Awalnya, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), seorang vulkanologis dari  terjemahan - Awalnya, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), seorang vulkanologis dari  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Awalnya, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce B

Awalnya, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), seorang vulkanologis dari USGS bersama temannya, Marianne sedang berusaha kabur pada letusan gunung berapi di Kolombia. Sayangnya, Marianne terkena jatuhan batu vulkanik dan tewas.

Empat tahun kemudian, Harry dikirim lagi oleh bosnya, Dr. Paul Dreyfus untuk meninjau aktivitas gunung berapi di kota kecil bernama Dante's Peak yang terletak di kaki gunung berapi dorman di Pegunungan Cascades, Amerika Serikat. Sesampai disana, ia langsung disambut oleh walikota Dante's Peak, Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton) untuk berkeliling bersama anak-anak (Graham dan Lauren) dan mantan mertuanya, Ruth, ke beberapa lokasi di gunung itu, termasuk di sebuah tempat pemandian air panas. Disana, Harry mengamati banyak pohon layu dan kematian hewan-hewan liar. Namun, saat Graham mau melompat ke pemandian itu, Harry menghentikannya setelah melihat 2 tubuh sudah mati terpanggang disana. Setelah itu, pertemuan dewan kota diselenggarakan namun Paul, bos Harry yang baru datang bersama rombongannya (Greg, Terry, Nancy, Stan), menenangkan bahwa peringatan dini akan merugikan pariwisata kota itu dan meyakinkan bahwa Dante's Peak aman-aman saja.

Setelah seminggu tak terjadi apa-apa, Paul memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota itu. Namun malamnya, Harry dan Rachel mengamati air bersih di kota itu berwarna kuning karena tercemar sulfur. Hal ini meyakinkan Paul untuk segera menyelenggarakan rapat bersama seluruh penduduk kota akan ancaman letusan hebat. Namun saat rapat berlangsung, Dante's Peak diguncang gempa bumi dahsyat yang menyebabkan chaos. Harry dan Rachel beusaha keluar untuk menyelamatkan Graham dan Lauren. Namun, sesampai di rumah Rachel, mereka sudah pergi dengan mobil untuk menyelamatkan neneknya, Ruth yang tinggal di puncak gunung. Harry dan Rachel bergegas kesana saat hujan abu mulai turun dan mereka berusaha agar mobilnya tidak terkena longsor. Sesampai di rumah Ruth, Graham dan Lauren sudah sampai dengan aman disana. Tiba-tiba, aliran lava datang dan menghancurkan rumah Ruth serta mobilnya sehingga mereka terpaksa menuju sebuah danau yang sudah asam dengan motorboat. Sayangnya, kayu dan mesin motorboat itu dirusak oleh air yang asam sekali sehingga Harry berusaha mendayung dengan jasnya agar tak tenggelam. Ruth lalu menyelamatkan kapal dengan menyeburkan dirinya dan mencoba berjalan sendiri ke tepian. Hal ini membuat luka bakar parah di kakinya dan dia meninggal tak lama kemudian.

