special room. Some times he would take them to give to his people who needed it. Prabu only took a few gold and jewels. Then he brought them to a goldsmith. “Please make a necklace for my daughter,” said Prabu. “My pleasure, Your Majesty,” the goldsmith replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace for the princess.
The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. Then Prabu and the queen appeared. They waved to their beloved people. Cheers were loud and louder when the princess appeared. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair and took a small pillow. A beautiful necklace was on the pillow. Prabu took that necklace. “My beloved daughter, today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people in this country. They love you so much. They presented it for you to express their happiness, because you have growing to a woman,” said Prabu. The princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. “I don’t want this necklace! It’s ugly!” shouted the princess as she threw the necklace away. The necklace hit the floor and was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor.
No body dared to speak. They never thought that their beloved princess would do such a cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying too. Then everybody was crying. Suddenly, from the middle of the field, a spring emerged. It quickly became a pool. The palace was getting flooded. Soon the place became a big lake.
Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small lake now. People called the lake Telaga Warna (it means lake of colour). On a bright day, the lake is full of colour. These colors come from the reflections of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colours are from the princess’ necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.
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Hasil (Sunda) 1: [Salinan]
Carita Telaga Warna
Story warna Lake Kang lila pisan aya hiji karajaan di Jawa Kulon. Karajaan ieu maréntah ku raja disebut Raja. Anjeunna jadi nanaon jeung raja wijaksana. Dina kapamingpinan Raja urang, karajaan tumuwuh jadi hiji karajaan makmur. Teu aya rasa lapar di karajaan. Urang sakabehna di karajaan dicinta raja maranéhanana. Tapi, aya nu hiji masalah. Raja sarta ratu nya geus teu ngagaduhan anak. Eta dijieun pasangan sedih pisan. Nu naha Raja mutuskeun pikeun indit ka leuweung. Aya, manéhna meditated jeung ngado'a ka Allah. Sapopoé manéhna begged pikeun anak. Ngimpi nya ahirna datang bener. Sababaraha bulan ka hareup, ratu nu meunang hamil. Kabéh jalma di karajaan dirasakeun bagja pisan. Maranéhanana dikirim loba presents ka karaton pikeun nganyatakeun Harita kabagjaan maranéhanana. Salapan bulan saterusna gadis orok lahir. Orok tumuwuh jadi rumaja éndah mangka. King jeung ratu nya dicinta putri maranéhanana jadi loba. Maranéhanana mikeun naon kungsi manéhna hayang. Eta dijieun putri tumuwuh jadi gadis manja. Lamun keukeuh nya teu bisa kaeusi, manéhna bakal pisan ambek. Manéhna komo ceuk hal goréng mindeng. Sanajan putri behaved parna, kolotna masih dicinta nya, jeung saterusna teu jalma di karajaan. Time diliwatan jeung putri tumuwuh leuwih éndah. Dina hiji poé, putri bakal heubeul tujuh belas taun. Kusabab kitu urang karajaan nu dibawa loba presents keur dirina. Maranéhanana mawa emas jeung jewelries éndah. Raja dikumpulkeun nu presents. Raja terus disimpen eta rohangan husus. Sababaraha kali manéhna baris dicokot méré ka rahayatna anu diperlukeun éta. Raja ngan nyokot sababaraha emas jeung jewels. Saterusna manéhna dibawa ka hiji Goldsmith. "Mangga nyieun kongkorong keur putri mah," ceuk Raja. "Pelesir My, paduka," nu Goldsmith ngawaler. Nu Goldsmith digawé kalayan kabéh jantung sarta pangabisana. Manéhna hayang nyieun kongkorong paling geulis keur putri. ultah datang. Jalma dikumpulkeun dina widang karaton. Mangka Raja sarta ratu nu mecenghul. Maranéhanana waved ka Harita urang maranéhna tercinta. Cheers éta pisan jeung louder lamun putri mecenghul. Urang sakabehna admired keindahan nya. Raja bangun ti korsi sarta nyandak bantal leutik. A kongkorong éndah ieu dina bantal. Raja nyokot kongkorong éta. "Putri tercinta abdi, ayeuna mah méré kongkorong ieu ka anjeun. Kongkorong Ieu hadiah ti urang di ieu nagara. Maranéhanana bogoh pisan ka anjeun. Maranéhanana disajikan eta pikeun anjeun pikeun nganyatakeun Harita kabagjaan maranéhanana, sabab geus ngembang ka hiji awewe, "ceuk Raja. Putri ditarima kongkorong teh. Manéhna melong kongkorong di neuteup saliwatan a. "Kuring teu daék kongkorong ieu! Ieu awon! "Ambekan putri salaku manéhna dialungkeunana kongkorong nu jauh. Kongkorong nu pencét lantai jeung ieu pegat. Emas jeung jewels nya sumebar kaluar di lantai. No body wani nyarita. Maranéhanana henteu kungsi pamikiran anu Harita putri maranéhanana tercinta bakal ulah kawas hal kejem. Dina tiiseun maranéhanana, ratu kadéngé jelema ceurik. Unggal awéwé dirasakeun sedih jeung Dimimitian ceurik teuing. Saterusna urang sakabehna ieu ceurik. Ujug-ujug, ti tengah lapang, spring a mecenghul. Eta gancang intervening jadi kolam a. Karaton ieu lalaki banjir. Geura-giru tempat jadi hiji danau badag. Kiwari cai dina situ nu teu salaku full kawas saméméhna. Nu aya ngan hiji danau leutik ayeuna. Jalma disebut situ Telaga Warna (hartina lautan warna). Dina hiji poé caang, situ geus pinuh warna. Harita warna ieu asalna ti reflections leuweung, tutuwuhan, kembang, jeung langit sakuliah tasik. Tapi aya sababaraha urang ceuk nu warna anu ti 'kongkorong putri, nu nu nyebar di bagean handap di tasik.

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