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Penulisan karya ilmiah ini didasarkan pada motivasi kami untuk memanfaatkan dan menciptakan media alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan efisien untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman sehingga bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Media yang diuji terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman antara lain warna cahaya, larutan sukrosa, air teh, ampas teh dan ampas kopi. Kondisi ini memunculkan rumusan masalah, bagaimana pengaruh warna lampu, larutan sukrosa, air teh, ampas teh, dan ampas kopi terhadap laju pertumbuhan kacang hijau?
Penelitian ini pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2016-2017. Tempat penanaman ini adalah rumah Verdy di Jalan Bangau Palembang dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2016. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Agustus-19Agustus 2016.
Pada 8 jenis tanaman kacang hijau yang telah kami tanam dengan masing-masing perlakuan berbeda yang mempunyai tingkat pertumbuhan paling cepat adalah tanaman kacang hijau yang diberi ampas teh, disiram dengan air teh dan diletakkan di tempat berlampu merah dengan tinggi 19, 5 cm. Sedangkan, tanaman kacang hijau yang mempunyai tingkat pertumbuhan paling lambat adalah tanaman kacang hijau yang diberi ampas kopi, disiram dengan air gula dan diletakkan di tempat berlampu hijau dengan tinggi 16, 2 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa jenis pupuk organik, jenis air dan warna cahaya yang paling efektif dalam mempercepat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman adalah ampas teh, air teh dan lampu warna merah.
Kata kunci: kacang hijau, warna cahaya, pupuk organik, jenis air.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The writing of scientific papers is based on our motivation to exploit alternative media and creating an environmentally friendly and efficient for the growth and development of plants so useful in daily life. The media are tested against the rate of plant growth and development among other light color, a solution of sucrose, water, tea, coffee and tea dregs of dregs. These conditions gave rise to the formulation of the problem, how to influence the color of the lights, the solution of sucrose, water, tea, and tea dregs of dregs of coffee against the rate of growth of green beans?The research on the odd semester lesson years 2016-2017. The place of planting is home Verdy in Palembang and Crane Avenues was carried out on 14 August 2016. Data retrieval is implemented on 15 August-2016 19Agustus.8 types of plants that we have green beans growing with each of the different treatment which has the fastest growth rate of the plant is green beans that were given the dregs of tea, doused with water and put in place a red lighted with a height of 19, 5 cm. Whereas, plant green beans that have the slowest growth rate of the plant is green beans that were given coffee dregs , smothered with sugar water and put in place a green lighted with a height of 16, 2 cm. Based on the results of the research, then the researchers concluded that the types of organic fertilizer, water type and color of light that are most effective in accelerating the growth and development of plants is the dregs of tea, tea and water to light red color.Keywords: green beans, light color, organic fertilizers, type of water.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Writing scientific papers is based on our motivation to utilize alternative media and create an environmentally friendly and efficient for plant growth and development making it useful in everyday life. Media were tested against the rate of plant growth and development among other colors of light, a solution of sucrose, water tea, tea waste and coffee grounds. These conditions led to the formulation of the problem, how the influence of the color of the lights, sucrose solution, water tea, tea waste and coffee grounds to the growing rate of green beans?
The research is in the first semester of school year 2016-2017. This is the planting of home Verdy Stork Jalan Palembang and executed on August 14, 2016. Data collection was carried out on August 15th-19Agustus 2016.
On 8 kinds of green bean plants that we planted with each different treatment that has the highest growth rate fast is the green bean plants by teacup, tea doused with water and put in place high-lighted red with 19, 5 cm. Meanwhile, green bean plants that have the slowest growth rate is the green bean plants by coffee grounds, sprinkled with sugar water and put in place a green lighted with a high 16, 2 cm. Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the type of organic fertilizer, water types and colors of light are most effective in accelerating the growth and development of the plant is teacup, tea water and light red color.
Keywords: green beans, light color, organic fertilizers, types water.
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