Stop bullying! Stop ngebully ... What is bullying? Bullying comes from the word bully meaning to bully, harass, oppress the weak. Well like in the tv series and the older ABEGE (Older babe geje) which excommunicates ngejek, nindes, son of the weak, the boxes, the slow, cool, not tacky, kamseupay and other alay. Why the hell is there a such thing as a ngebully? Well ... because the perpetrator or people who feel strong, powerful, rich, and feel got everything deh. While they were not nyadar kalo them it's sad really, not there another TODO, oppress and bully others. And ngebully it happens because there is not just a mere plurality but there is a chance ... so, BEWARE BEWARE!!! Hahahh ...Yep, right, this happens due to the existence of the opportunity, they see the weaknesses of others. COBA deh lu, fight when ditindees others, or laporin to all authorities, do not only diem aja kayak soap opera of onion and garlic, in bullying berkali kali, ditindes berkali kali, dizolimi berkali kali diem aja .... Hmm gregetan deh, try once in a while garlic it rebelled and defensively so yaaah, but his name was sitcoms, its scenario of the pak/buk Director ... Thus the portrait of young people today particularly teenagers have already influenced the name of idiot box (television). Dalem sitcoms jamming gank (Group) imitated, emulated, making dating guru, imitated ... sserba emulate and follow-up deh. Once plain, innocent, cute-cute now changed so the power rangers (oops ... wrong, that is to say transform so matured prematurely).Young children who were once nyanyiin songs lutu lutu nan cutesy like pieces of duck goose, holiday has arrived, lizard lizards on the walls, climbs to the top of the mountain, eh now turns to love, love cenut cenat menyat menyut kedat wrinkles, love, love, love the one night one hour de el el. .. :DWell, the world of the longer makin alay and lebay aje ... ... event telivisi so in entertainment aje lah, not banned lu not watch the television hanging, take the good benefits of cuy, the ugly mah waste into the sea. What is the impact of ngebully is it? Well, if his impact, nyebutin well loads. At the start of the decline of his good self quality of the perpetrator and the victim.The impact for the offender (ngebully)1. Tertutupnya the eyes of my heart and sense of compassion2. high and Haughty heart3. Feel the power and win yourself4. the selfish and Pretentious excellent5. Insatiable6. Loss of sincerity and moral judgment against him7. and othersThe impact to the Victim (the person who hit the bully)Psychic Disordersfearless confidentMINDERand othersWhat is the solution?
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