PENGOLAHAN BAKASANG TELUR CAKALANGKata PengantarDari beragamnya etnis  terjemahan - PENGOLAHAN BAKASANG TELUR CAKALANGKata PengantarDari beragamnya etnis  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Kata Pengantar

Dari beragamnya etnis di Indonesia, Minahasa & Sangihe mungkin salah satu yang menu makanannya banyak dikolaborasikan dengan cabai, atau sambal. Malah, ada guyonan yang cukup beken di kalangan kuliner mania Minahasa, yakni: untuk memusnahkan etnis Minahasa sangat mudah. ‘Hentikan saja pasokan cabai atau sambal selama 3 bulan’

Bakasang, merupakan salah satu produk makanan ‘aditif’ yang memiliki rasa dan bau khas ikan, berwarna kuning, dan biasanya dicampur dengan sambal ketika akan konsumsi dengan bubur manado, pisang goreng, tahu goreng, nasi goreng, atau tumis kangkung.

Bakasang merupakan produk hasil fermentasi, yang umumnya dibuat dari isi perut ikan.

Saya jelaskan sedikit apa itu Fermentasi. Fermentasi adalah proses kimia yang mengubah komponen makro menjadi komponen mikro, dalam kondisi anaerob (tanpa oksigen), dengan bantuan mikroba.

Cara Pembuatan Bakasang Telur Cakalang

Bahan Baku : Telur ikan Cakalang
Bahan pembantu : Garam dapur (NaCl), daun jeruk, daun sereh, dan air kelapa tua.
Alat : Botol bekas air mineral, ato botol kaca bekas sirop juga boleh koq, kompor,
penggorengan, saringan

Telur cakalang dipilih yang berwarna kuning tua, berukuran agak besar
Cuci dengan air bersih, sambil mengeluarkan sisa-sisa empedu.
Masukan ke dalam botol plastic bekas air mineral yang telah dicuci, jangan sampai penuh. Sisakan ± 3 cm dari penutup botol.
Masukan garam secukupnya, hingga telur cakalang tidak terlihat (lihat gambar)
Jemur di bawah terik matahari selama ± 4 – 5 hari, sambil dikocok-kocok, tanpa harus membuka penutup botolnya. Oh ya, selama penjemuran berlangsung, botol akan mengembung, akibat gas yang di hasilkan selama proses fermentasi berlangsung. Menghadapi ini, cukup memutar penutup botol secara perlahan hingga longgar, untuk mengeluarkan gas. Setelah gas keluar, dan bentuk botol kembali seperti semula, kencangkan lagi penutup botol. Kegiatan ini akan berulang beberapa kali, hingga produk mencair, dan produksi gas berkurang. Perlu diingat, selama proses berlangsung, jangan biarkan penutup botol terbuka, hingga memungkinkan masuknya jasad renik yang dapat ‘menggagalkan’ proses.
Jika panas matahari cukup terik, biasanya, pada hari ke-3, sebagian besar produk telah mencair. Proses pengocokan akan membantu mempercepat mencairnya telur cakalang. Namun lanjutkan hingga hari ke-5, agar proses berlangsung sempurna.
Untuk menambah variasi rasa, bakasang telur cakalang yang sudah jadi, dapat di tambahkan dengan bumbu penyedap seperti daun jeruk, sereh, dan sedikit air kelapa. Caranya, panaskan penggorengan (tanpa minyak dan air), masukan bakasang, lalu daun jeruk, sereh dan sedikit air kelapa tua sesuai selera. Namun saya sarankan, jangan terlalu banyak menambahkan sereh, karena dapat ‘mengaburkan’ aroma asli produk bakasang. Begitupula dengan daun jeruk dan air kelapa. Setelah bakasang mendidih, dinginkan, lalu saring dengan saringan bersih, masukan pada botol baru yang telah di cuci. Bakasang telur cakalang siap dikonsumsi, atau di pasarkan. terserah. Selamat mencoba.

a. Pada saat mendidihkan bakasang, sebaiknya anda meminta ijin para tetangga. Kenapa? Karena aromanya akan membuat mereka marah, kalau anda tidak memberikan sedikit untuk sekedar mencicipi
b. Untuk memperpanjang waktu simpan, bakasang cakalang dapat di simpan di lemari pendingin, atau sesekali di jemur di bawah terik matahari. Tapi jauhkan dari jangkauan anjing, kucing, atau tikus. Karena aromanya sangat menggoda hewan-hewan tersebut (mereka juga termasuk tetangga juga toh..?).

