Kesan saya selama mengikuti mata kuliah bahasa inggris sangat menyenan terjemahan - Kesan saya selama mengikuti mata kuliah bahasa inggris sangat menyenan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Kesan saya selama mengikuti mata kuliah bahasa inggris sangat menyenangkan,tapi kadang saya merasa kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa inggris karena kemampuan saya yang kurang di bahasa inggris,saya senang karena dosen bahasa inggrisnya pun cantik bisa bersahabat dan mudah bergaul. teman-teman di class bahasa inggris ini pun terlihat saling mendukung, memotivasi, sehingga walaupun salah dalam pengucapan bahasa, namun hal itu dianggap hal biasa,tidak menjadikan teman-teman yang masih kesulitan berbahasa inggris menjadi minder dan rendah diri.
materi dalam mata kuliah bahasa inggris yang membahas tentang supervisi pendidikan, sedikit banyak telah membantu saya dalam memahami literatur-literatur materi tentang supervisi yang berbahasa inggris. meskipun mata kuliah bahasa inggris tidak ada lagi di semester selanjutnya tapi cukup memberikan saya inspirasi dan motivasi untuk saya belajar bahasa inggris lebih intensif lagi. saya berharap saya bisa menguasai bahasa inggris dengan aktif, bukan hanya untuk pengetahuan saya, tetapi juga tantangan seorang pendidik apalagi pengawas di masa mendatang mengharuskan kita untuk mampu bersaing agar kita dapat memberikan yang terbaik untuk dunia pendidikan.
dalam pendidikan S2 ini, bahasa inggris adalah pada dasarnya adalah kebutuhan pokok seorang mahasiswa, yang perlu mahasiswa kuasai. saya bersyukur dapat menjadi mahasiswa s2, walaupun bahasa inggris saya masih sangat kurang. tapi saya yakin suatu saat saya akan bisa berbahasa inggris yang aktif. saya ingin menjadi inspirasi bagi teman-teman pendidik lainnya, tentunya bagi anak-anak saya sendiri, bahwa belajar itu tidak memandang batas usia, selama ada kemauan maka Allah SWT akan memberi jalan keluar.
dalam mata kuliah bahasa inggris ini sebenarnya bagi saya tidak banyak yang bisa saya terima, tetapi walaupun sedikit telah memberikan kesadaran pada diri saya akan pentingnya bahasa, dalam filsafat dikatakan "bahasamu adalah batas duniamu", hal tersebut langsung masuk ke dalam hati. kelas ini mengajarkan saya bahwa dalam belajar itu harus enjoy dan dalam suasana hati yang menyenangkan.
akhirnya, pesan untuk ibu Noormalihah dan teman-teman semua, semoga silaturrahmi di antara kita tetap terjalin. dan saya doakan semoga segala urusan ibu lancar, dan dapat dianugerahi buah hati yang tampan atau cantik, soleh solehah. amin.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
My impression during the following English courses is fun, but sometimes I find it difficult to learn English because of my ability that was lacking in the English language, I am happy because beautiful no matter their English lecturer can be friendly and outgoing. friends in this English class ever seen support each other, motivate, so even though wrong in the pronunciation of the language, however it is considered a regular thing, not making friends who still speak English difficulties became inadequate and low self-esteem. material in English language courses that discuss the educational supervision, more or less has helped me in understanding the literature-literature material about the supervision of the English language. Although the English language courses no longer exist in the next semester but enough to give me my inspiration and motivation to learn English more intensively again. I wish I could master English with the active, not just for my knowledge, but also the challenge of an educator let alone watchdogs in the future requires us to be able to compete so that we can provide the best for the world of education. This Master in education, the English language is basically is a basic requirement of a student, the students need to master. I'm grateful to be able to graduate, even though my English is still very lacking. but I'm sure someday I will be able to speak English. I want to be an inspiration for other educators friends, certainly for my own children, that study it regardless of age limit, as long as there is a will of ALMIGHTY Allah will give a way out. in the course of the English language is actually for me there was not much that I can receive, but even a little bit has given consciousness to me of the importance of language, in philosophy, is said to be "your language is the limit of your world", it would go straight into the heart. This class teaches me that in studying it should enjoy and in a pleasant mood.Finally, a message to the mother of Noormalihah and friends all, hopefully silaturrahmi among us remain intertwined. and I pray hope all the Affairs of the mother smoothly, and be awarded the handsome heart fruit or beautiful, teaser of Dharma. Amin.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
My impression during the course of English is very pleasant, but sometimes I find it difficult to learn English because my skills were lacking in English, I am happy because even the English language lecturer can pretty friendly and sociable. friends in the class of English is also seen to support each other, motivate, so although one in pronunciation, but it is considered the norm, not make friends who are still having trouble speaking English becomes insecure and inferior.
material in the course of language English which discusses education supervisors, to some extent has helped me in understanding literature material about supervision in English. though subjects of English is no longer in the next semester but enough to give me the inspiration and motivation for me to learn English more intensively. I wish I could master the English language with an active, not only to my knowledge, but also the challenges of an educator especially supervisors in the future requires us to be able to compete so that we can give our best to the world of education,
the education S2, English is the essentially the basic needs of a student, the student needs to master. I am grateful to be a student s2, although my English is still very poor. but I'm sure one day I will be able to speak English active. I want to be an inspiration for friends other educators, of course, for the children of my own, that learning does not regard the age limit, as long as there is a will then Allah will provide a way out,
in the course of the English language is actually for me not much I can accept, but although little has consciousness in me the importance of language, the philosophy is said to be "language is the limit of your world", it goes straight into the heart. This class taught me that learning must enjoy and in a great mood.
Finally, a message to the mother Noormalihah and friends all, may silaturrahmi between us stay in touch. I wish it all the affairs smoothly mother and baby can be awarded a handsome or beautiful, pious solehah. amen.
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