Para pekerja yang telah terdaftar dalam Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan kini bisa bernafas lega saat memasuki usia pensiun nanti. Pasalnya, ada dua program yang bisa dinikmati oleh pekerja saat sudah tidak produktif lagi, yaitu Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) dan Jaminan Pensiun (JP).
Bagian Aktuaria BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Pramudya mengatakan setiap pekerja yang telah menjadi peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari kedua program ini nantinya.
"Jaminan sosial bersifat wajib. Setiap pekerja bisa mendapatkan hak perlindungan dasarnya," ujarnya di Menara Kadin, Jakarta, Selasa (25/8/2015).
Dia menjelaskan, meski terdengar memiliki fungsi yang sama, namun manfaat yang bisa didapatkan pekerja dari kedua program ini berbeda.
Menurut Pramudya, JHT akan dibayarkan sekaligus saat pekerja masuk usia pensiun, meninggal dunia, atau cacat total tetap. Manfaat JHT yang diterima oleh pekerja saat memasuki usia tidak produktif berasal dari akumulasi iuran ditambah hasil pengembangan, mekanisme penyelenggarannya dengan tabungan wajib, bentuk programnya berupa tabungan, dan risiko hidup peserta ditanggung peserta itu sendiri.
Sedangkan dana JP akan diterima oleh setiap bulan saat masuk pensiun, meninggal dunia, atau cacat total tetap, besar manfaat dihitung dari formula tertentu berdasarkan masa iuran upah, mekanisme penyalurannyaupa asuransi sosial, bentuk programnya berupa manfaat pasti, dan risiko harapan hidup peserta ditanggung bersama secara kolektif oleh peserta.
"Untuk iuran, JHT itu sebesar 5,7 persen sebulan yang terdiri dari 2 persen yang dibayarkan pekerja dan 3,7 persen pemberi kerja. Sedangkan iuran JP sebesar 3 persen dari upah sebulan dengan rincian 2 persen pemberi kerja dan 1 persen pekerja," terangnya.
Dia juga menegaskan bahwa peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan mendapatkan manfaat pensiun ketika berumur 56 tahun. Namun jika pekerja tersebut meninggal dunia dan meninggalkan janda atau duda, manfaat pensiun bulanan akan diterima pasangannya selama janda atau duda peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan belum menikah lagi dengan besaran manfaat yang diterima yaitu 50 persen dari dana pensiun yang diterima peserta.
"Kalau janda atau dudanya punya anak di bawah usia 23 tahun dan belum menikah atau bekerja, anak itu akan menerima manfaatnya," tandasnya. (Dny/Gdn)
The workers have been registered in the social security governing body (BPJS) Employment can now breathe sigh of relief upon entering retirement age later. Because, there are two programs that can be enjoyed by workers when it is no longer productive, i.e. a guarantee of old age (AGE) and guarantee Pensions (JP).Section Actuarial Employment BPJS, Pramudya said any workers who have become participants of the BPJS Employment have the right to benefit from both this program later."Social security are mandatory. Every worker can get the right protection of the essence, "he said at the Tower of Kadin, Jakarta, Monday (25/8/2015).He explained, though the sound has the same functionality, but the benefits that can be obtained workers from both programs is different.According to Pramudya, AGE will be paid at a time when the worker enters the age of retirement, death, disability or total remain. AGE benefits received by workers when entering the age of unproductive comes from accumulated dues plus the results of development, the mechanism of penyelenggarannya with a mandatory savings program, a form of savings, and the risk of live participants participants bear itself.While the funds of JP be accepted by each month upon retirement, death, permanent total disability, or big benefits is calculated from a certain formula based on defined contribution period wages, social insurance penyalurannyaupa mechanism, the shape of the program in the form of benefits, and the risks of the life expectancy of the participant are borne collectively shared by participants."To levy, AGE it amounted to 5.7 per cent a month which consists of 2 percent paid workers and 3.7 per cent employer. Whereas dues JP of 3 percent of wages a month with details of employer 2 percent and 1 percent of the workers, "he explained.He also confirmed that the participants obtain Employment BPJS pension benefits when he was 56 years old. But if the worker dies and leaves a widow or widower, the monthly retirement benefit will be received her partner for widow or widower participants BPJS Employment has not remarried with the magnitude of the benefit earned that is 50 percent of the Pension Fund are accepted participants."If the widow or dudanya have children under the age of 23 years and not married or working, the child will receive its benefits," he said. (Gdn/Dny)
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The workers who have been registered in the Social Security Agency (BPJS) Employment is now able to breathe when entering retirement age. The reason is, there are two programs that can be enjoyed by current workers are no longer productive, namely the Old Age Security (JHT) and pensions (JP).
Section Actuarial BPJS Employment, Pramoedya said every worker who has been a participant BPJS Employment has the right to benefit both programs will be.
"social Security is mandatory. Every worker can get the right protection basically," he said at Menara Kadin, Jakarta, Tuesday (08/25/2015).
He explained that although the sound has the same function, but the benefits workers can be obtained from these two programs are different.
According to Pramoedya, JHT will be paid at a time when workers enter retirement age, death or permanent total disability. JHT received by employees when entering the productive age comes from accumulated contributions plus the results of development, mechanisms penyelenggarannya with compulsory savings, shape its program of savings, and risk to life of participants are borne participants themselves.
While the fund JP will be received by each month when signing a pension , death or permanent total disability, the benefits are calculated from a specific formula based on past dues wages, mechanisms penyalurannyaupa social insurance, form its program of defined benefits, and risks a life expectancy of participants are shared collectively by the participants.
"for a fee, JHT it amounted 5.7 percent a month consisting of 2 per cent of paid workers and 3.7 percent for employers. Meanwhile, JP dues amounting to 3 percent of the monthly wage by the employer details of 2 percent and 1 percent of workers, "he said.
He also confirmed that the participants BPJS employment benefit pension at the age of 56 years. However, if the worker died and left a widow or widower, monthly pension benefit will be acceptable partner for widows or widowers of participants BPJS Employment has not remarried with the amount of benefits received is 50 per cent of the pension received by the participants.
"If the widow or dudanya have children under the age of 23 and not married or work, the child will receive the benefits, "he said. (Dny / Gdn)
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