Story of my trip Desember adalah bulan kelahiran saya, pada saat umur  terjemahan - Story of my trip Desember adalah bulan kelahiran saya, pada saat umur  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Story of my trip Desember adalah bu

Story of my trip
Desember adalah bulan kelahiran saya, pada saat umur saya 22 tahun tepatnya tahun 2014 saya mendapatkan hadiah yang menurut saya sangat spesial karena hadiah itu dari kedua orang tua saya. Tidak pernah terlintas jika saya akan mendapatkan hadiah seperti ini, mereka memberikan tiket perjalanan untuk berangkat umroh. Karena perkuliah di kampus tidak bisa di tinggalkan akhirnya saya menunda keberangkatan hingga januari 2015.
Dengan segala persiapan setelah selesai UAS, saya dan kedua kaka saya dan rombongan lainnya berangat menuju jakarta untuk bertolak ke jeddah melalui bandara internasional soekarno hatta. Pada saat itu tanggal 27 januari sekitar pukul 13.00 wib kami take off perjalanan udara jakarta - jeddah kurang lebih 8-9 jam. Ini merupakan pertama kali saya naik pesawat, perjalanan jauh menjadi kendala bagi saya karena takut jika terjadi kecelakaan dan sebagainya. Pesawat yang digunakan saat itu adalah maskapai garuda. Selama di dalam pesawat saya hanya diam duduk terpaku sambil berdoa karena pada saat itu cuaca buruk. Meskipun di dalam pesawat disediakan makanan minuman tapi tetap tidak bisa santai seperti didalam kendaraan darat. Setelah 8 jam akhirnya pesawat landing di bandara internasional king abdul aziz. Sesampai di bandara kami melakukan pengecekan passport dan dokumen lainnya. Setelah sesesai semua rombongan kami menuju ke pengeinapan yang berada di kota madinah. Dengan menggunakan bus kami menuju kota madinah kurang lebih 7 sampai 8 jam kami sampai di kota madinah dan langsung ke hotel. Hotel yang kami tempatin tidak jauh dari masjid nabawi. Setelah mendapatkan kamar saya bersiap siap untuk pergi ke masjid untuk melakukan sholat subuh.
Sambil berjalan menuju masjid nabawi tidak berhenti mulut ini menggucap syukur atas segala kemudahan yang di berikan oleh allah. Masjid yang sangat luar biasa mewah dan megah akhirnya bisa sholat di masjid ini. kegiatan di kota madinah hanya melakukan sholat dan kunjungan ke makam para sahabat Nabi. Selesai sholat kami belanja untuk oleh-oleh di sekitar masjid. Bagusnya kota ini jika adzan berkumandang semua pedagang dan pembeli meninggalkan pekerjaannya kan segera melaksanakan sholat, tanpa khawatir kehilangan barang dagangannya mereka meninggalkan begitu saja. Pada malam hari di hari ke dua kami melalukan sholat dan berdoa di makam Nabi Muhammad SAW yaitu di raudhah di dalam masjid Nabawi. Makam Nabi Muhammad SAW berada di bawah kubah yang berwarna hijau sedangkan kubah yang lainnya berwarna putih. Kami hanya tiga hari berada di kota madiinah.
Hari ketiga kami bersiap untuk pergi ke kota mekkah, pada saat itu kami berpakaian ihram. Berangkat menuju kota mekkah menggunakan bus sekitar pukul 15.0 waktu setempat sebelum sampai di kota mekkah robongan harus mengambil miqot atau niat sebagai rukun umroh jika akan tawaf dan sa’i di tempat yang udah di tentukan. Pukul 01.00 sampai di kota mekkah dan ke hotel lalu ke masjidil harram untuk menunaikan ibadah umroh diantaranya melakukan tawaf sebanyak tujuh kali dan sa’i dari al-safa ke al-marwah sebanyak tujuh kali. Pada saat pertama kali masuki masjidil harram dan melihat ka’bah sejukur tubuh terdiam terpaku dan hanya bisa menangis sambil mengucap asma allah. yang selama ini di impikan akhirnya bisa tercapai melihat dan berdoa di depan ka’bah. Pada saat pertama tawaf wajib saya ingin memegang ka’bah namun sangat sulit. Pada saat hari ke dua berada di kota mekkah selesai tawaf sunah saya kembali mencoba memegang ka’bah dan akhirnya bisa berdoa tepat di depan pintu ka’bah dan mencium ka’bah wanginya sampai melekat di kulit.
