2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 12 kecamatan3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecam terjemahan - 2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 12 kecamatan3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecam Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 12 keca

2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 12 kecamatan
3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecamatan
4) Kabupaten Tana Tidung dengan 3 kecamatan
5) Kabupaten Nunukan dengan 9 kecamatan
Selama kurun waktu + 1 (satu) tahun sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2013, jumlah kecamatan mengalami pemekaran menjadi 47 kecamatan, yang terdiri dari:
1) Kota Tarakan dengan 4 kecamatan
2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 15 kecamatan
3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecamatan
4) Kabupaten Tana Tidung dengan 3 kecamatan
5) Kabupaten Nunukan dengan 15 kecamatan
Provinsi Kalimantan Utara memiliki 2 (dua) kabupaten yang berbatasan dengan negara tetangga, sebelah Utara Sabah (Malaysia), sebelah Barat Serawak (Malaysia). Luas wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Utara pada 2 (dua) kabupaten perbatasan yaitu 56.884,38 km2 terdiri dari Kabupaten Malinau dengan luas wilayah 42.620,70 km2, dan Kabupaten Nunukan dengan luas wilayah 14.263,68 km2. Luas wilayah perbatasan Malinau 26.875,03 km2 atau 63,05 % dari luas Kabupaten Malinau, dan luas wilayah perbatasan Nunukan 10.928,78 km2 atau 76,61 % dari luas wilayah Kabupaten Nunukan.

Profil Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Malinau

Kabupaten Malinau merupakan salah sat udaerah hasil pemekaran dari wilayah Bulungan. Secara astronomis Kabupaten Malinau terletak antara 114º35’22” sampai dengan 116º50’55’’ Bujur Timur dan di antara 1º21’36” sampai dengan 4º10’55’’ Lintang Utara. Kabupaten Malinau terbagi menjadi 15 Kecamatan yaitu, Kecamatan Kayan Hulu, Kayan Selatan, Sungai Boh, Kayan Hilir, Pujungan, Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dalam lingkup wilayah perbatasan, kondisi sistem perhubungan dan rencana pengembangan wilayah dapat diperoleh dari: BAPPEDA, Dinas Pertanian, Dinas Kehutanan, Kanwil Perhubungan, Dinas Pariwisata, dan Dinas Transmigrasi.
d. Persiapan Peta Dasar
Tujuan utama dari kategori ini adalah untuk memperbaiki peta dasar jaringan jalan yang ada. Untuk kegiatan ini dibutuhkan fotokopi peta topografi wilayah studi dengan skala 1 : 50.000 bila memungkinkan. Bila peta topografi skala 1 : 50.000 tidak bisa diperoleh akan digunakan peta dengan skala yang lebih kecil atau peta tata guna tanah tetapi masih dapat dipergunakan untuk penentuan suatu lokasi secara tepat dari keadaan fisiknya, seperti sungai besar, pemukiman luas dan paling tidak sebagian dari jaringannya masih sama. Perbaikan dan penambahan data dapat dilakukan selama survei lapangan dan hasilnya akan digambar ulang pada skala yang sesuai.
e. Kerangka Data Penduduk
Diperlukan perkiraan jumlah penduduk yang dilayani ruas jalan diusulkan untuk menentukan nilai manfaat jika ruas jalan itu akan ditingkatkan dari kondisi tidak dapat dilalui oleh kendaraan atau kondisi jalan yang buruk dimana lalu lintas kendaraan yang sangat rendah, ditingkatkan menjadi jalan yang dapat dilewati kendaraan sepanjang tahun. Untuk melakukan kegiatan ini diperlukan peta topografi skala 1:50.000 yang menunjukkan nama dan perkiraan batas tiap desa/kecamatan sejajarnya dengan jalan dengan ruasnya, bila memungkinkan. Pada peta dasar dibuat perkiraan keterlibatan tiap desa/kecamatan terhadap satu atau lebih luas jalan berdasarkan kenyataan di peta, serta perkiraan jumlah penduduk yang dapat dilayani oleh ruas jalan dan hasilnya ditabulasikan untuk memudahkan melakukan analisa manfaat.
f. Analisa Pusat Aktivitas
Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk menentukan lokasi, karakteristik dan ukuran relatif semua pasar atau pusat kegiatan yang cukup berarti:
1) Membantu menafsirkan data jaringan jalan dengan menentukan pusat-pusat kegiatan yang diperlukan menjadi pusat daya tarik untuk melakukan perjalanan kearah pusat kegiatan tersebut.