Manfaat Produk

Karena tergolong produk baru (kemungkinan besar), saya berikan metode/resep ini secara gratis kepada siapapun yang kebetulan membaca tulisan ini. Bukan, bukannya untuk meningkatkan traffic pengunjung ke blog saya, untuk meningkatkan penghasilan saya. Lah wong saya ngga beriklan koq. Coba liat, emangnya saya pake adsen ato amazon? Anggaplah ini sebagai ucapan syukur saya bisa nulis resep dari apa yang saya uji coba. Ngga semua harus diuangkan toh?...hehehe,..bukan sombong loh.

Saya menggunakan telur cakalang sebagai bahan baku kali ini, hanya sebagai salah satu contoh. Karena pembaca bisa menggunakan daging ikan, atau produk perikanan lainnya seperti daging hiu, kepiting, dll. Itupun kalau terjadi kelimpahan. Artinya, ketika suatu jenis ikan melimpah, kan nilai jualnya turun, jadi pengolahan bakasang ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai olahan alternative.

Saya pikir, melalui eksperimen lanjutan hingga diperoleh citarasa yang bisa diterima baik konsumen, bukan tidak mungkin produk ini bisa dijadikan sumber penghasilan. Artinya juga, konsumennya tidak hanya orang Minahasa & Sangihe saja. Wuiihhh, ada yang mulai pake itung-itungan duit tuh,…hahaha…. Monggo mas, mba yu….it’s for you

Selain itu, bagi para mahasiswa Pengolahan Hasil perikanan, mungkin aja tulisan ini bisa dijadikan ide untuk penelitian, misalnya identifikasi mikrobanya, fase pertumbuhannya, atau yah cuma sekedar sebagai bahan seminar kan lumayan.

Pokoknya, liat sendiri deh maanfaat tulisan ini. Yang pasti, ini bukan NATO (No Action Talk Only). Saya udah beberapa kali koq berhasil memproduksinya. Untuk di makan sendiri sih. Hehe….

Ok deh, Next time, saya akan bikin resep baru lagi. Tunggu aja, musti eksperimen dulu dong…..adios

(sory ya, gambarnya tata letak gambarnya berantakan....)

Telur Cakalang (1)

Telur Cakalang di dalam botol (3)

Pengisian dalam botol (2)

Telah di tambahkan garam (4)

Penjemuran di bawah matahari (5)

Penjemuran Telah selesai (6)

