Question: Intra Pratama PT Yonasindo engaged in what? Answer: PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama engaged Manpower Services Agency Indonesia (PJTKI) Question: Is Yonasindo Intra Pratama PT is a company that is legal? Answer: PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama was established in Jakarta by the Deed Notary valid on 30 September 1998. The formal business license has also been owned by the company through the Minister of Labour of the Republic of Indonesia to the Business License Placement Manpower Services Indonesia Number: KEP.813 / MEN / 2006. PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama also officially registered and active as a member of the Association of Manpower Services Indonesia (APJATI) and is one PJTKI the largest in Indonesia. Question: Product services are offered by PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama? Answer: PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama offering agency services TKI Formal and TKI Informal (House Maid) by Country of: Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Canada. Question: Is the PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama also send maids? Answer: Yes, PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama send TKIs Non Formal or Labor Women / TKW State to Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Question: How does PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama provide protection to the TKI / TKW were shipped overseas? Answer: For migrant workers, PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama provide protection in the form of insurance, and advocacy. For insurers such as health, accident at work. Then for advocacy in this matter if our workers receive treatment that is not pleasant from the Company or from the employer, we will clarify the problem first, and if in this case our workers harmed by the actions of employers or companies that do not conform with the procedure or agreement we agreed that we had to defend our workers. PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama can ask for the Rights of the workers to be met, or through compensation from the company TKI / TKW work. Question: What distinguishes TKI / TKW using the services of PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama with other recruitment agency? Answer: PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama believes key competitiveness of the employment agency is the quality of the labor itself, the point is training professionally. PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama continue to strive to increase the quality of manpower training, including working with various professional experts, national university, so we have qualified and professional training mechanisms. PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama provide good training for Prospective Indonesian manpower (CTKI) or Prospective workforce Women (CTKW) in accordance with the work to be assigned. Training is given in the Training Center of Foreign Affairs (BLK LN) PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama located 1 complex with Head quarter Office in Tangerang. Question: How does the existing facilities at the BLK-LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama? Answer: Currently BLK-LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama has a dormitory building with a capacity of 800 students are equipped with a bed, bathroom, toilet and water storage tower large capacity. In addition the company also provides a comfortable room in which to learn and practice space complete such as: space cookery, dressmaking room, treatment room, maid room, as well as language laboratory. For additional facilities the company also provides a cooperative, school, mosque and cafeteria. As service-oriented company PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama will make additions to our facilities, both of capacity dormitory and other supporting facilities. Question: How does the teaching system in BLK-LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama? Answer: As one PJTKI the largest in Indonesia, our company always continually create training programs that attract and qualified for the CTKW, and consistently guided by the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 which has been implemented in our company. Training is given by teachers and trainers are experienced and professional in his field. Question: Is the LN BLK PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama issue a certificate? And whether the certificate is recognized nationally and internationally? Answer: BLK-LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama has been certified by the Director General of Development and Foreign Employment SK.No: B.1308 / BPPTKLN / 2005 as THE TEST COMPETENCE (TUK) CTKI Indonesia placement of the Asia Pacific region. BLK LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama also meet the general requirements and standards TUK TUK LSP LUK 01-2006 on the Standard Specifications TUK facilities Question: Is CTKW Intra Pratama PT Yonasindo allowed to dibesuk / receive family visits? Answer: BLK-LN PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama allow the visit / besukan according to the day and hour visit that has been set by the company Question: What are the requirements CTKI / CTKW of PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama Answer: The general criteria CTKW / CTKI of PT Yonasindo Intra Pratama are: • Minimum Age 20-32 year • Minimal Education SMP • Height 150 cm • ideal weight • Balance limbs • Hygiene body (no tattoos and skin diseases) • Manners • Willingness to work • Physically and mentally healthy • Passed interview by companies (top) Question: what documents are needed to be CTKI / CTKW PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama Answer: Documents required: • the original National Identity Card • Family Card original • The original Birth Certificate • Permit Parent / Husband / Wife • Domicile • Certificate of Status • SKCK POLRES (Special Taiwan) • Photo 3x4 (20 sheets), 4x6 (30 sheets), 2x3 (10 sheets) • Diploma original / photocopy legalized diploma Question: How long does the process CTKW / CTKI to fly? Answer: Process CTKI cost / CTKW depending on the destination country and the ability CTKI / CTKW is in mastering the language and training materials. PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama has a target to process CTKI cost / CTKW for 3 months after the fall of Job Order. As a commitment, PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama will continue to try to speed up the process cost without reducing the quality of CTKI / CTKW. Question: How does the guarantee cost CTKI / CTKW PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama Answer: PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama as the company continues to grow and quality oriented, has been cooperating with agents the best and largest in each country of destination. Currently PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama has flown 200 CTKI / CTKW each month and will continue to increase with the development of the company. Question: What type CTKI job that will be received? Answer: For CTKI we have selected qualified companies and has high working hours and has a clear responsibility to prospective employees. Adapted to the type of work that the company will receive the CTKI. We have the job of data from different countries, the complete terms and conditions of the job. (Job Link) Question: How PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama get requests (orders) from outside the country? For example from Canada. Answer: In getting Job Order from abroad PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama utilize the relationships that exist outside of the country and are also looking for agents - agents that match the criteria that have been determined to be invited to cooperate in the placement of migrant workers. In this case PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama certainly trying to show that the company is a legitimate company and meets all requirements set by the government serperti certification, administration and so forth. Also we are committed to meet International Standards for Quality Management ISO 9001: 2000 already we get in 2001 than in 2006 KEMA and clicking upgraded to ISO 9001: 2008 by SGS. PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama also ensure the availability of migrant workers who have the appropriate skills required by the industry. This relates to our workers were to Canada, because they are a force skills and already have experience. Like Welder and Pipe fitter. Question: Is INTRA PT.YONASINDO PRATAMA have branches / Registration Extension Service Unit (UP3) in the area? Answer: At this time PT.YONASINDO INTRA PRATAMA has had a branch office in Kediri, Indramayu, Salatiga, Lampung , Manado, Tegal, Majenang, Japan, Kendari and will expand to several cities in Central Java and Sulawesi province Question: Why Yonasindo Intra Pratama (YIP) is costly for the state to Canada ?? Answer: Because PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama act as some institutions below which is an institution that should you contact to be able to work at Foreign Affairs Canada in particular states: a. As a Travel Agent PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama as a travel agent provides all you need for a fiscal exit from the country, ticket reservations, and others. You get it all in one cost that we attach to each job you chose b. As the Migration Office PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama as the Migration Office take care of all your demographic data to work abroad ranging from work permits, sending your data to the destination country, your registration in the LMO, passport, for the job that you apply just one fee you submit c. As Property Agent PT.Yonasindo Intra Pratama as the property agent, supply management in the country where you live tujua
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