Mempelajari suatu bahasa tidaklah mudah. Apalagi bahasa tersebut sudah menjadi bahasa internasional. Bahasa pengantar untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan orang asing, ketika ingin bekerja di atu perusahaan dan lain-lain. Mau tidak mau ataupun suka tidak suka, bahasa inggris sudah menjadi salah satu pelajaran pokok di setiap sekolah-sekolah dari mulai SMP sampai SMA. Bila di lakukan survai siswa yang menyukai bahasa inggris dengan siswa yang tidak menyukai bahasa inggris akan di dapati persentasi tertinggi siswa yang tidak menyukai bahasa inggris. selain sulit untuk difahami pengucapan serta cara mengartikannya juga susah. Itulah beberapa alasan yang diucapkan kebanyakan siswa. Hal ini membuat niat belajar siswa menjadi rendah. Mereka menjadi malas belajar krna sudah beranggapan jika bahasa inggris adalah susah. Padahal jika ada kemauan pasti ada jalan. Jadi segala sesuatu yang berawal dari niat dan kemauan pasti ada jalan untuk menggapainya. Kenapa bahasa Inggris di sebut sebagai pelajaran yang sangat susah. Ada beberapa pernyataan yang akan menimbulkan mental blok pada setiap individu yaitu kata aku tidak bisa, ini sangat susah untuk ku, aku tidak akan mungkin bisa, dan kata-kata negatif lainnya. secara tidak langsung kata-kata ini sudah mensugesti alam bawah sadar kita dan perlahan tapi pasti kata-kata tersebut akan membawa perubahan pada diri sendiri dan terhadap pelajaran tersebut. Fikiran akan membenarkan apa yang sudah disimpan oleh alam bawah sadar setiap individu yang mengatakan dirinya tidak bisa, tidak mampu, sangat sulit dan kata negatif lainnya. Selamanya siswa akan merasa sangat sulit ketika belajar bahasa inggris. Bagaimana seorang siswa bisa menguasai kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris jika di dalam dirinya masih menyimpan mental blok yang tebal. Begitu hebatnya alam bawah sadar mempengaruhi kinerja otak secara bertahap namun pasti. Sehingga menimbulkan mental blok yang semakin tebal pada diri setiap siswa. sebagai seorang guru harus memahami keadaan setiap siswanya sebelum memulai pelajaran. Melakukan relaksasi dan tritment untuk membuat ia dalam keadan tenang dan kondusif. Melalui proses belajar guru membantu menghilangkan mental blok pada diri siswa agar ia lebih mudah mengikuti proses belajar.
Mental blok artinya kondisi jiwa yang meyakini sebuah konsep mental salah, lemah, dan kalah, seperti keyakinan akan dirinya sebagai seorang yang lemah, bodoh, miskin, serba kekurangan, merasa tidak mampu, dan lain- lain. Mental blok dapat juga diartikan sebagai kondisi mentalitas jiwa yang mempunyai keyakinan salah akan persepsi pada diri sendiri.
Menurut Jennie S, “ bila ada sepasang anak yang terlahir kembar dengan komposisi genetika yang identik, mendapat pendidikan sama, pengalaman hidup yang serupa, namun akhirnya mereka tetap mempunyai kepribadian yang tidak sama, hal ini dikarenakan setiap otak memperogram dirinya masing-masing , alias mengonstruksi diri secara berbeda.
Apa yang diutarakan Jennie mengandung arti bahwa potensi kecerdasan pikiran manusia itu pada awalnya sama, tidak jauh berbeda satu sama lainnya. Perbedaan itu terjadi karena adanya pengaruh dari luar diri, keluarga, bacaan, lingkungan maupun sekolah.