2) Membantu dalam menentukan tingkat kepentingan pada suatu ruas jalan yang pada saat ini berangkali mengalami hambatan lalu lintas sesuai dengan ukuran dan tipe pusat-pusat kegiatan.
g. Kerangka Data Sosial-Ekonomi
Untuk melakukan studi yang sistematik diperlukan suatu kerangka penunjang berupa informasi kegiatan sosial ekonomi diwilayah studi, disamping data penduduk, pusat-pusat kegiatan, data lalu lintas dan jaringan jalan. Semua informasi ini diperlukan untuk membantu menafsirkan data lalu lintas, menentukan lalu lintas kendaraan berat yang berpengaruh terhadap desain perkerasan, meramal tingkat perubahan, dan komposisi lalu lintas mendatang. Data checklist yang dapat membantu dalam memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan adalah:
1) Statistik umum sosial ekonomi
2) Data daftar periksa proyek transmigrasi dan perkebunan
3) Data daftar periksa kegiatan sektor pariwisata

Beberapa permasalahan pada jaringan jalan yang ada di wilayah perbatasan Kabupaten Malinau diantaranya seperti (1) Kurangnya kelengkapan fasilitas jalan misalnya rambu dan marka jalan pada jalan yang telah ada, (2) Kurang maksimalnya fungsi jalan yang ada yang disebabkan oleh kondisi perkerasan jalan yang rusak, lebar jalan yang tidak sesuai, drainase jalan yang tidak berfungsi dan gangguan samping yang cukup tinggi, dan (3) Belum meratanya pengembangan jaringan jalan ke seluruh daerah. Sehingga menyebabkan beberapa daerah menjadi terisolir.
Tabel 1. Jaringan Jalan Umum di Kabupaten Malinau
No Jaringan Jalan Jenis Jaringan
1 Ruas jalan Sekatak Buji (Kab.Bulungan) – Malinau Kota K - 1
2 Ruas Jalan Malinau Kota – Mensalong (Kab.Nunukan) K - 1
3 Ruas jalan long bagun (Kab.Kubar) – Mahak Baru K - 2
4 Rencana pembangunan ruas jalan Mahak Baru – Sungai Barang – Log Ampung – Long Nawang – Long Metun – Data Dian – Long Pujungan K – 2
5 Rencana pembangunan ruas jalan mahak Baru – Tabang ( Kab. Kukar) K – 2
6 Rencana pembangunan ruas jalan Langap – Nunuk Tana Kibang – Halanga – Long Rat – Long Pada – Long Nyau – Long Alango K – 2
7 Rencana pembanguan ruas jalan Long Pujungan – Long Jalan – Metut –Tanjung Nanga - Langap
8 Ruas jalan Langap – Long Loreh – Gong Solok – Sesua K – 3
9 Rencana pembangunan ruas jalan data Baru – Long Lebusan K – 3
10 Rencana pembangunan ruas jalan Mahak Baru - Long Top K – 3
11 Ruas jalan Long Pujungan – Long Jalan – Metut – Tanjung Nanga – Langap – Long Loreh – Gong Solok – Sesua K3 >> K2
12 Rencana Ruas Jalan Malinau Kota – Paking – Semamu – Binuang (Kab. Nunukan) Jalan Strategis Nasional
13 Ruas jalan Long Nawang – Lasan Tuyan (Kubar) Jalan Strategis Provinsi
14 Ruas jalan Long Pujungan – Long Peleran – Long Uli – Long Tebulo – Long Alango – Long Kemuat – Long Berini – Apau Ping – Perbatasan Malaysia/Long Banga
Dari: Bahasa Indonesia
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Malinau Regency 2) with 12 subBulungan Regency, 10 3) Sub4 Tana Tidung Regency) with 3 sub Nunukan Regency 5) with 9 subDuring the period of + 1 (one) year until October 2013, the number of subdistricts are experiencing extraction becomes 47 districts, consisting of:1) Tarakan with the 4 SubMalinau Regency 2) with 15 subBulungan Regency, 10 3) Sub4 Tana Tidung Regency) with 3 sub Nunukan Regency 5) with 15 subThe North Kalimantan province has 2 (two) District bordering neighboring countries, North of Sabah (Malaysia), West of Serawak (Malaysia). The North Kalimantan area on two border districts namely 56.884 .38 Malinau Regency comprises km2 with an area of 42.620 .70 Nunukan Regency km2, and with a land area of 14.263 km2 of .68. The area of the border of the Malinau 26.875, 03 km2 or 63,05% of the Malinau Regency, and the vast area of the border of Nunukan 10.928,78 km2 or 76,61% of the area of Nunukan Regency.Malinau Regency Border Area ProfileMalinau Regency is the sat results of udaerah expansion of the territory of Bulungan. Malinau Regency astronomically lies between 116 ° 35 ' 22 "up to 116 ° 50 ' 55" East longitude and between 1 ° 21 ' 36 "up to 4 ° 10 ' 55 '' Latitude North. Malinau Regency is divided into 15 sub-district, sub-district of Kayan Hulu, South Kayan River Kayan Hilir, Boh, Pujungan, the unity of Indonesia Republic (SO) within the scope of the border region, conditions of transport systems and the development plan of the region can be obtained from: BAPPEDA, Department of agriculture, Forestry, Regional transportation, Tourism, and the Department of Transmigration.d. preparation of a map of the baseThe main purpose of this category is to correct the map base of the existing road network. This activity required for photocopying topographic maps with a scale of study areas 1:50,000 whenever possible. If topographic maps 1:50,000 scale could not be retrieved will be used in a map with a smaller scale or a map of land use but can still be used for the determination of an appropriate location from the physical circumstances, such as the great river, wide and at least some of the networks are still the same. Improvements and additions to