Mobile Phones: Good or Bad?Everywhere you go nowadays, yousee people using mobile phones.Fromschool children to the people, youseethem talking in the supermarket,ontrains, in the street,everywhere!So what are the advantages ofmobile phones?First of all, they are veryconvenientbecause you can phone fromnearlyanywhere. Another advantage isthatthey are really useful inemergencysituations.For example, if you are alone inyour car and it breaks down, youcanget help quickly. In addition, youcan also use your mobile to textyourfriends or connect to the Net.However, there aredisadvantagessuch as the cost. Mobile phonecalls costmore than normal calls.Furthermore, itcan be annoying if you are on atrain ora bus and you have to listen tosomeoneelse's boring conversation.Finally,people can contact youanywhere, atany time, unless you switch yourphoneoff!In conclusion, there are bothadvantages and disadvantages.Personally, I feel mobile phonesare agood thing because they give usmorefreedom and make communicationeasier.
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