yang terhormat HRD UCEintltolong di bantu sir masalah salary untuk bul terjemahan - yang terhormat HRD UCEintltolong di bantu sir masalah salary untuk bul Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

yang terhormat HRD UCEintltolong di

yang terhormat HRD UCEintl

tolong di bantu sir masalah salary untuk bulan september sir ,karena saya begitu banyak tanggungan yang harus saya bayar sir ,saya datang ke malaysia saya harus meminjam uang adik istri saya sir ,kenapa saya berjuang seperti ini , karena keluarga saya,, tahunya saya sudah tandatangan surat kontrak yang 6 bulan sir ,keluarga saya di indonesia sangat berharap salary september ini bisa di bayar ,

saya mohon sir ,ok saya tidak bisa menerima salary untuk oktober , tp untuk salary di september saya sangat berharap besar sir . seandainya ,posisi saya ada di anda , mungkin bapak akan melakukan hal yang sama , datang ke malaysia dan minta kejelasan tentang salary di september

Untuk masalah visa saya percaya UCE tetap mengurus masalah ini dan ,saya percayakan kepada Mr.Monayem , Mr.Jhosep , Mrs.Ranitha Seperti apa yang telah mereka sampaikan ke saya Tadi siang

setelah visa saya selesai , saya akan bekerja keras dan suport untuk progres ,
saya siap kerja lembur , saya siap kerja lebih giat ,
karena menurut saya UCE adalah perusahan yang besar , oleh dari itu , saya sangat ingin banyak mengambil ilmu dari UCE ,

saya siap kerja di kantor , agar salary september bisa dibayar ,

sir bantu saya , saya pun akan membantu bapak .

mohon kerendahan hati sir , saya sangat bersungguh sungguh inggin bekerja Di UCE
untuk suport projek ini , sekali lagi saya sangat berharap penuh sir

karena waktu saya tinggal berberapa hari lagi di malaysia sir , karena saya akan menunggu calling visa di indonesia , seperti yg di sampaikan , Mr.Jhosep Mr.Monayem ,Mrs.ranitha

saya minta maaf jika ada kalimat yg tidak pantas atau menyinggung mr/mrs
sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak banyak terimakasih ,

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Dear HRD UCEintlPlease help sir the problem of salary for the month of september, sir, because I am so many dependents should I pay sir, I come to malaysia I need to borrow money my wife's younger brother sir, why I fight like this, because my family, I had him autograph, letter of contract six months sir, my family in indonesia so hope this can in september salary pay ,I beg you sir, ok I can't receive salary for October, tp to salary in september I really hope big sir. I wish, my position is on you, maybe a father would do the same thing, coming to malaysia and ask for clarity on salary in september For the issue of visas I believe UCE remains taking care of this problem and, I entrust to Mr. Monayem, Mr. Ranitha, Mrs. Jhosep Like what they've delivered it to my Last day After my visa done, I am going to work hard and support for progress,I am ready to work overtime, I was ready to work more actively, because I think it is a great company UCE, by of that, I am very much want to take science from the UCE, I am ready to work in the Office, in order that the salary of september could get paid,Sir help me, I will help Mr.Please humility sir, I really mean really inggin works at UCE to support this project, again I really hope full sir because of the time I stayed several days in malaysia, sir, because I am going to wait for the calling visa in indonesia, as in convey, Mr. Jhosep Mr. Monayem, Mrs. ranithaI am sorry if there is a sentence inappropriate or offensive reply mr/mrs before I say many many thanks,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Dear HRD UCEintl

please sir help the problem in salary for the month of September sir, because I do so many dependents do I pay sir, I came to malaysia I had to borrow my wife's sister sir, why I fight like this, because my family ,, the fact that I had the signature of a contract is 6 months sir, my family in Indonesia sincerely hope this september salary can be paid,

I beg you sir, ok I can not receive a salary for October, tp for salary in september I really expect great sir. if, I was in your position, you may be doing the same thing, to come to Malaysia and ask for clarity about the salary in september

For visa problem I believe UCE still take care of this problem and, I entrusted to Mr.Monayem, Mr.Jhosep, Mrs .Ranitha like what they have to say to me this afternoon

after my visa is completed, I will work hard and suport for progress,
I am ready to work overtime, I am ready to work even harder,
because I think UCE is great company, by that, I really wanted a lot of take the science of UCE,

I am ready to work in the office, so that salary september can be paid,

sir help me, I will help you.

please humility sir, I was taking seriously wantid work at UCE
to suport this project, once again I am very hopeful sir

because of the time I stayed a couple of days longer in malaysia sir, because I am going to wait a calling visa in Indonesia, such as that conveyed, Mr.Jhosep Mr.Monayem, Mrs.ranitha

I apologize if there is a sentence that does not deserve or offensive mr / mrs
before I say many many thanks,

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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