ABSTRACTThesis entitled "ETHICS in the PERSPECTIVE of LEARNING AL-GHAZALI (tela'ah over the book Ihya Uloom al ')" Ditullis by Sukri Bin Zulfari with mentored by Dr. Na'im, m. Ngainun Ag. and Dr. Salamah, M.Ag Keywords: Ethics, Learning, Perspective.The research in this thesis based on the event by a phenomenon of ethics in muslim majority countries is still quite blatantly. Indicators-idikator that can be observed in everyday life such as free association, criminal offence, violence, corruption, manipulation, fraud, and behavior-the behavior of not more laudable, so admirable traits as humility, tolerance, honesty, loyalty, care, mutual aid, social sensitivity, tolerance, and against the ethics of teachers is the nation identity centuries seems to be expensive items. Ironically the world attention from national education against morals or character could be said to be still very much less, due to the orientation of education still tend to give priority to the dimensions of knowledge and less emphasize ethical values, spiritual, mental and emotional intelligence. As a result, many students are now involved a brawl, crime, theft, penodongan, sexual perversion, and processes gunaaan illegal drugs and so on. Therefore, in the teaching and learning process, if an educator of ethical values in the critical limits stretcher by Islam (Quran and Sunnah), then the results will be achieved is the decadence of ethics as it does we see together today. The focus of the research in this thesis were: (1) How ethics learning pupils according to Al-Ghazali in Ihya Uloom al ' book? (2) How ethics teaching teachers according to Al-Ghazali in Ihya Uloom al ' book? (3) how is the relevancy of the thought of Al-Ghazali in Ihya Uloom al ' book on ethics learning in the context of the present?This thesis is beneficial to add insight or intellectual patterns of thought, attitude and also as scientific hasanah. As well as by the existence of this research community actively pay attention to the values of Islam, so that later can help create an Islamic society on the basis of confidence and awareness of the truth of a doctrine or values that are embodied in the attitude and behaviour in daily life and can add insights and deeper understanding of komprehensip about education in majlis ta'lim.The writing of this thesis using research methods. This type of research is a research library (library research), one of the main objects of research are books or other library resources. That is, data sought and found through a literature review of books relevant to the discussion of ethics learning in persfektif Al-Ghazali. Served in the first and second chapters, each of which discuss the introduction and theory framework, whereas in the exposure data/findings and discussion there in the third and fourth chapters.
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