the data can be done during the field survey and the results will be redrawn on the appropriate scale.e. Data Population FrameworkIt takes an estimated population served the standards proposed to determine the value of benefits if the standards that will be upgraded from the condition cannot be traversed by vehicles or bad road conditions where vehicular traffic is very low, increased to a path that can be bypassed vehicles throughout the year. To do this activity needed topographic maps 1:50,000 scale indicating the names and approximate boundaries of each village/sejajarnya subdistrict by road with ruasnya, when possible. On the basic map made an estimate of the involvement of each village/sub against one or more extensive way based on the reality on the map, as well as an estimate of the population that can be served by roads and the result ditabulasikan to facilitate the analysis of benefits.f. analysis of the activity centerThe purpose of this activity is to determine the location, characteristics and the relative size of all markets or events which simply means:1) Help interpret network data path with determines the centers activities necessary to become the Centre of attraction to travel towards the Centre of the activity.2) helps in determining the rate of interest on a road that is at the moment berangkali are experiencing a bottleneck traffic according to the size and type of activity centres.g. framework for socio-economic DataTo conduct a systematic study of the supporting framework required a form of socio-economic activities of the region information study, along with data on population, activity centers, data traffic and the road network. All this information is necessary to help interpret the data traffic, heavy vehicle traffic to determine the effect on the design of the roughness, predict the level of change, and the upcoming traffic composition. Data checklist that can help in obtaining information required is:1) social economic statistics2) Data checklist project transmigration and plantation3) Data checklist of activities the tourism sectorMASTERPLAN ROAD NETWORKSome problems on the existing road network in Malinau Regency border regions including such as (1) the lack of completeness of facilities such as road signs and road markings on the road who has been there, (2) Less the maximum functionality of the existing road conditions caused by the roughness of the road are broken, wide road that is not appropriate, non-working street drainage and interference addition high enough, and (3) not yet meratanya the development of the road network to the rest of the region. Causing some areas to become isolated.Table 1. The network of public roads in the MalinauNo Road Network Network Types1 Sekatak road Buji (Kab. Bulungan) – Malinau City K-12 Roads Malinau City – Mensalong (Nunukan Kab.) K-13 roads long bagun (Kab. Kubar) – Mahak New K-24 a plan to build a new road of Mahak – River of goods – – Long Ampung Nawang Log – Long Metun – Data Dian – Long Pujungan K – 25 Plan the construction of a new road of mahak – Tabang (Kab. Kertanegara district) K-26 Langap road development plan – Nunuk Tana Kibang – Halanga – Long Rat – Long On – Long Nyau – Long Alango K – 27 Plans construction of roads Long Pujungan – Long Road – Metut – Cape Nanga-Langap 8 Langap Road – Long Loreh – Gong Solok – Sesua K – 39 a plan to build new data standards – Long Lebusan K – 310 development plans New Mahak Road-Long Top K – 311 Long Pujungan roads – Long Road – Metut – Langap – Nanga Cape – Long Loreh – Gong Solok – Sesua K3 >> K212 Plan Roads Malinau City – Gasket – Semamu – Binuang (Kab. Nunukan) National Strategic Road13 roads Long Nawang – Weld Tuyan (Kubar) Strategic Province Road14 Long Pujungan roads – Long Peleran – Long Uli – Long – Tebulo Long Alango – Kemuat – Long Long Berini – Apau Ping – Border Malaysia/Long Banga
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
2) Malinau District with 12 districts
3) Bulungan 10 districts
4) Tana Tidung with 3 districts
5) Nunukan with 9 districts
During the period + 1 (one) year up to the month of October 2013, the number of districts was divided into 47 districts , consisting of:
1) Kota Tarakan with 4 sub-district
2) Districts of Malinau with 15 districts
3) Bulungan 10 districts
4) Tana Tidung with 3 districts
5) Nunukan with 15 sub
