ADDRESSING THE VIEWS OF PROF. MUSDAH MULIA ABOUT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IN INDONESIA.How to sebaiknyanya a religion addressing differences in belief in this country that has a wide variety of beliefs and religion?Starting from the view of Prof. Musdah Mulia, a great teacher and lecturer at the Islamic State University graduate, Jakarta, since ' insident ' several years ago at the national level, women's seminar themed "the Adilkah Nation and religion against him" in the building of Mulo, Jl Sungai Saddang, Makassar, Wednesday (30/5/2011) and some writing on a book titled the Legal Draft Counter (CLD) compilation of Islamic law (GENGHIS). as well as papers banned polygamy, giving time for she-male, eliminating the role of the guardian of marriage for the bride, condone same-sex marriages, reap the ' controversial '.Base the concept of rationale, according to Musdah Mulia, the essence of the teachings of Islam are the humanizing of man and respect for its sovereignty. Citing QS 49 paragraph 3, Musdah stated, one of the blessings of God is that all people, whether men or women, are equal, regardless of ethnicity, wealth, social position or any sexual orientation. Therefore, liberal activists and religious freedom of the ICRP (Indonesia Conference of Religions and Peace) this, he further said, that homosexuality is derived from God, and therefore should be recognized as a natural thing. "There is no difference between a lesbian with a non-lesbian. In the view of God, man appreciated only upon obedience. " (There is no difference between lesbians and nonlesbians. In the eyes of God, people are valued based on their piety).So the opinion of Professor UIN Jakarta at a discussion organized an organization named "Rainbow Flows", in Jakarta."According to Prof. Musdah Mulia, which is forbidden in the holy texts are more drawn to his sexual behavior, not on his sexual orientation. Why? for, being heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian), bisexual and is is not supernatural, something given or in the language of jurisprudence called sunnatullah. While the nature of the sexual behavior of human construction. If same-sex relationships or homo, either gay or lesbo solemnly guarantee to the achievement of the basic objective of the earlier achievements then such relationship is acceptable. (Source: Magazine Talbligh DTDK PP Muhammadiyah, 2008)This view of science as the study was reasonable because the concept is thus formed of scientific logic of the methodology as an oration in the realm of culture. It can still be understood. It can be said so because culture is the result of rekadaya "inventiveness, taste, and karsa" men in her life who meet the requirements can be up to date.But, while criticizing the biasnya entered in the realm of religious law will certainly reap the "Storm". Islamic religious concerns based on the Qur'an and Hadith, that Islam is "rahmatan lil Alamin", actually it is. But in the context of worship-Habblur minullah, humumnya already can not diutik-utik again another meant by using the ' reason ' as in human culture.Religious circles hold that sacred texts can not meant based on the development of culture. The sacred texts of Divine Revelation comes from the occurrence maintained in common interpretation of revelation until now. Therefore, the exegetes of the Qur'an for hundreds of years no one argued as Prof. Musdah Mulia who dare to justify homosexual. Pandangan Prof. Musdah harus kita hargai sebagai pandangan kebudayaan yang mengajak umat beragama untuk bersikap toleransi kepada sesama umat. Ini sudah benar. Tetapi, manakala memberikan pengesyahan sebuah perkawinan sejenis dengan mengurai dalil teks suci, bisa jadi pandangannya telah tergelincir masuk dalam ‘kubangan’ golongan orang yang ingkar. Amir Syarifuddin, pengurus MUI, menyatakan bahwa praktik homoseksual adalah dosa. “Kami tidak akan menganggap homoseksualitas sebagai musuh, tetapi kami akan membuat mereka sadar bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan adalah salah,” kata Amir Syarifudin. Dalam Islam, soal homoseksual ini sudah jelas hukumnya. Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda, “Siapa saja yang menemukan pria pelaku homoseks, maka bunuhlah pelakunya tersebut.” (HR Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai, Ibnu Majah, al-Hakim, dan al-Baihaki). Imam Syafii berpendapat, bahwa pelaku homoseksual harus dirajam (dilempari batu sampai mati) tanpa membedakan apakah pelakunya masih bujangan atau sudah menikah. Dalam Agama lain pun berpandangan sama Gereja Katolik, misalnya, tetap mempertahankan doktrinnya yang menolak praktik homoseksual. Tahun 1975, Vatikan mengeluarkan keputusan bertajuk ”The Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics.” Isinya, antara lain menegaskan: ”It (Scripture) does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of.” Dalam Pidatonya pada malam Tahun Baru 2006, Paus Benediktus XVI juga menegaskan kembali tentang terkutuk
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