Para siwa yang dalam fikirannya banyak bersarang mental blok niscaya akan menjadi pelajar yang pasif, pesimistik, berpandangan negatif terhadap diri sendiri dan dunia luar, paradigma pola fikir dan pola tindakan akan tertutup rapat, susah untuk maju dan berkembang. Mental blok yang bersemayam dalam dirinya akan bekerja secara spontan dan tiba-tiba. Jika seseorang mengucapkan kata-kata tidak bisa, tidak akan, tidak mampu, tidak benar, dan salah, maka hal itulah yang kemungkinan besar ia dapatkan di dunia nyata. Dengan bahasa tersebut ia sudah menolak keberhasilan. Pelajar yang berkeyakinan negatif, mental bloknya terlalu tebal, berpikiran negatif terhadap diri sendiri, inilah fakta yang banyak terjadi. Banyak di dapati siswa yang bercitra diri negatif. Mereka menganggap dirinya bodoh , malas, nakal, dan serba tidak bisa dalam menelaah pelajaran. Mereka mendapatkan nilai Bahasa Inggris di sekolah sangat minim. Dalam diri siswa selalu terngiang ungkapan “Bahasa Ingris susah” atau “ kamu sudah berusaha belajar, namun nilai kamu tetap jelek. Ini berarti kamu memang anak bodoh dan tidak berbakat pintar.” Kata-kata bodoh, malas, dan sejenisnya merupakan virus fikiran yang sangat berbahaya bagi anak. Bila anak sering mendapatkan kata-kata negatif, maka lambat laun anak akan meyakini dan membenarkanya. Setelah itu otaknya akan mengalami kemandegan berpikir. Jiwanya lemah dan diliputi patah semangat. Tidak memiliki semangat . pribadinya menjadi rendah diri dan jauh dari kepercayaan diri. Contohnya seperti kata- kata tersebut “ kalau bicara pakai otak jangan pakai dengkul”. Dengan kata-kata tersebut otaknya tidak akan mau bekerja dan akan istirahat total. Dia tidak akan berbicara dengan menggunakan otak tapi dengan menggunakan dengkul. Seperti yang dikatakan orang-orang di sekitarnya seperti orang tua, guru, atau orang yang lebih dewasa dari dirinya.
Siapa programer mental blok itu ? perlu di ketahui bahwa orang tualah yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap pembentukan mental blok dalam diri ank-anaknya. Orang tua atau lingkungan keluarga adalah programer pertama dalam pembentukan mental blok. Setelah itu baru lingkungan sekitar, termasuk lingkungan sekolah. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama menjadi guru yang praktek di suatu sekolah, saya melihat di dalam sekolah tersebut banyak sekali siswa yang mempunyai prilaku negatif. Dan sumber prilaku negatif mereka ini adalah orang tua. Orang tua yang tidak berbicara dengan sopan, tidak mendidik anak dengan kasih sayang. Orang tua cenderung menggunakan kekerasan untuk mendidik anak sehingga jiwanya terluka, dia akan berperilaku negatif dan cenderung juga kasar terhadap teman-temannya. Ini akan berdampak pada proses belajar dan berinteraksi ketika di sekolah. Kesuksesan dan kegagalan hidup akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kejiwaan dan mentalitas diri, yang dalam perkembangan evolusi dunia keilmuan di kenal dengan sebutan “emotional and spiritual” bukan oleh kecerdasan intelektualnya. Bagaimana mungkin intelektual bisa bekerja jika emosional terganggu ketenangannya ? intelektual akan berfungsi dengan sangat baik di kala kecerdasan emosional dan spiritual terkelola dengan bagus. Sesungguhnya segala sesuatu itu ada sebab musababnya. Kecerdasan siswa bisa di sebabkan oleh peran serta pendidik yang sangat menyenangkan , hubungan psikologis antara siswa dan guru yang terjalin baik dan juga peran orang tua yang ikut mendidik anak dengan penuh kasih sayang dan gaya pengajaran yang membanggakan akan membantu perkembangan diri anak menuju kemajuan.