Selama berada di kota suci ini hampir setiap hari meminum air zamzam. Setiap kali haus dan meminum air tersebut tenggorokan berasa segar. Pada hari terakhir di kota mekkah saya memasuki tempat belanja yang ada di belakang hotel tempat menginap. Pusat perbelanjaan kota mekkah apapun yang di cari ada disana. Dan saya membeli oleh oleh untuk keluarga dan teman. Rasa lelah terbayar sudah jika melihat keindahan masjidil harram. Dan ini lah cerita perjalanan saya selama umorh. Hal terindah dalam kehidupan saya adalah bisa ke tanah suci dan kembali ke tanah air dengan selamat sehat.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Story of my trip December is the month of my birth, at my age of 22 to be exact 2014 I get a gift that I think is very special because it was a gift from my parents. Never crossed if I will get a gift like this, they give travel tickets to leave for Mecca. Because the perkuliah on campus can not leave the end I postpone departure until January 2015.With all the preparations after the completion of the UAS, me and both my and other groups who are the berangat headed for jakarta to jeddah through soekarno-hatta international airport. At that point the January 27 at around 1 pm we take off for jakarta-jeddah air travel approximately 8-9 hours. It is the first time I boarded the plane, the long journey into constraint for me for fear of car accident happened and so on. The aircraft used was the airline garuda. For in my plane just sit quietly transfixed while praying because of bad weather at the time. Although the aircraft provided food drinks but still not able to relax as in ground vehicles. After 8 hours, eventually the plane landing at king abdul aziz international airport. Arriving at the airport we checked passports and other documents. After sesesai all the groups we headed to pengeinapan which is located in the city of Medina. By using our bus towards Medina approximately 7 to 8 hours we reached the city of madinah and straight to the hotel. The hotel that we tempatin not far from the mosque. After getting my room getting ready to go to the mosque to perform the Fajr prayer.While walking toward the Mosque did not stop this mouth menggucap thanks for all the ease with which given by God. The mosque of extraordinary luxury and magnificent was finally able to pray in the mosque. activities in the city of Medina just do pray and visit to the mausoleum of the Prophet's companions. Our prayers are finished shopping for gift shop around the mosque. Good city if the adhaan reverberate all traders and buyers leave her job right immediately carry out a prayer, without the worry of losing merchandise they leave well enough alone. At night on day two we route the prayers and pray at the tomb of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in raudhah in the Prophet's mosque. The tomb of the Prophet Muhammad are under the Green dome of the dome while the others are white. We are only three days in the town of madiinah. Hari ketiga kami bersiap untuk pergi ke kota mekkah, pada saat itu kami berpakaian ihram. Berangkat menuju kota mekkah menggunakan bus sekitar pukul 15.0 waktu setempat sebelum sampai di kota mekkah robongan harus mengambil miqot atau niat sebagai rukun umroh jika akan tawaf dan sa’i di tempat yang udah di tentukan. Pukul 01.00 sampai di kota mekkah dan ke hotel lalu ke masjidil harram untuk menunaikan ibadah umroh diantaranya melakukan tawaf sebanyak tujuh kali dan sa’i dari al-safa ke al-marwah sebanyak tujuh kali. Pada saat pertama kali masuki masjidil harram dan melihat ka’bah sejukur tubuh terdiam terpaku dan hanya bisa menangis sambil mengucap asma allah. yang selama ini di impikan akhirnya bisa tercapai melihat dan berdoa di depan ka’bah. Pada saat pertama tawaf wajib saya ingin memegang ka’bah namun sangat sulit. Pada saat hari ke dua berada di kota mekkah selesai tawaf sunah saya kembali mencoba memegang ka’bah dan akhirnya bisa berdoa tepat di depan pintu ka’bah dan mencium ka’bah wanginya sampai melekat di kulit. During your stay in this sacred city almost every day and drank the water of zamzam. Each time the water and drink thirsty throat felt fresh. On the last day in the city of Mecca I was entering a shopping place is behind the hotel the place to stay. The shopping centre of the city of Mecca in search of any kind there. And I buy some presents for family and friends. A sense of tired already pays off if you see the beauty of the Grand harram. And this is the story of my journey during the umorh. The most beautiful thing in my life was able to return to the Holy Land and ground water with survivors healthy.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Story of my trip
in December is the month of my birth, at my age of 22 years to be exact in 2014 I get a reward which I think is very special because it was a gift from my parents. Never crossed if I would get a gift like this, they give you a ticket for a departing Umrah trip. Because perkuliah on campus can not leave me to postpone the departure until the end of January 2015.
