ABSTRACTThesis entitled "implementation method of Problem Solving in improving student learning Results on subjects of mathematics Class IV (Multi Site Study on MIS Hidayatul Wates Mubtadiin Sumbergempol MIS Podorejo Sumbergempol and Tulungagung, Tulungagung)" was written by Rohmah Ivantri mentored by Dr. Hashim al-Nawawi, M.Si. SH. and Dr. Eni Setyowati, m. Pd.Keywords: Problem Solving Methods, The Results Of Student Learning.The research was distributed by the learning of mathematics is one of the subjects which are very important and is considered a difficult lesson for SD/MI Khusussnya on the question of children tend to have difficulty changing the math problem to mathematical expressions. Because of the level of intelligence of child language affect the understanding in the matter. So teachers as educators in the classroom should be able to pick up the pace to complete it. one of the strategies of mathematics teacher can do is to choose and implement a method of problem solving in the classroom. So students will also easily understand the material in the form of a question of the story or not. The focus of the research questions and in the writing of this thesis are: (1) how the planning of learning mathematics by using the method of problem solving on mathematical subjects in grade 4 in MIS Hidayatul Wates Mubtadiin Sumbergempol MIS Podorejo Sumbergempol and Tulungagung, Tulungagung against student learning results?; (2) how is the implementation of learning mathematics by using the method of problem solving on mathematical subjects in grade 4 in MIS Hidayatul Wates Mubtadiin Sumbergempol MIS Podorejo Sumbergempol and Tulungagung, Tulungagung against student learning results?; (3) How evaluation learning mathematics by using the method of problem solving on mathematical subjects in grade 4 in MIS Hidayatul Wates Mubtadiin Sumbergempol MIS Podorejo Sumbergempol and Tulungagung, Tulungagung against student learning results?.This thesis is beneficial to the institution scrutinized, expected to become a picture at once into the guidelines of how to implement the strategies used in the process of learning Mathematics by using the method of problem solving, for head of the madrasa referable to formulate educational policy related to the learning process, for educators, especially for teachers of grade 4 is expected to add to the knowledge and a source of reference of how to apply the method of problem solving in teaching and learning activities in the classroom can improve learning outcomes learner , so that learners get used and ready mental problems are clear and are able to find a solution, for the next researcher as a further research especially with the corresponding problem about methods of problem solving as well as helpful as the instructions, directives, as well as a reference as well as a relevant consideration or in accordance with the results of this study.From the results of this research, the authors concluded that: (1) in terms of planning in both school teachers grade 4 planning before making the learning process and also in the two schools prepare material before doing the teaching learning process, as well as in E.G. Hidayatul Mubtadiin master class 4 create individual tasks and discussions, while in IE podorejo master class 4 only makes the task of the discussion; (2) in the case of the implementation both of the institution were equally apply problem solving method that already fits the procedure, the two schools also are similarly combining methods of problem solving with other methods in learning activities, but teachers in MIS Hidayatul Mubtadiin students are divided into several groups with different level of intelligence while MIS Podorejo are divided only by a small group of friends sebangku, and MIS Mubtadiin Hidayatul class atmosphere conducive atmosphere in E.G. Podorejo class was a bit crowded. However, in both the school running smoothly, as well as discussions on both school teachers grade 4 to act as facilitators and provide reinforcement or the conclusion of the results of the discussions; (3) in terms of the evaluation of the application of the method of problem solving in learning differences in E.G. Hidayatul Mubtadiin evaluation done by giving oral and writing tests, while in IE Podorejo evaluation is conducted in the form of a test, but the evaluation at both schools are equally effected by asking students to present the results of its discussions and master class 4 did a discussion with my colleague.
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