Menerapkan metode Hypnoteaching dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk memotivasi siswa agar kembalinya semangat, niat belajar dan kepercayaan terhadap diri sendiri. Menghilangkan mental blok pada dirinya. Menenangkan keadaan jiwa dan emosionalnya sehingga ia siap dalam menerima pelajaran. Memberikan sugesti-sugesti positif dalam proses belajar tentang kosa kata bahasa inggris, agar ia mudah menguasai pelajaran dan fokus ketika belajar.
So that from the writer’s experience, she is interesting to conduct her study with the title : “THE EFFECT OF HYPNOTEACHING METHODE TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN MASTERY VOCABULARRY”

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
NAME: ARMAIDHA SINAGACLASS: VII B MORNING "THE EFFECT OF HYPNOTEACHING METHOD TO INCREASE STUDENTS ' ACHIEVEMENT IN MASTERY VOCABULARRY" Learning a language is not easy. Moreover, the language has become the international language. The language of instruction to be able to interact with strangers, when wanting to work in the company or others. Inevitably, or rather not like, English has become one of the principal lessons at each of the schools began JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL until high school. When doing a survey of students who love English with students who did not like the English will be the highest percentage found students who do not like English. In addition it is difficult to understand the pronunciation as well as how to perceive it too hard. That's some of the reasons which most students. This makes student learning intentions become low. They become lazy learning ordered already assumed if English is difficult. But if there's a will there's a way. So everything started from the intention and the will for sure there is a way to menggapainya. Why in the United Kingdom refer to as language lessons are very difficult. There are some statements that would cause mental block on every individual word that I can't, it's very hard for me, I won't probably could, and other negative words. indirectly these words already mensugesti our subconscious and slowly but surely these words will bring a change in yourself and against these lessons. The mind will justify what is already saved by the subconscious of every individual who says he can't, can't afford, it is very difficult and other negative words. All students will find it very difficult when learning English. How a student can master the vocabulary in the United Kingdom if inside of her mental block that still holds a thick. So great is the unconscious affect the performance of the brain gradually but steadily. The mental block that is giving rise to increasingly bold in each student. as a teacher must understand the State of their students before the start of each lesson. Perform relaxation and tritment to make it in their quiet and conducive. Through the learning process of teachers helps eliminate the mental blocks in the students so that it is easier to follow the learning process.The Mental block that is the condition of soul that believes a mental concept wrong, weak, and lose, such as the belief in himself as a weak, stupid, poor, underprivileged, feel inadequate, and others. Mental blocks can also be interpreted as a condition of the soul has the mentality of belief will be the perception of yourself.According to Jennie s., "when there is a child born of a pair of twins with identical genetic composition, got the same education, life experiences that are similar, but in the end they still have the same personality, this is because every brain himself each memperogram, aka mengonstruksi differently. What was Jennie meaning that the potential intelligence of the human mind that is initially the same, not much different from each other. The differences occur due to influence from outside of yourself, family, reading, school or neighborhood.The Shiva who in his mind many of the mental blocks nested will undoubtedly become a passive learner, who, seeing the negative toward themselves and the outside world, and patterns of thought pattern paradigm action will be tightly closed, difficult to progress and develop. The Mental block that resides in him would work spontaneously and unexpectedly. If someone say the words cannot, will not, cannot afford, not right, and wrong, then it is most likely he got in the real world. With the language he had refused the success. Students who had been negative, mental bloknya too thick, negative thinking to yourself, this is a fact that many occurred. Many of the students found the negative self bercitra. They considered him stupid, lazy, mischievous, and the Department could not in his lessons. They get the value of a language school in the United Kingdom is very minimal. The students always ringing phrase "Ingris Language hard" or "you've been trying to learn, but the value you are still ugly. This means you are stupid and not talented children smart. " The words are stupid, lazy, and the like is a mind