Di kota, Paul dan rombongannya dibantu National Guard untuk keluar. Namun, van yang dinaiki Paul terseret aliran lahar di jembatan yang lalu menewaskannya.Setelah menemukan truk di pos terdekat, Harry serta rombongannya berusaha mencapai kota saat mereka dihadang aliran lava yang sudah membeku, namun akhirnya mereka berhasil melewatinya.Sesampai di kota, gunung itu mengeluarkan awan panasnya yang menghancurkan Dante's Peak dan sekitarnya. Mereka untungnya berhasil menghindari letusan itu dengan masuk ke sebuah tambang. Dengan menggunakan pemancar radio milik NASA, mereka akhirnya ditemukan tim penyelamat setelah beberapa hari dan akhirnya meninggalkan kota yang hancur itu.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Initially, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), a volcanologist from the USGS with her friend, Marianne was trying to blur on volcanic eruptions in Colombia. Unfortunately, Marianne exposed volcanic rock debris and killed.Four years later, Harry is sent by his boss, Dr. Paul Dreyfus to review submarine activity in the small town called Dante's Peak which lies at the foot of the volcano is dormant in the Cascades, United States. Once there, he was greeted by the Mayor of Dante's Peak, Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton) to get around with the kids (and Lauren Graham) and her former mother-in-law, Ruth, to multiple locations on the mountain, including a place of thermal baths. There, Harry observed many trees wilting and death of wild animals. However, when Graham want to jump into it, Harry bath stop it after seeing a dead body 2 roast there. After that, the City Council meeting was held but Paul, Harry's boss just came with his companions (Greg, Terry, Nancy, Booth), soothing that the warning would be detrimental to the city's tourism and convinced that Dante's Peak is safe-safe only.After a week of not going anything, Paul decided to leave the city. But that night, Harry and Rachel watched clean water in the city because of the polluted yellow sulfur. This convinced Paul to immediately convene the meeting along with the entire population of the city will be the threat of an eruption. However, when a meeting takes place, Dante's Peak rocked by earthquake that caused chaos. Harry and Rachel beusaha out to save Graham and Lauren. However, once the home of Rachel, they already went by car to save her grandmother, Ruth, who lived at the Summit. Harry and Rachel rushed there when it rains ash began to fall and they try so that his car was not hit by the avalanche. Arriving at the House of Ruth, Graham and Lauren had reached safely. Suddenly, the flow of lava came and destroyed the House of Ruth and her car so they resorted to an already acidic Lake by motorboat. Unfortunately, wood and a motorboat was marred by acid water that Harry trying to paddle with jasnya so that it cannot sink. Ruth then saved the ship with the menyeburkan himself and trying to walk to the edge. This makes the severe burns on his feet and he died shortly thereafter.In town, Paul and his companions helped the National Guard to get out. However, the van that carried Paul dragged down lava flows on the bridge and then slew him. Once you've found the truck at a nearby post, Harry and his companions tried to reach the city when they were intercepted lava flows that are already frozen, but they finally got through. Once in the city, the mountain took out the heat clouds that destroyed Dante's Peak and beyond. They fortunately managed to avoid the eruption of that by going to a mine. Using NASA's radio transmitter, they finally found the rescue team after a few days and finally leave the town and destroyed it.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Initially, Dr. Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), a volcanologist from the USGS with her ​​friend, Marianne was trying to escape the volcanic eruption in Colombia. Unfortunately, Marianne exposed volcanic rock falls and killed. Four years later, Harry was sent back by his boss, Dr. Paul Dreyfus to review the volcanic activity in the small town of Dante's Peak, located at the foot of a dormant volcano in the Cascades Mountains, United States. Once there, he was immediately greeted by the mayor of Dante's Peak, Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton) to get around with the children (Graham and Lauren) and former in-law, Ruth, to several locations on the mountain, including a hot water baths. There, Harry watched many trees wilting and death of wild animals. However, when Graham would jump into the bath, Harry stopped after seeing two bodies have been burned to death there. After that, the city council meeting was held but Paul, boss Harry who had just arrived with his entourage (Greg, Terry, Nancy, Stan), soothing that early warning would hurt the city's tourism and assured that Dante's Peak safe. After a week did not happen nothing, Paul decided to leave the city. But that night, Harry and Rachel studied the city's water is yellow due to contaminated sulfur. This convinced Paul to immediately organize a meeting with the entire population of the city would be a great threat of an eruption. But when the meeting took place, Dante's Peak devastated by an earthquake that caused chaos. Harry and Rachel Endeavor out to rescue and Lauren Graham. However, upon arriving at Rachel's house, they had to go by car to save her grandmother, Ruth who lives on a mountain top. Harry and Rachel rushed there when the ash began to rain down and they tried to keep the car is not affected by the landslide. Arriving at the house of Ruth, Graham and Lauren had arrived safely there. Suddenly, the lava flow came and destroyed the home of Ruth and his car so they were forced to go to a lake that has been acid with a motorboat. Unfortunately, wood and machinery motorboat was destroyed by acidic water once so Harry tried to paddle with his jacket so as not to drown. Ruth then save the ship with having exhausted itself and trying to walk alone to the edge. This makes severe burns on his legs and he died shortly afterwards. In the city, Paul and his entourage assisted the National Guard to get out. However, Paul van ridden dragged lava flow on the bridge and then menewaskannya.Setelah find trucks at the nearest post, Harry and his entourage were trying to reach the city when they were confronted by a lava flow that has been frozen, but they finally managed melewatinya.Sesampai in the city, the mountain was issued heat clouds that destroyed Dante's Peak and surrounding areas. They thankfully managed to avoid the eruption was the entrance to a mine. By using a radio transmitter belonging to NASA, they finally found rescuers after several days and eventually left the town devastated.

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