watch too
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
SKIPJACK TUNA EGGS BAKASANG PROCESSINGForewordFrom the various ethnic groups in Minahasa, Indonesia & Sangihe is probably one of the many food menu is working in close collaboration with the chili pepper, or chili sauce. In fact, there is enough humor in nganjuk in culinary circles mania Minahasa, namely: to annihilate the Minahasa ethnic is very easy. ' Stop chili or chilli supply alone for 3 months ' Bakasang, is one of the food products ' additives ' which has a distinctive taste and smell of fish, yellow in color, and is usually mixed with sambal when will consumption with a slurry of manado, fried banana, fried tofu, fried rice, sauteed or stir-fried.Bakasang is fermented products, which are commonly made from fish entrails.I explain a bit what is fermentation. Fermentation is the chemical process that converts the macro component into the micro components, in conditions of anaerobic (without oxygen), with the help of microbes.Bakasang Eggs Making Skipjack TunaRaw materials: tuna EggAuxiliary material: salt (NaCl), lime leaves, Lemongrass, leaf and coconut water is old.Tools: bottles of mineral water, a used glass bottles sirop ato may also be koq, stove frying pan, colander Skipjack tuna eggs selected yellow old, rather large-sized Wash with clean water, while removing the remains of the bile. Input into plastic bottles of mineral water that has been used washable, do not get full. Reserving ± 3 cm of the cover of the bottle. The input salt to taste, up to skipjack tuna eggs not visible (see picture) Bathing under the scorching sun for approximately 4-5 days, while dikocok-kocok, without having to open the cover of the bottle. Oh yes, during the drying out takes place, the bottles will be mengembung, as a result of the gas on the results during the fermentation process takes place. Face it, simply turn the bottle slowly until the cover is loose, to take out the gas. After the gas is out, and the shape of the bottle back as before, tighten again closing the bottle. These activities will be repeated several times, until the product melts, and gas production decreases. Keep in mind, as long as the process progresses, don't let the cover open bottles, to allow entry of miniscule remains of which can be ' derail ' the process.If the hot sun beat down enough, usually, on the 3rd day, most products had melted. The process of shuffling will help accelerate the melting of skipjack tuna eggs. However continue until day 5, so that the process runs perfectly. To add to the variety of flavors, egg bakasang skipjack tuna is already so you can add the condiments like lime leaves, Lemongrass, coconut and a little water. How, heat the frying pan (no oil and water), bakasang input, and lime leaves, Lemongrass and a little coconut milk to taste old. But I suggest, don't add too much Lemongrass, as can ' blurring ' original scent products bakasang. Neither with lime leaves and coconut milk. After bakasang the boil, let cool, and then strain it with a clean filter, put in new bottles that have been in the wash. Bakasang bonito eggs ready to be consumed, or marketed. It is up. Good luck. The Note.a. at the time the boil bakasang, you should ask for permission from the neighbors. Why? Because the aroma will make them angry, if you do not give the bit to just sampleb. to extend the time saved, bakasang skipjack tuna can be stored in the refrigerator, or the occasional in-bathing under the scorching sun. But keep away from the reach of dogs, cats or mice. Because the aroma is very tempting these animals (they also include neighbors also anyway..?).Product BenefitsBecause of the relatively new products (most likely), I give this recipe/method for free to anyone who happens to read this writing. Instead, rather than to increase traffic of visitors to my blog, to increase my income. One of my guns advertise wong koq. Coba liat, emangnya ato pake my adsen amazon? Think of it as Thanksgiving, I can write a recipe from what I have tested. All guns must be cashed anyway? ... hehehe,..not a snob loh.I am using as raw skipjack tuna eggs this time, just as one example. Because the reader can use the flesh of fish, or other fishery products such as shark, crab meat, etc. Even in case of abundance. That is, when a type of abundant fish, right down, so jualnya worth of processing bakasang this can be utilized as a refined alternative.I think that, through advanced experiments up to acceptable flavor obtained good consumer, it is not impossible for this product can be used as a source of income. It means also, consumers not only the Minahasa & Sangihe only. Wuiihhh, there's a start pake tuh duit, itung-itungan ... hahaha ... ... ... ... Monggo mas yu., mba ... it's for youIn addition, the results of Treatment for students of fisheries, may wrote this paper can be used as an idea for research, for example the identification of mikrobanya, its growth phase, or well just as a seminar right fair.Anyway, liat deh maanfaat own this article. To be sure, this is not a NATO (No Action Talk Only). I've several times koq managed to produce it. To eat on its own anyway. Hehe ....Ok deh, Next time, I will make a new recipe again. Wait aja, musti experiments used to be dong ... ... ... adios(sory ya, the drawing is the drawing layout mess....)Skipjack tuna eggs (1) Skipjack tuna eggs in a jar (3)Filling in bottles (2)Has been on add salt (4)Drying out in the Sun (5)Drying out has been completed (6)watch too
