ABSTRACTTHE USE OF AUDIO VISUAL MEDIA TO ENHANCE LEARNING OUTCOMES STUDENTS ON SUBJECTS NATURAL SCIENCE CLASS IV ELEMENTARY SCHOOLBy Chrispianus Pala Savu Sea1206848This study examines the use of audio visual media to enhance learning outcomes grade 4 primary school. The purpose of this research was to know how big the improvement of student learning outcomes when learning to use the audio visual media. The study was backed by the fact that the results of the real learning learners class IV at SDN X is still low. This is because the methods used are still conventional lecture method using only IE this makes learners become saturated, passive and learning becomes not interesting for learners this impact on student learning outcomes are less satisfying. This research is research that is implemented in the class action two cycles with materials of natural resources and the environment. Data collection is done using an instrument of learning evaluation sheets and sheet form the observation activities of teachers as well as the activity of learners. The results of this research include concluded that learning with the use of audio visual media can improve learning outcomes learner class IV IPA SDN X. It can be seen from the results of learning percentage of learners on the cycle I and cycle II have elevated high enough. Based on the results of observation of each cycle can be concluded that the use of proven audio visual media can enhance the learning outcomes of students in learning the IPA material natural resources and the environment. Thus the use of audio visual media (video) can be used as one of the alternatives in the process of learning the IPA and other subjects.
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