virus is very dangerous for the child. When children often get negative words, then gradually the child will believe and membenarkanya. After that, his brain will experience a kemandegan think. His soul was weak and covered with a broken spirit. Not having the spirit. his private being inferior and far from self-confidence. Examples of such words are "If talking brain sharing do not use 2.4". With these words his brain will not want to work and will break the total. She will not speak with the use of the brain but by using 2.4. As people in the surrounding areas such as parents, teachers, or people who are more mature than her. Siapa programer mental blok itu ? perlu di ketahui bahwa orang tualah yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap pembentukan mental blok dalam diri ank-anaknya. Orang tua atau lingkungan keluarga adalah programer pertama dalam pembentukan mental blok. Setelah itu baru lingkungan sekitar, termasuk lingkungan sekolah. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama menjadi guru yang praktek di suatu sekolah, saya melihat di dalam sekolah tersebut banyak sekali siswa yang mempunyai prilaku negatif. Dan sumber prilaku negatif mereka ini adalah orang tua. Orang tua yang tidak berbicara dengan sopan, tidak mendidik anak dengan kasih sayang. Orang tua cenderung menggunakan kekerasan untuk mendidik anak sehingga jiwanya terluka, dia akan berperilaku negatif dan cenderung juga kasar terhadap teman-temannya. Ini akan berdampak pada proses belajar dan berinteraksi ketika di sekolah. Kesuksesan dan kegagalan hidup akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kejiwaan dan mentalitas diri, yang dalam perkembangan evolusi dunia keilmuan di kenal dengan sebutan “emotional and spiritual” bukan oleh kecerdasan intelektualnya. Bagaimana mungkin intelektual bisa bekerja jika emosional terganggu ketenangannya ? intelektual akan berfungsi dengan sangat baik di kala kecerdasan emosional dan spiritual terkelola dengan bagus. Sesungguhnya segala sesuatu itu ada sebab musababnya. Kecerdasan siswa bisa di sebabkan oleh peran serta pendidik yang sangat menyenangkan , hubungan psikologis antara siswa dan guru yang terjalin baik dan juga peran orang tua yang ikut mendidik anak dengan penuh kasih sayang dan gaya pengajaran yang membanggakan akan membantu perkembangan diri anak menuju kemajuan.Implement the method Hypnoteaching in the process of teaching and learning in order to motivate students to return spirit, intention of learning and confidence in yourself. Remove mental blocks on him. Calming State of mental and emotional problems so he prepared in receiving lessons. Give positive autosuggestion autosuggestion-in the process of learning about English words, so that it is easy to master the subject and focus when learning. So that from the writer's experience, she is interesting to conduct her study with the title: "THE EFFECT OF HYPNOTEACHING METHOD TO INCREASE STUDENTS ' ACHIEVEMENT IN MASTERY VOCABULARRY"
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
CLASS: VII B MORNING "THE EFFECT OF METHOD TO INCREASE HYPNOTEACHING STUDENTS 'ACHIEVEMENT IN Mastery VOCABULARRY" Learning a language is not easy. Moreover, the language has become an international language. The language of instruction to be able to interact with strangers, when they want to work in atu companies and others. Like it or not or like it or not, English has become one of the core curriculum in every school from junior high through high school started. When done surveys of students who like English with students who do not like the English language will find the highest percentage of students who do not like the English. in addition it is difficult to be understood pronunciation and how to interpret it too hard. Those are some reasons spoken most students. This makes student learning intention to be low. They became lazy learning krna already assumed if English is difficult. And if there is a will there is a way. So everything started with the intention and the will there is a way to reach it. Why is English called as a very hard lesson. There are some statements that would cause a mental block on every individual that says I can not, it is very difficult for me, I can never be, and other negative words. indirectly these words already mensugesti our subconscious and slowly but surely these words will make a difference to yourself and to the lessons. The mind will justify what is already stored by the unconscious of every individual who said he could not, could not, it is very difficult and the other negative words. Forever the student will find it very difficult when learning English. How a student can master the vocabulary in English if he still keeps in a thick mental block. So great subconscious affects the brain's performance gradually but surely. Giving rise to an increasingly thick mental block to every student. as a teacher has to understand the circumstances of each student before the start of the lesson. Relaxation and tritment