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Introduction of ethnic diversity in Indonesia, Minahasa and Sangihe probably one of the many food menu collaborated with chili, or chili. In fact, there is a joke that is quite popular among culinary mania Minahasa, namely: to exterminate the ethnic Minahasa very easy. 'Just stop the supply of chili or chili for 3 months' Bakasang, is one of the food products 'additives' which has a distinctive taste and smell of fish, yellow, and usually mixed with chili when it will consume with Manado porridge, fried banana, fried tofu, fried rice, or sautéed kale. Bakasang is a product of fermentation, which is commonly made ​​from fish entrails. me explain a little what it Fermentation. Fermentation is a chemical process that converts the macro component into a micro component, under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen), with the help of microbes. Bakasang Egg Production Method Cakalang Raw Material: tuna fish eggs adjuvant: Table salt (NaCl), lime leaves, lemon grass leaves, and old coconut water. equipment: the former mineral water bottle, glass bottle ato former syrup may also koq, cookers, fryers, filter skipjack selected Eggs are dark yellow, rather large-sized Wash with clean water, while removing the remnants of bile. Feedback into the former plastic bottle of mineral water that has been washed, not to the full. Leave ± 3 cm from the bottle cover. Feedback salt to taste, until the egg of skipjack are not visible (see picture) Drying in the sun for ± 4-5 days, and shaked it, without having to open the lid of the bottle. Oh yes, during the drying takes place, the bottle will be inflated, due to the gas produced during the fermentation process takes place. Facing this, simply rotate the bottle gently until the cover is loose, to release the gas. After the gas out, and the shape of the bottle again as before, tighten the caps again. This activity will be repeated several times, until the product melts, and gas production is reduced. Keep in mind, during the process, do not let the cover open a bottle, to allow the entry of microorganisms that could 'derail' the process. If the scorching heat of the sun enough, usually, on day 3, most of the product has melted. Shaking process will help accelerate the melting of eggs skipjack. But continue until day 5, so that the process is complete. To add flavor variations, bakasang eggs skipjack that is so, may be added flavorings such as lime leaves, lemongrass, coconut and a little water. The trick, heat the frying pan (without oil and water), input bakasang, and lime leaves, lemongrass and a bit of old coconut water according to taste. But I suggest, not too much added lemongrass, as it can 'obscure' original fragrance products bakasang. Similarly with lime leaves and coconut milk. After bakasang boil, let cool, then strain with a clean filter, put on a new bottle that has been in the wash. Bakasang skipjack eggs ready to be consumed, or marketed. is up. Good luck. note. : a. At the time of bakasang boil, you should ask permission of the neighbors. Why? Because the smell will make them angry, if you do not give a little to just taste b. To extend shelf life, bakasang skipjack can be stored in the refrigerator, or occasionally in the drying in the sun. But keep out of reach of the dog, cat, or rat. Because very tempting aroma of these animals (they also include neighbors as well anyway ..?). Benefit Products Because of relatively new products (most likely), I provide a method / recipe is free of charge to anyone who happens to read this article. No, rather than to increase visitor traffic to my blog, to increase my income. I was wong guns koq advertise. Try clay, I use adsen emangnya ato amazon? Think of this as I could write a thanksgiving recipe of what I trials. All guns must be cashed anyway? ... Hehehe, .. not arrogant tablets. skipjack I use eggs as raw material this time, just as one example. Because the reader can use fish meat, or other fishery products such as shark meat, crab, etc.. Even then if there abundance. That is, when an abundant fish species, the resale value down, so this bakasang processing can be used as an alternative preparations. I think, through further experiments to obtain an acceptable good taste of consumers, it is not possible this product could be used as a source of income. That is also, not only the consumers Minahasa and Sangihe alone. Wuiihhh, there are start-itungan itung use money tuh, ... ... hahaha. Monggo mas, mba yu ... .it's for you In addition, for students of fisheries product processing, probably wrote this paper could be an idea for the study, for example, microbial identification, growth phase, or merely well as seminar materials not bad. Anyway, clay own deh maanfaat this paper. To be sure, this is not a NATO (No Action Talk Only). I've managed to produce a scar several times. To feed themselves in anyway. Hehe .... Ok, Next time, I'll make a new recipe again. Just wait, the experiment must first dong ... ..adios (sory yes, the picture layout drawing messy ....) Egg Tunny (1) Eggs tuna in a jar (3) Filling in bottles (2) has been added salt (4 ) drying in the sun (5) drying has been completed (6) watch too

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