province of North Kalimantan has two (2) districts borders with neighboring countries, the North Sabah (Malaysia), the west Sarawak (Malaysia). The total area of the North Kalimantan province on 2 (two) border districts namely 56884.38 km2 consisting of Malinau District with an area of 42620.70 km2, and Nunukan district with an area of 14263.68 km2. The total area of the border Malinau 26875.03 km2 or 63.05% of the district of Malinau and Nunukan border area of 10928.78 km2 or 76.61% of the area of Nunukan. Profile Border Regions Malinau District Malinau District is one sat udaerah results the expansion of the territory of Bulungan. Astronomically Malinau District is located between 114º35'22 "to 116º50'55 '' east longitude and between 1º21'36" to 4º10'55 '' North latitude. Malinau District is divided into 15 sub-district, namely, District Kayan Hulu, Kayan South, Sungai Boh, Kayan Hilir, Pujungan, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) within the scope of the border area, the condition of the system of transportation and regional development planning can be obtained from: BAPPEDA, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Office of Transportation, Department of Tourism and the Department of Transmigration. d. Preparation Base Map main objective of this category is to improve the basic map of the existing road network. This activity required to photocopy a topographical map of the study area at a scale of 1: 50,000 whenever possible. If the topographic map 1: 50,000 scale can not be obtained will be used a map with a smaller scale or map land use but can still be used to determine a precise location of his physical state, such as the great river, residential area and at least part of the network is still same. Improvements and additions to the data can be carried out during the field survey and the results will be redrawn at the appropriate scale. E. Framework for Population Data Required approximate number of people served by roads is proposed to determine the value of the benefit if the roads that will be improved from the condition can not be traversed by vehicles or poor road conditions where vehicle traffic is very low, increased to a path that can pass the vehicle along year. This is necessary to conduct topographic map 1: 50,000 scale that shows the name and the approximate boundary of each village / district ruasnya alignment with the road, if possible. At the base map to make estimates of the involvement of each village / district to one or more broad based reality on the road map, as well as the approximate number of people who can be served by road and the results are tabulated to facilitate the analysis of benefits. F. Analysis Activity Center The purpose of this activity is to determine the location, characteristics and relative size of all markets or centers are significant: 1) To help interpret the data of the road network to determine the activity centers needed to be the center of attraction to travel towards the center of activity The. 2) Assist in determining the rate of interest on a road that is currently experiencing maybe a traffic barrier according to the size and type of activity centers. g. Framework for Socio-Economic Data To perform a systematic study required a supporting framework which contains information on socio-economic activities in the region of study, in addition to population data, activity centers, traffic data and the road network. All this information is needed to help interpret the data traffic, determine heavy vehicle traffic that influence pavement design, predict the rate of change, and the future composition of traffic. Data checklist which can assist in obtaining the information needed is: 1) General Statistics socioeconomic 2) Data checklists transmigration projects and estates 3) Data checklist activities of the tourism sector MASTERPLAN NETWORK ROADS Some of the problems in the existing road network in the border region Malinau District such as (1) lack of completeness roads for example signs and road markings on roads that already exist, (2) Less maximal function of existing roads caused by the condition of the pavement of the road, the wide road that is not suitable drainage path is not functioning and side interference is quite high, and (3) There uneven road network development to the entire region. Causing some areas become isolated. Table 1. Public Road Network in Malinau No Road Network Network type 1 Sekatak Buji road section (Kab.Bulungan) - Malinau Kota K - 1 2 Roads Malinau Kota - Mensalong (Kab.Nunukan) K - 1 3 bagun long road section (Kab.Kubar) - New Mahak K - 2 4 Plan for the construction of roads New Mahak - River of Goods - Log Ampung - Long Nawang - Long Metun - Data Dian - Pujungan K - 2 5 Proposed road construction road Mahak New - tabang (Kab. Kukar) K - 2 6 Plan for the construction of roads Langap - Nunuk Tana Kibang - Halanga - Long Rat - Long On - Long Nyau - Long Alango K - 2 7 development plan, roads Pujungan - Long Way - Metut -Tanjung Nanga - Langap 8 Langap road section - Long Loreh - Gong Solok - Sesua K - 3 9 road development plan New Data - Long Lebusan K - 3 10 Plan for the construction of roads New Mahak - Long Top K - 3 11 Segment road Pujungan - Long Road - Metut - Tanjung Nanga - Langap - Long Loreh - Gong Solok - Sesua >> K2 K3 12 Malinau City Roads Plan - Gaskets - Semamu - Binuang (Kab. Nunukan) Roads of National Strategic 13 road section Long Nawang - Lasan Tuyan (Kubar) Roads Strategic Provincial 14 road section Pujungan - Long Peleran - Long Uli - Long Tebulo - Long Alango - Long Kemuat - Long Berini - Apau Ping - Border Malaysia / Long Banga

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