With all the preparations after the completion UAS, me and both my kaka and other entourage berangat heading to heading to jeddah Jakarta through Soekarno Hatta international airport. At that time the 27th of January around 13:00 pm we take off air travel jakarta - jeddah approximately 8-9 hours. This is the first time I get on a plane, traveling far away an obstacle for me because of fear of an accident and so on. The aircraft are used when it is airline Garuda. While in the plane I just quietly sat there and prayed because at that time the weather is bad. Although in-flight food and drink are provided but still can not relax as in ground vehicles. After 8 hours of flight finally landing at King Abdul Aziz International Airport. Arriving at the airport we checked the passport and other documents. After sesesai all our group headed to pengeinapan in the city of Medina. By using our bus to the city of Medina approximately 7 to 8 hours we reached the city of Medina and directly to the hotel. The hotel that we tempatin not far from the mosque Nabawi. After getting my room getting ready to go to the mosque to perform morning prayers.
As he walked toward the mosque Nabawi not stop this mouth menggucap gratitude for all the convenience that is given by the gods. Mosque incredible and magnificent luxury can finally pray in this mosque. activities in the city of Medina just doing prayers and visits to the graves of the companions of the Prophet. Our prayer finished shopping for souvenirs around the mosque. Good thing this town if adzan all merchants and buyers to leave her job without delay praying, without the worry of losing the merchandise they leave well enough alone. At night on the second day we were to offer prayers and to pray at the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, namely in Raudhah in Nabawi mosque. The tomb of the Prophet Muhammad is under the green dome of the dome, while the other is white. We're only three days while in town madiinah.
The third day we were preparing to go to the city of Mecca, at that time we dressed ihram. Depart to the town a mecca use the bus at about 15.0 local time before reaching the city a mecca robongan must take miqot or intention as pillars of Umrah if it would tawaf and sa'i in place already determined. 01.00 till in the city Mecca and then to the hotel to Harram Mosque for Umrah pilgrimage them doing tawaf and sa'i seven times from al-safa to al-marwah seven times. The first time you enter the Masjid Harram and see the temple body sejukur silent stare and just crying while praising gods asthma. which has been in the dream could finally be achieved see and pray in front of the temple. At first I wanted to hold the obligatory tawaf ka'ba but very difficult. By the time the second day in the city of Mecca was completed tawaf sunna I tried to hold back the temple and could eventually pray right at the front door of the temple and the temple smelt the fragrance until embedded in the skin.
During their stay in this holy city almost every day drinking Zamzam water. Whenever thirsty throat and drank the water fresh taste. On the last day in town I entered the shopping mecca that is in the back of the hotel accommodation. City shopping center mecca looking for anything in there. And I buy by family and friends. Fatigue paid off if you see the beauty of the Mosque Harram. And this is the story of my trip for umorh. Most beautiful thing in my life is the holy land and be able to return to their homeland with healthy survivors.
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