to make it in a calm and conducive objec. Through the learning process the teacher helps remove mental blocks on students so that it is easier to follow the process of learning. Mental block means that the state of mind that believes a mental concept wrong, weak, and lose, such as a belief in himself as a weak, ignorant, poor, all-round deprivation, feelings of inadequacy, and others. Mental blocks can also be interpreted as a condition of the mentality of the soul who has faith false perception of myself. According to Jennie S., "when there is a pair of twin children born with identical genetic compositions, received the same education, life experiences are similar, but they finally fixed has a personality that is not the same, this is because every brain memperogram himself respectively, aka construct themselves differently. What Jennie phrased implies that the potential intelligence of the human mind that at first the same, not much different from each other. The difference was due to the influence of the outer self, family, reading, and school environment. The students who in his thoughts a lot of mental nested blocks will undoubtedly be a passive learner, pessimistic, negative view of self and the outside world, a paradigm of thought patterns and pattern action will be sealed, hard to grow and progress. Mental block that resides in him will work spontaneously and unexpectedly. If someone said the words could not, would not, could not, not right, and wrong, then it is most likely that's what he get in the real world. With the language of the success he has already rejected. Students who believes negative, mental blocks too thick, so negative about yourself, it's a fact that a lot happened. Many students find themselves bercitra negative. They consider themselves stupid, lazy, mischievous, and can not be versatile in reviewing lessons. They get the value of English in schools was minimal. In students is always ringing phrase "Britain Language hard" or "you've been trying to learn, but you're still ugly value. This means you're so stupid and untalented children smart. "The words stupid, lazy, and like a mind virus that is very dangerous for children. When children often get negative words, then gradually the child will believe and membenarkanya. After that his brain would stagnation think. His soul is weak and overwhelmed discouraged. Do not have the spirit. personal inferiority into and away from self-confidence. Examples such as these words "when talking about the brain do not wear knee wear". With these words his brain will not work and will complete rest. He will not talk with the brain but by using the knee. As those around him, such as parents, teachers, or people who are more mature than him. Who programmers mentally block it? needs to know that parents are the ones most responsible for the formation of a mental block in his self-ank. Parents or family environment is the first programmer in the formation of a mental block. After that, the surrounding environment, including the school environment. Based on my experience as a classroom teacher during a practice at the school, I saw in the school a lot of students who have a negative attitude. And the source of their negative behavior is the parents. Parents who do not speak politely, not to educate children with affection. Parents tend to use violence to educate children so that his soul is injured, he will be negative and tend to be well behaved violently towards his friends. This will have an impact on the learning process and interact when in school. The success and failure of life will be greatly affected by psychiatric conditions and mentality of self, which in the evolutionary development of science in the world known as "emotional and spiritual" rather than by his intellectual brilliance. How can intellectual might work if emotionally disturbed his composure? intellectual will function very well in times of emotional and spiritual intelligence managed good. Inasmuch as it is no causality. Intelligence of students could be caused by the participation of educators were very pleasant, psychological relationship between students and teachers are well established and also the role of parents who help educate children with a loving and proud teaching style will help to progress the development of the child. Applying the method Hypnoteaching in teaching and learning to motivate their students to the return of the spirit, the intention of learning and self-confidence. Remove the mental block on him. Soothe the soul and emotional state so that it is ready to accept the lesson. Provide suggestions positively in the process of learning about the vocabulary of the English language, so it is easy to master lessons and focus when studying. So that from the writer's experience, she is interesting to conduct her study with the title: "THE EFFECT OF HYPNOTEACHING METHOD TO INCREASE STUDENTS 'ACHIEVEMENT IN Mastery VOCABULARRY "

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